
The Last Man in the Universe

A man with a unique name, Ue (spelling; Yu), decides to accept an offer to join a program called 'Into The Hole' because he is bored with his life. The program requires someone to be flown and enter a Black Hole which for thousands of years has always been a mystery to scientists. This program is sponsored by Hidetoshi Akimura, who spent his entire life dedicated to studying a Black Hole which they named the Black Eye, somewhere in the Norma Arm, Milky Way. While Ue is on his mission to the Black Eye, there is chaos on Earth, a catastrophe that nearly wipes out humanity. The disaster was caused by the Healer serum, a serum previously touted as a miracle serum and highly revered by the public, now become a deadly serum that wipes out more than two-thirds of the Earth's population. Can Ue complete his mission? And what about the fate of the remaining human beings on Earth? Find the answer in this novel.

Ando_Ajo · sci-fi
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172 Chs

To the Sea

Yeah, she needs a good rest considering her weak body condition, Denia thought.

The second attempt failed, "Damn it!" Alexander mumbled, but he did not wonder, this yacht had not been used for a long time.

He tried again, and again. Then he left the wheelhouse and strode briskly toward the stern.

"Hey, you awake?" he asked with a frown and stifled a laugh at Denia.

"Fuck off!" Denia snorted. "How can I sleep? You start this yacht's engine like a rookie!"

"Damn you!" he said as he walked over to Jerry in the back.

"What happened?"

"She's jammed," said Alexander. "What can you expect? This ship has been parked here for a long time."

Jerry chuckled and went back to observing the conditions around them, leaving Alexander with his business because he didn't understand ship engines.

Alexander checked several small hoses from the fuel tank that were connected to the booster engines.