
The Last Outlaw

In a world where the East reigns supreme and the West is but a distant memory, "The Last Outlaw" follows the journey of Q, a rugged Frenchman who awakens from cryo-sleep to find himself in a future dominated by a different culture and technology. Branded an outlaw by his natural different look in this new world order, Q must navigate the unfamiliar landscape of megacities and high-tech surveillance while grappling with his own sense of displacement and loss. As he embarks on a quest for redemption and survival, Q's journey takes him across vast deserts, bustling metropolises, and treacherous landscapes, where he encounters allies and adversaries alike. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, Q must confront his own demons and embrace his destiny as the unlikely hero who could change the course of history. "The Last Outlaw" is a gripping tale of resilience, identity, and the enduring spirit of the lone gunslinger in an uncertain future.

qmpro · sci-fi
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12 Chs

Chapter 9: Wei Chen's words of advises

It was about 3 a.m. The streets were smoky, and a weird smog was lazily swirling around the dark, narrow avenues of this poorer part of the city.

Q couldn't believe this night, and he couldn't help but feel that something was off about his real integration into the city.

As he followed Wei Chen's quick pace, he realized something else: everyone tonight seemed to have a duty, something to do. No unemployment. One might think a family-driven society would have a hardworking and providing leader with many parasites around, but it seemed inaccurate.

He also felt the gap between servant and host tonight was extremely pronounced. Women, as always, seemed all terrifically beautiful, but they weren't all treated the same. He remembered Mei with a dog collar, walking away with that look of death in her eyes, and the pitying glances some others gave her. And his inability to act. At this thought, Q's fist clenched. Was Tia and Felicia's involvement intentional tonight? Why did he agree to follow a complete stranger?

As his thoughts raced, he turned off a street and arrived at some sort of cemetery. This cemetery was special because everything seemed old and luxurious at the same time. Despite its appearance, the area seemed closed off, but Wei Chen opened it with a kind of key and closed it behind them.

They passed many names before stopping in front of a tomb with the name "Tannel."

Wei Chen knelt down in front of the tomb. Q thought he was praying at first but then realized he was scratching the ground. Wei Chen then inserted the tip of his shiny collar into a hole.

The golden stone opened in two, revealing some old stairs. They descended as the stone closed behind them. Wei Chen lit a candle with his lighter.

They arrived in an empty room, completely dark except for the candle's light. It was eerie, but Q decided to moderate his expression of fear.

"From here, Mr. Q, you are in a diplomatic area. Everything you say or do is protected by law," Wei Chen said.

Q didn't understand very well but nodded out of politeness.

The wall started to shake and eventually collapsed into the floor, revealing six figures entirely covered, like a secret society. It was almost too much to take in.

Wei Chen was serious. Some candles on the wall lit up, and the temperature rose. Wei Chen extinguished his lighter.

"Welcome, Mr. Q," said one man. Q recognized this voice. It was the consul's. His corpulence under those excessive layers of clothing was unmistakable, but Q remained silent.

Q stood silently, taking in the figures before him. Their presence was imposing, their identities hidden under layers of ceremonial attire. He felt a shiver of unease but suppressed it, maintaining a composed demeanor. The consul's voice resonated in the dimly lit room, a curious mixture of familiarity and menace.

"Mr. Q, we have been expecting you," the consul said. "We understand you find yourself in unfamiliar territory, with many questions about your surroundings and your place within them."

Q nodded, his mind racing. "You have the advantage of knowing me, but I know nothing of you. Who are you, and what do you want from me?"

The consul stepped forward, his voice calm and measured. "We are a coalition of those who seek to reshape this city, this nation, into something more... equitable. We have the means, but we require someone who can operate outside the constraints of our society's norms. Someone like you."

Q raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "You want me to be your agent?"

"Precisely," another figure chimed in, their voice soft yet firm. "You will assume the role of an ambassador, a position that will grant you authority and influence. In return, we will provide you with protection and wealth. You will be our envoy, executing missions that are crucial to our cause."

Q's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. The offer was tempting, but the risks were immense. "And what exactly is your cause?"

The consul responded, "We aim to dismantle the oppressive structures that govern this society. To liberate those like Mei and ensure that every individual, regardless of their origin or status, has a chance to thrive. It is a revolution, Mr. Q, one that requires careful planning and execution."

Q knew a lot about revolutions and their consequence. Everyone in his time knew about the French revolution, but very little knew that the time just after the revolution was called the terror. 

Q's skepticism was evident. "And why do you need me? Surely there are others within your ranks who could fulfill this role."

A third figure spoke, their voice tinged with a hint of urgency. "You are an outsider, Mr. Q. Your detachment from the ingrained hierarchies and your unique perspective make you invaluable. You are not bound by the loyalties and fears that constrain us."

Q considered their words carefully. He had always felt like an outsider, even before he was cryogenically frozen. His disconnection from the norms of this future society could indeed be a strength.

Q sensed that they all knew his nation was a lie, a dust with smog so small everyone can see through it. 

"What kind of missions are we talking about?" Q asked, his tone cautious but curious.

The consul's eyes gleamed behind his mask. "Intelligence gathering, covert operations, strategic disruptions. You will be the catalyst for change, operating under the guise of a legitimate consul while furthering our agenda."

Q's mind raced with possibilities. He understood the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences. "And if I refuse?"

Q was also concerned about a potential test. Were those men testing if he was on a mission? They could be faking their true motive.

Another figure, whose presence exuded a quiet authority, answered, "Refusal is, of course, an option. But consider the alternatives. You will remain an outsider, vulnerable and without allies in a world that is unkind to those who do not belong."

Q nodded slowly, weighing his options. The offer was dangerous, but it also presented a rare opportunity. "What assurances do I have that you will keep your end of the bargain?"

The consul's tone was resolute. "We are bound by a common purpose. Your success is our success. Our resources will be at your disposal, and our network will ensure your safety. Together, we can bring about a new order."

Q took a deep breath, his decision forming. "Very well. I will accept your offer, on the condition that I maintain autonomy in how I execute these missions. I will not be a pawn."

The figures exchanged glances, and the consul nodded. "Agreed. Your autonomy is crucial to your effectiveness. Welcome to our cause, Mr. Q."

Q suddenly realized he had made the mistake to ask too litle, he thought fast and added 

"And Wen Chen" "I want Wen Chen" 

The assembly seemed surprised. They took a moment to discuss, and came back with a question

"Mr Q, will that be your last demand?" 

Q thought.

"Yes" he answered

"Then you will have Wen Chen, but at the sole condition that his knowledge before your ownership could never used against his old owner" 

"deal" said Q

As the clandestine meeting continued, Q felt a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. He was stepping into a dangerous game, one that required every ounce of his intelligence and cunning. But in this new world, he was determined to carve out a place for himself, even if it meant navigating the treacherous waters of revolution and intrigue.

As he was going back, Wei Chen told him very quickly and softly 

"Mr Q, don't underestimate those men, I beg you" he said looking deep down inside Q's eyes. 

"What was possibly going on here?" wondered Q