
The Last Sun

"What is power? How is it attained? Since the dawn of humanity, individuals have sought it relentlessly. All of recorded history has been shaped by the pursuit of power. The insatiable desire for power has driven humans into conflict with one another, whether it be over land, women, or wealth - all things that fuel this lust for dominance. As long as humanity endures, the quest to assert control over others and acquire power will persist. This is the narrative of a relentless pursuit of power. So, dear readers, let us delve into the story..."

Shiki457 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

In the opulent chambers of the royal palace, the air was heavy with the scent of wine and the murmur of laughter. King Antonius Aetherion reclined on his ornate bed, his regal robes slightly askew, a flagon of wine clutched in his hand. By his side were two courtesans, their silks shimmering in the low candlelight.

Just as the mirthful haze threatened to swallow the room whole, the door creaked open. In strode Orin Copperheads, a dwarf whose wisdom was matched only by his penchant for jest. The king's eyes flashed with anger, but Orin stood his ground, undaunted.

"Your Majesty," Orin began, his voice measured and filled with respect, "I beg your pardon for the intrusion, but urgent matters await your attention."

Antonius scowled, the mirth fading from his eyes. "What business do you have here, imp? You enter my chamber unbidden!"

Orin's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Forgive me, Your Grace, but it is the Queen who requires your audience. Matters of great import press upon her, and she seeks your counsel."

The king's brow furrowed, momentarily distracted from his anger. "The Queen? What could be so pressing?"

As the whores gathered their silks and made their way towards the door, Orin couldn't resist a playful gesture. He gave one of them a cheeky pat on the backside, and she shot him a saucy grin before departing.

Antonius' gaze followed them, then snapped back to Orin, his curiosity piqued. "What was that, imp?"

Orin's face held an innocent façade, though his eyes glinted with mischief. "Just ensuring their safe departure, Your Majesty. You know how these delicate flowers can be. Now, if I may, the Queen awaits."

With a final, bewildered glance at Orin, King Antonius gestured impatiently. "Very well, be quick about it."

As Orin turned to leave, he couldn't help but offer a parting quip. "Rest assured, Your Majesty, I shall not delay the affairs of the kingdom. Duty calls, and so do I!"

The door closed behind Orin, leaving the king to contemplate the peculiar dwarf and the enigmatic urgency of the Queen. In the dim chamber, the remnants of revelry lingered, replaced by a sense of foreboding that hung in the air.

In the serene enclave of the zenana, the air was hushed, punctuated only by the rustle of silks and the soft padding of footsteps. As King Antonius entered, the attendants and ladies-in-waiting discreetly withdrew, leaving only Queen Isabella Delacourt, a lady of striking beauty and sharp wit, in the room.

Antonius regarded his queen, his expression a mixture of weariness and curiosity. "You summoned me, Isabella?"

Her gaze met his, unwavering and stern. "Indeed, my lord," she replied, her voice carrying the weight of admonition. "You spend too much time in revelry, and with companions ill-suited for a king."

The rebuke stung, but Isabella pressed on, her tone softened by concern. "There are pressing matters that require your attention, matters of state that should not be neglected."

Antonius shifted uncomfortably, the lines of age etched on his face betraying the years he carried. "Isabella, you know the demands that weigh on me. A little diversion is all."

Isabella's gaze bore into his, unyielding. "Diversion should not be your sole occupation, my lord. There is a messenger from your subordinate kingdom, here to discuss important affairs. It is time you give them the attention they deserve."

Antonius sighed, acknowledging the wisdom in her words. "You are right, Isabella. I have been remiss."

She inclined her head gracefully. "Your realm relies on you, Antonius. It is a burden, but one you bear for the greater good."

As he turned to leave, Antonius cast one final glance at his queen, struck by the depth of her understanding and the grace with which she carried her responsibilities. In that moment, he found himself grateful for her steadfast presence, a beacon of wisdom in the tumultuous sea of his reign.

In the palace courtyard, King Antonius and Queen Isabella strolled hand in hand, the weight of their royal duties momentarily lightened by their shared presence.

As they walked, a tall, dignified young man approached. It was Ethan, the King's son from his first wife. Antonius' face softened with warmth. "Ethan, my boy, it's a sight for sore eyes. How fares the world?"

Ethan's eyes gleamed with a familiar spark. "Father, the kingdom thrives under your rule. It's good to be in your company."

Yet, Isabella's demeanor remained composed, her apprehension evident. She observed in silence, her feelings towards Ethan thinly veiled.

King Antonius: "Ethan, your presence is a balm to this court. Tell me, what news have you?"

Prince Ethan: "Thank you, Your Majesty. It's an honor to stand here. The kingdom's pulse beats strong, thanks to your guidance."

Queen Isabella managed a gracious smile, though her eyes betrayed her unease.

King Antonius: "Ethan, there are matters that call for your wisdom. I value your counsel, my boy."

Prince Ethan: "I stand ready, Father. My ears are yours, eager to serve."

As the conversation waned, Queen Isabella held her composure. When Prince Ethan took his leave, the queen's gaze lingered on him, a hint of concern in her eyes.

Once Ethan had departed, the queen turned to the king, her voice measured. "Antonius, you must know my reservations are born of love for our kingdom."

King Antonius, his affection for Ethan evident, was puzzled by the queen's stance. "Isabella, he is my blood, a part of this realm's story."

Queen Isabella: "I do not dispute that, my lord. But we must tread these waters with care, considering all they may bring."

King Antonius' countenance held a mix of paternal love and a desire to find equilibrium with his queen. The unspoken tension lingered as they forged ahead to meet the messenger.

In the opulent grand chamber, bathed in the warm embrace of torchlight, King Antonius and Queen Isabella received the messenger. His entrance brought an air of gravitas, carrying news of significance that hung heavy in the chamber's regal atmosphere - King Edward of Astoria expressed a desire for an audience.

"Your Majesties," the messenger intoned, bowing respectfully. "I bring word from the kingdom of Astoria. King Edward wishes to visit and engage in discussions of great import."

Antonius, his countenance a tableau of contemplation, acknowledged the message with a nod of gratitude. "You have our thanks for delivering this missive promptly. King Edward's visit is anticipated. Please, convey our appreciation."

As the messenger departed, his steps echoing against the ornate stone floor, Antonius allowed his gaze to linger on the richly embroidered hangings that adorned the chamber's walls. The looming presence of a history shared with King Edward tugged at the edges of his thoughts.


Long ago, in the turbulent narrative of their intertwined kingdoms, a tragic tale had unfurled. It was a chapter of simmering tensions and territorial disputes, a time when ambitions clashed like thunderheads on the horizon. The younger brother of King Edward, a spirited prince with dreams that soared as high as the turrets of their castles, had ventured boldly into lands that bore the sovereign mark of Antonius.


As Antonius's thoughts swirled with the memories of that fateful encounter, he turned to Queen Isabella, her visage reflecting the somber gravity of their shared past. "Isabella," he began, his voice a measured cadence that sought solace in the familiar, "you remember well the events surrounding King Edward's brother. It was a moment that altered the course of our realms."

To be continued...