
The Last Magus by MDJ

Aiden prepared his whole life for one thing, being a mage. So when the day comes to test his affinity for magic and start his journey he found himself crushed when he discovers he has no affinity for magic. Without purpose and desperate for a solution he uncovers a staff that possesses the spirit of Kyrun the Last Magus an extremely powerful being who is also known as one of the greatest enemies of the Xen Empire. Now set on a new path Aiden must decide if he wants to take the advice of a villain or forge a different path altogether.

M_D_J · Fantasie
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2 Chs

The End


Kyrun walked through the ruins of what he had once created. The destruction of towers, homes, and the terror-stricken faces of the few survivors did little to quell his rage. Extending his left hand, a wooden staff materialized. The Root, a staff of deceptively simple appearance, belied the immense power and significance it held. The wielder could channel ambient mana to power spells or directly to the user. This staff, meant for the leader of his people, The Magus, was never intended for Kyrun. Shunning such responsibility, he had fled from it, but as the last known Magus, the duty fell to him. Though never seeing himself as a leader, today, Kyrun would be an avenger.

With authority, he slammed the staff down, and a golden light shattered the protective dome around the Xen empire's castle, protections that crumbled within seconds. With a wave, the staff vanished back into his void space.

Kyrun was taken aback by the ease with which he penetrated the castle defenses and entered the throne room, unchallenged by knights, fighters, or even a daring butler. It seemed suspiciously easy.

The throne room was a testament to excess, with towering marble statues of the king, long silk drapes from the ceiling, and a solid gold throne at the center.

"No wonder this kingdom was once in decline," he thought.

"Face me, and I will spare what remains of your people!" Kyrun's voice, amplified by magic, echoed throughout the empire, exposing the king's cowardice. He waited, but silence was his only answer. A smile crossed his face.

"It all burns then."

Orbs of fire, initially small, grew to boulder size around him. Elemental manipulation was common among his people, but Kyrun's ability to harness multiple elements was exceptional, honed during his travels across the continent.

The memory of his people intensified Kyrun's anguish, turning the fire orbs into pillars that incinerated everything. Soon, the throne room was reduced to ashes.

Exhaustion crept in. Despite his vast magical abilities, even the Magus had his limits. As he summoned his staff, thick vines sprang from the ground, ensnaring his wrist. Caught in an ambush, Kyrun attempted to summon fire, but a sudden earth pillar thwarted him. Adapting, he tried to erect a protective wall, but lightning struck him down before he could complete it.

"What is thi-"


More lightning bolts assaulted him, each one sending waves of pain through his body. Kyrun closed his eyes, focusing on a solution rather than the pain.

Then, he sensed them. Six cloaked figures appeared, their presence familiar. They were the Magi who had accompanied him from their island to assist the Xen Kingdom. Now corrupted, they floated above him, ready to strike.

"Brother Kyrun, stop this madness," the central figure pleaded.

"I am no brother of yours," Kyrun retorted, his voice trembling.

"It didn't have to be this way," another lamented.

"Did you know?" Kyrun demanded.

"We had no idea what you-" one began.

"DID YOU KNOW?!" Kyrun interrupted.

"The king convinced us of the danger our people's knowledge posed to neighboring nations. It was the most logical course of action."

"Logical? To commit genocide against our peaceful people because of perceived danger?" Kyrun's rage was palpable.

"We must consider the greater good," one tried to reason.

"There is no greater good. This ends here," Kyrun declared, a blue light liberating him from his bonds.

"Don't let him cast a spell!" they cried, launching spells at him, but Kyrun absorbed their magic, growing stronger.

"He's absorbing our magic!" one realized in panic.

"You have betrayed your people. Your descendants will be severed from mana," Kyrun proclaimed as branches from the orb ensnared the traitorous Magi, marking them with symbols of their betrayal.

As Kyrun was about to finish, a blade flew through the air, piercing his chest. The King of Xen, shaking with fear, had thrown the weapon.

"Did I... Did I stop him?" the King stammered.

Kyrun's roar of fury was the last sound before a blinding explosion consumed the throne room. When the light faded, only the King, the blade, and the tainted Magi remained. Kyrun, the last Magus, was gone, leaving no trace behind.