

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · Fantasie
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"We are going to miss". They said unison.

"Sir we are ready to go". One of his guards said

"So girls, this is goodbye. I would be back okay, no need to cry! Come here". Mr. Dunne said.

They rushed to him and hugged him

"Bye! We are going to miss you". they said a bit teary

"I will too, I would call you when I get there okay, love you all and take care of yourself, bye". He enters his car and drove off.

"Stop being stupid, he has to go and see his wife and his son". Saucy scolds them

"You're right… but we would miss him". Anita added

"I don't have anything to tell you guys except from stop crying".

"Who the hell is that. Harry! Harry. Gosh! Am coming". Hindenburg yelled

Open the door, shut it back immediately

"Get out of my house" she yelled

"Come on, open the door, we can talk about this". Mr. Dunne said

"Talk about what! After... just get out". She went back to what she was doing.

Continue ringing the bell

"Mom who is that".

"Harry go to your room".

"But mom".

"Shut up and go to your room, okay". She shouted at him

...She sighs. "He won't stop". She opens the door

"Stay right there and do not come in. what do you want?".

"Am sorry".

"Don't you dare touch, because if you do, you won't like what I would do to you. now tell me,

why are you here?".

"Please, I love you, you would not understand".

"I hate you, seriously. Do you think this is a movie, you are joking with me right, get out of my house, else I would call the police".

"Hindenburg please".

"What are you begging me for. Where were you when our son needed a father, where! You couldn't even call us. You are a wicked man. I was with you when you had nothing and now that you are rich, you don't care. Get out of my house, get out!". About to call the police when he held her hands

"Please, please I have proof".


"If you don't find this valid, or this doesn't convince you, then I would leave, please".

"Fine, let me see this proof of yours. And believe me, if this is some joking, consider this marriage over".

Looking at him angrily trying to get through to the girls

"Now what, where is your proof".

"Please wait". He said and she laughs at him

"Girls! Mr. Dunne is calling". Mya said

"Heyy Mr. Dunne". They said unison

"Heyy girls".

"Are you okay". They asked

"Is this some joke, am asking you. who are these…... very amazing... girls. Why are they so pretty, like dolls, are they real".

"Yes of course they are". He said

"So this is your proof. You felt like I was not pretty enough so that's why…."

"No, no, no! that's not what happen. He could not tell you that he wanted to bring so many people to stay with you, 17 of us. We were homeless before he found us, he helped us, he took us to school, he gave us a name. his a good man, we didn't have to do anything in return, other than just be happy. So please don't judge him, he was only being nice".

"So hard for me to process this, but am proud of you, but you would have just told me, we would have all be happy. Wait did you, this is not our house, you bought a new house".

"Yes I did. The one we lived in wouldn't have been enough for all of us so…".

"Uhh! come here I forgive. Harry! Come downstairs your dad is here". Rushed down at the sound of that


"My boy I missed you so much". He hugged him so tight

"So can we go now, we need to settle the score we have". Saucy said

"Okay, fine bye". Call ended

"So tell me where did you find them".

"Wandering around".

"Wow!". She sighs

"So you are not pregnant". Went back to what she was doing

Coming downstairs, wearing a long white robe. Arms spread out

"Finally…. Some fun and relaxation. Welcome to home vac…...". the doorbell rings. Gets really angry. Groaning

"Who the hell is that. I thought all our neighbors left for vacation…... how did they know we are home. Gosh!". Saucy complains badly

"Just answer the door". Meyan said

"Answer the door!". Repeated what she said

"It was just a slight mistake".

"No am going to answer the door, stupid".

"Who is that". Naso asked

"I don't know, probably our neighbors. Maybe they want to ask for something".

"Okay!". She walked away

"Can you just….". she opens the door, bereft of word

"What's all the commotion about?". Her friends came out, gathered in the leaving room

"Who is at the door?". They asked their self as Saucy couldn't utter a word

"Would let us in or not". Adrain asked

"Saucy! Who is there".

"Your annoying classmates". She said. Step aside. They all drop their tongue, gain their sense after a while.

"What are they doing here". They said unison

"Ask them. Today of all days". Saucy said angrily

"You should be happy that we came to grace your house with our presence". Andy said

"Well we don't need your grace, take them next door".

"Saucy just calm down, we still have time. You guys can sit down". Meyan said

"And welcome to our home". Scarlet added

"Thank you". Ony said

"Care for drinks". Anita said

"No we don't want your cheap drink". Richard said


"So why are you here". She asked

"We came to say goodbye".

"You are going back to Australia?".

"I wish we could". Said within

"Actually, I came to say goodbye".

"Jackson please make this quick".

"Oh…. I see, ok bye I guess".

"Weirdos!". Saucy said

"Is it too soon to tell you to use the door now". She added


"Lets make this quick please, okay, we don't have time".

"Why? Are you going on vacation".

"Something like that". She added

"Ain't you rather too broke for that". Richard said

"You came to our house to insult us". Pricilla added

"Your house! Really". Bereft of words

"So where are you guys going for your vacation?". Jackson asked


"I told you these girls are sick". Hamilton added

"Or you are the dumb once. We are having home vacation". Immediately they started laughing at them

"What the hell. You girls are sick. What the fuck is home vacation". Theo said

"Stop laughing, nothing is funny okay. There is no need explaining to you. How about you come tomorrow to check it out".

"Sure, we will"

"Good! Now you can leave".



"Talk to him calmly, his Mr. Dunne's boss".

"So…. He dares not fire him".

"Fine then, we would come back tomorrow".

"But wait, ain't you travelling again". Anita asked

"We would put that on hold". Drew said

"Okay, bye". They left

"Thank God, now can we leave".


Next morning, everything set for a long-time vacation.

"Put that there, perfect. Am so proud of you girls come here". Big hug

"Okay we all smell so bad, so we have to shower. Do not take forever".

"Okay!". They rushed to the bathroom

An hour later. Looking through the window

"They are quick. Girls they are here". She yelled

Open the door even before they could ring the bell

"Good morning".

"You've been expecting us".

"Hmm-mm! welcome to home vacation". Door wide open

"Wow what did you guys transform this place to".

"Anything you can think of. Come on let me show you around".

"This is amazing". Jackson said

"I don't see anything amazing here Jackson all this are cheap things".

"You have a problem; one you won't ever find a solution to". Saucy added

"Come on let me show you around". Talking to Jackson

"What have they done to my friend". Richard said

...tour round the house

"This is amazing, that's the only thing I can say".

"Thank you!".

"Want a massage?". Lusiya asked

"Sure" he replied took Jackson with her

"There you are, we have a flight to catch".

"So what do you want".


"Well sorry! He just book 2hours for a body massage". She walked away

"So what are you guys! Body guards or what". David mocked. Mariana steps on his foot so hard

"Hey wait, fuck! When did he…. his car is still outside. Heyy you". Richard said within, while Mariana and Mya went to the door post

"What do you want".

"Jackson, give us Jackson".

"Well home vacation got the better". She entered another room, but two female guards by the door side, restricting them from entering

"Let us in".

"VIPs only".

"Wait is that Pricilla".


"And am guessing that you are Anita".

"No am Juliana".

"Whatever let me through".

"VIP only are you deaf".

"What do we look like". Justin asked

"VAP". They started laughing

"Stop laughing, we need to go".

"You are disturbing us, leave VAP". Juliana added

"We need Jackson ok".

"Let me be serious with you, the only way you are getting pass us is if you tip us".

"Whatever, send your account number". Richard said

"You know we are two different people right". Pricilla said

"I know".

"Oh I've receive mind

"Hey calm down I haven't received mine... I've seen the alert, now you can pass". They aloud Richard to pass

"Where do you think you are going…. Don't say anything. You all have to tip us and the higher the number, the higher the money, and you are number one Justin". Pricilla said

"I've heard you, send your account number".

...as they sent the money, they gain pass one by one. Getting really happy for each alert

"You can all go…. We are rich, I love my job". Pricilla said

"Jackson we have to go".

Moaning…. "Am not going".

"Are you stupid, we have a flight to catch". Nitto added

"I know, am not interested any more. Am loving this body massage. Do me a favor, tell my guards to bring my luggage, let me enjoy some home vacation".

"Ye this guy gets it".

"But wait where would he stay".

"Annabel's room. She's the only one staying there".

"Yeah roomie". Jackson said

"Gosh Jackson be a man".

"I can't, just continue with the massage".

"He has lost his senses, so now what". Jamaine asked

"If we leave without Jackson they would ask of question, and we would have to tell them the truth. And they would come here which won't be good, so we have to stay". Adrain added

"Fine! We would stay, just make reservations for our stay".

"What! 17 is too much, except…. I think I have an idea".

"Think fast". Fredi added

"No one is going to massage me again

"Snap out of it". They yelled, left the room

"Am proud of you guys".

"Just shut up".

"You won't regret this".

"We better not".