

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · Fantasie
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59 Chs


2years later.

In her bed room, sweating seriously, not so comfortable while sleeping.

"No.... no.... no!". Anita said that repeatedly. she woke up in shock, breathing fast, she drank the glass of water next to her. She got up from the bed, took a deep breath.

"it's just a dream". she said to herself, holding her hair so tight.

"No it's not a dream, who is going to die?".

Next morning, doorbell rings.

"Who is there?". saucy said out loud.

"Meyan, go and get it". she instructed. Meyan at the door.

"Who is it? Please wait". she opens the door, being really formal.

"Am sorry, who are you?". Meyan asked.

"Ooh! That must be Ella". Allison said.

"Oh! You know her, come in please". she shut the door.

"Gees, I have been expecting you".

"Sorry, I had to wait for Claudia to come".

"Oh! She's back! that's good".

"Thanks to you, they lifted the rules, I mean, it's been long since I hugged my baby, thank you so much, you are a true role model".

"I would take that." The both laugh

"so what should I give you?".

"Nothing really".

"What do you mean by nothing really? You know you are not in a business meeting, oh please".

"There you go, do whatever".

"Thank you, my dear friend." Ella said.

"So, tell me, what's your plan towards these girls? what are you going to do with them?"

"Do with them? Mm I don't get you fully, but I think I would let that slide. My plans actually. Hmmm, I just want them to improve on their selves, so we would all move to Ohio fully and then they would go to school."

"Wow! Such a nice plan for another man rejected child."

"Ella!" Allison shouted. "Please stop it".

"Whatever". pause, sip her wine, weird look at each other, chuckles.

Later that day.

.....Up at the balcony

"mom". Called out.

"Am right hear". Allison replied. Walked up to her, rest her head on her chest.

"My short princess" Anita raised her head slowly, making a sad, cute face.

"Look at her long nose". Allison pulled it, they both laughed

"I love you so much mom".

"I love you too darling, all of you, I love all of you".

"should I tell her that I have been dreaming again? No, no she doesn't have to know, if I keep quiet then no one would know". She said within

"Are you okay?".

"Yes! Am fine, sure am speaking the truth".

"Did I say you were lying, silly. Go to bed, with your big butt".

"Mom!" she left.

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