
128. The Oath

Time passed and after half an hour and with nothing happening, Mack finally heard the voice of the pilot. "We reached our destination. Prepare to land".

Hearing his report on the main hall, Mack quickly gazed outside the window and saw a small island just like any tiny island from Earth.

After a few minutes, the transportation vehicle landed, and they exited the ship, facing a hot sun and plants akin to coconut trees but with clear shades of wood and smaller fruits, it really seemed like a paradisiacal island in the middle of nowhere, the beach had white and clean sand and the waves clashed against the shore forming small foam waves.

Mack almost wanted to just lay there and enjoy the life, after all, life was about this. To enjoy it.

Unfortunately, they were on the run, otherwise Mack would probably disregard any concerns and just lay there and bath on the hot sunlight.