
Speaking in Court

A bunch of officers with pistols were facing me. And in front of me, I saw Captain Dice. "Ahhh finally, the lawbreaker is caught. Really, you created havoc in the world." I growled. Guns clicked. "I suggest you don't attack," he said. "I need to talk to him." I looked at him in hatred. The muscles disgusted me. His smirk felt like a thousand vipers in my eyes. Officers dragged me into the room. As the door shut, my anger went into worry.

"I only have five minutes to talk to you. That wouldn't be enough—would it," Captain Dice said.

He pressed a button on the remote control. The screen crashed. "Now, we have unlimited time," Captain Dice continued. "When I was born, I always thought I would save the world. I figured out, there are really no heroes. Except military and police and firefighters." He sat back. "But, you see. It's a job and it's not unique. But, what I'm trying to do is more mind-blowing. And it could help the world."

"I have no idea what your mission is," I said. Captain Dice sat up. "We are trying to make you guys into humans. You guys breed faster. You're stronger than

normal people. You're able to make guns with your mind. Which brings me to the point. Where is the orb?" He moved closer from his seat. Now, normally for these situations. In movies, they always lie, "I don't know where they are!" In my case, it's different. I know who the orb is, but I don't know where they are. And he's pretty much asking that.

"I don't know where it is," I said. I crossed my legs. Captain Dice barked, "Look here you Sonic rat. God Almighty knows who lies and who doesn't. Where is it?" He barked.

"For real, I don't know at all. Okay?"

He smacked with a pistol. My head started bleeding. "Does it look like I want to mess around with you?" he hissed. I rolled my eyes. He sighed. "Let's hear it in court, then." He dragged me out of the room. Later that minute, I was in my cell. I sighed and digged into my head. If you didn't know about photos. Our photos are videos of our memories all stored in our heads. I took out a video of Mom and Dad. I haven't explained much about them but they were the best, ever since I went into orbschool.

They were very strict when messing up things. But I remember modeling with Mom and playing ball with Dad.

I wonder how they'll feel that I'm in prison, lost in the human world. I saw a video of me and my parents. "I love you Mommy," my little self said. "We love you too," my parents said. They kissed my forehead. I sighed. Purple tears came from my eyes. "I'm sorry," I cried. I held the memory close to me. I cried into sleep, I mean—that's what crying does. Few hours later, I heard a shake on my cell. "Hey," someone said. I woke up, and saw Orbix and McKayla.

"Guys!" I shouted. They went into the cell and we had a very big hug. That was probably the best thing that happened since I was in jail.

"Why didn't you continue on to go home?" I asked.

"Because, you weren't coming with us."

"Well, I guess that's what's supposed to happen. Just to rot in this cell until I perish."

McKayla raised her eyes up. "Well, you're not literally in jail, you still have to speak in court."

I hissed, "Do you think they'll listen to a person who's committed so many crimes?" McKayla shrugged, "For what situation you're in, they might understand. You may not have tried to kill all those people."

"But, I did try."

"No, the other time."

"Those cars blew up, it was practically their fault."

"But, why did those cars blow up?"

I stayed silent. "Just tell them what happened. Or get yourself a lawyer." I mumbled, "With what money?" But, I understood what she meant.

The judge hit the gavel. "Silence!" The audience were the family of all the random people we killed, Captain Dice and his soldiers, Salie who smirk goes into your soul, McKayla, and a lot of people. "So, Kay?"

"It's Kai actually."

"Thank you," the judge said. "You've committed theft, manslaughter, attempted murder, and destroyed a bridge contruction work that would've helped bring a faster way to where they go." I sighed and played with the pen.

"Kai." I was buried playing my pen.

"Kai!" The judge shouted. I looked up. "Yes," I weakly said. "Do you have a say for all these crimes," the judge said.

Someone scoffed. "Him, have a say. When he killed our children for no reason?!" I said, "I didn't even kill any children."

"Shut your mouth, you little ba—"


The person sat down. I looked at McKayla. She mouthed, Tell them. They'll understand.

I sighed. "So, I was just a normal kid back in my world. Until, some dragon chased me and my life got a bit dizzy." The people murmured. The judge banged his gavel. "Silence!"

I continued on, "I found this orb that you guys all want apparently. And then, your most trusted buff military person tried to capture me." People gasped. I saw

Captain Dice's face sweating. "He tried to kill me and luckily, I survived. But, that wasn't the only attempt. He tried to kick me off a waterfall. Another dark skinned man also tried to harm me in the gas station. That was why all the killing was there," I said. "And he also captured one of my friends. And the bridge construction site. You guys just saw a Bugatti drive along the bridge. We totally broke it. And how many people I may have destroyed, we were in a chase!"

The judge nodded. I said my last words for them, "And they both tried to kill me for one reason. The orb.

All this was only just for self-defense. I'm done." Everyone shouted and murmured.

"He's still a murderer either way!"

"He killed my child. Make him pay!!!"

"You savage!"

The judge screamed, "Quiet! I'm getting too old for this." He looked at me. "Now, you've hired a lawyer, Orhand Bixton."

Orhand Bixton.


Orbix cleared his throat. "If I can be reasonable, this Orbal was just doing self defense. And for the bridge, a van broke it instead," he said. "But nevertheless he caused it," another judge said. Orbix looked at them. "You guys are putting too much on this boy. In fact, he's a kid! Think about the guy that put him into this mess." The judge looked at me in a very confused way. "Who were the people who got you into this mess." "McNane, and Captain Dice."

Everyone murmured. Captain Dice stood up. "That fool doesn't know what he's talking about!" he shouted. "I did none of that. And you guys know it!"

He pointed at me. "He's just lying. I was trying to catch him for all the cold-hearted souls who were killed! He killed your families and friends!"

"But I was there," Mckayla said, standing up. "Another orbal?" people murmured. McKayla shouted, "That's right. I was there and he killed our families. I got lost on a hiking trip with my parents. He chased us and he killed my own mom! He tried to drown me and I passed out in the water."

Not how she described it to me, but hey, now I know. She continued, "—and here I am. He's the real criminal!"

She looked at me. "And Kai, he doesn't deserve it. We were trying to go home!" Orbix looked at the judges. Everything was going softly—I guess, until one imbecile shouted, "She was the orbal with that outlaw!" Orbix smacked his head. "Oh sweet baby Jesus," I mumbled. "Yes, she was," Captain Dice said. "Does that matter now, Captain Dice?" the judge asked. "The same way you raise a child and they kill someone is because of you. You tried to kill them and look at what they've done. We only sent you to learn about them. Not murder them!"

Wait. He was sent to learn about us. And he tried to turn us into humans. How is he trying to save the world, when he's doing a different mission? They're acting. I shook my head.


Debris crashed. People screamed. And a big robot was just standing there like. "Where are you, orbal!" the robot shouted. "McNane!" The judge, me, and McKayla shouted. Orbix turned into that exact same robot. It dragged us inside. "Bixton!" the judge shouted.

We clobbered McNane's robot and it held it. We punched and kicked each other. We got his leg and flipped him. "Alright Orbix, let's move!" I shouted. Orbix turned into a BMW car. "They're getting away!" the judge shouted. The judge looked at Captain Dice. "Continue with your mission," he said. Captain Dice smiled. We drove away from the court. "That was fun!" she shouted. "Those judges understood us and Orbix was a very good lawyer." I breathed heavily.

McKayla looked at me. "What's with you?" she asked. "They—" I paused. "—they were acting."

"What do you mean." McKayla said. I looked at her. "We need to get home, fast." She nodded. Later that day, we heard that McNane got arrested. So, that's one off. Orbix luckily made the car self-drive so we were able to watch something called Avenge Me or something. Ah yes! The Avengers. I found out Captain America was one of them. But I liked Iron Man better.

When the movie was done, I looked at McKayla. "Hey, we might have to go to the back for this," I said. "I have something to say to you." I moved Orbix to the driver seat and put his hands on there. Orbix was asleep though but you know what he can do.

"McKayla, I'm very glad that we're on this adventure. Well, because you'll get to—I don't know," I said. McKayla looked at me more confused. "Let me just put it this way. I wanted to know you more, but never had the guts to. You seemed pretty distant to me but now I can actually express what I think about you." McKayla seemed very deep in what I was saying. "The thing is I like you, I've been liking you ever since," I said.

McKayla touched my face. "I knew that already. I didn't like you ever since. But, now seeing how brave and funny you are. It's probably the best thing that happened in my life."

We looked at each other, and our eyes met. I felt the twinkle in my eye, and I felt she did too. We moved closer and closer, our heads cranking each movement. Our lips had our little touch, and finally our lips met. I put my hands on her back and bended her down. It was so romantic; and it would've stayed like that if Orbix didn't try to take a picture!

Orbix rolled a thumbs up. He made it a wallpaper on his phone. Orbix turned pink and yellow at the same time. "I've never seen the yellow one before, what's that?" I asked him.

"I don't know actually."

Orbix sculpted with his hands a heart. "Oh," me and McKayla said simultaneously. The car parked at a little alley. "What's this place?" I asked Orbix. He hit the door and his head too. I opened the door for him. We all got out of the car and stopped at a vent. He opened the vent and McKayla jumped in. "Are you sure about—" I got pushed in anyway. We crashed into the vent. Then, the vent turned red. I looked around and fire began to go around us.

"Whoa!" I shouted. Orbix started melting then he was covered by the fire.

The ground started melting and the fire rose up. "McKayla!" I shouted. "Kai!" she shouted. She fell through and I screamed for her. Walls were falling, fire was burning. And only an orbal can take so much, and I soon collapsed.