
The Holy Land of Designers

"Cindy, do you think that disgusting woman will come?" Erlyn said to Cindy.

The smart Erlyn never appeared on the surface, she chose to hide in a safe place. The simple-minded Cindy is easy to use.

Cindy said excitedly. "Hum, even if She dares to appear today, I can guarantee that she won't receive any recruitment opportunities. She came yesterday, and we threw rotten eggs at her. If only you saw it yesterday, it was really fun! I really enjoyed yesterday's show for a long time."

"It doesn't matter if I don't get a job today. The main thing is that Natalie should be ruined for good!" Erlyn had an evil smile on her face.

"Oh that's for sure, take it easy. Even I hear people say that Natalie sleeps with fat uncles for money, absolutely crazy!"

Cindy was so excited, she covered her mouth and laughed.

Until suddenly, her classmate pinched her arm. She just stopped talking to groan in pain. She turned and saw that Natalie was coming.

Natalie looked the same as always. Even though news of her was spreading, her face remained calm, her eyes unwavering, and there was no fear.

In fact, these girls in her class had ganged up with Cindy for a long time. Their previous incident had also ignited the fire of chaos and threw eggs at Natalie.

However, these girls were surprised to see Natalie cold and calm smiling at this moment.

No one dared to forget the incident when Natalie stood on stage and ruined Erlyn's future. At that time, Natalie looked calm, sharp-tongued, and most importantly, her face didn't change when she told the story and ruined Erlyn's life. From then on, Erlyn hardly dared to appear at school.

For now, no one dared to look at Natalie.

Natalie calmly walked to the school gate and immediately walked into the school hall, where there were nearly 20 booths recruitments from large and small companies.

Natalie suddenly stopped and looked at Cindy with a smile, her eyes filled with challenges.

Cindy could only step back. "Let's go!"

Her friends also followed her. Among them, many had the mentality of going along.

But there are also some people who are jealous of Natalie.

After all, Natalie before this was just a mediocre student for four years. She usually wears casual clothes, ponytail hair and always looks in a hurry. She is always seen lowering her head and has almost no aura of existence.

With just that one incident, she suddenly stood in the public eye, winning the competition, receiving the award and a hug from an Anthony Stevano.

This made many female students feel jealous. Most of them wondered why Natalie had suddenly succeeded. Because of this envy, when they heard of this teacher and student scandal, they immediately believed it because they felt that such a shortcut could explain everything.

Everyone walked into the assembly hall.

"Cindy, why don't you do it now?" A girl asked in a low voice.

Cindy looked at her cell phone. There's a text message from Erlyn. The text message explains how to deal with Natalie, which is lovely.

After reading that, Cindy replied. "This is not the right time, it's better later!"

Natalie looked around the assembly hall. Most of the companies that come here today are clothing companies. And most of the positions they offer are junior designer, some part-time jobs, offer to be partners and so on.

At this time, suddenly a middle-aged man with glasses came to him. "Are you Natalie Andersen who won that design competition?!"

Natalie calmly smiled. "Hello, that's me!"

"Ah, your designs back then were outstanding. My name is Rio from Daily Suit. Our company is looking for designer trainees. If you are interested, you can come and have a look!"


Daily Suit is not very famous in Surabaya, but they are also a fashion company that has quite a name. For the first step, Natalie felt right with this company. She walked over with a smile and filled out a form.

Suddenly, Cindy came and said to Rio. "Sir, I advise you not to use it. She is the most problematic girl in our school. She won the competition by selling his body..."

Rio was clearly stunned. "What are you talking about?"

"You heard right. You can look on our university's social media and see yesterday's post..." Cindy smiled triumphantly.

Rio immediately remembered that he seemed to have heard rumors about Natalie at his school, he immediately hesitated for a moment.

After all, all companies want to recruit talented and characterful students. If their moral character is terrible, it will obviously affect the company's reputation.

"Sorry Natalie, I think we can hold on until here! I need to check..." Rio immediately took the form that was in Natalie's hand.

Cindy smiled contentedly. "Natalie, it looks like you can't find work here today."

Natalie was not angry, she calmly looked at Cindy. "Cindy, I don't know what you're talking about. Until this moment, I never heard anything you mentioned earlier. Posts on our school's social media? Yesterday didn't they post about the history of the school? Do you think Mr. Rio is blind and stupid by just believing your words?"

Cindy turned her head and saw that Rio was still watching them.

"I'm not lying. Even yesterday's banners are still in the places I put them up. If you don't believe me, let's see now." Cindy tries to prove her point,

Without realizing it, Cindy slipped away her secrets.

Natalie smirked and said. "It was you who installed all of that. I thought it would take a lot of effort to get you to confess, it seems like an easy job! I finally found out who the prime mover was."

"Doesn't matter who started it. You still can't get a job today."

At this time, under attack from Cindy, her friends also started to help.

"Natalie, you idiot. Get out of our school!"

"Yes, we don't want you to affect our school's reputation..."

As their voices began to roar, at the same time, the sound of neat footsteps came from outside. Someone shouted. "Wow, Gratia is finally here!"

Everyone in the hall suddenly calmed down and looked towards the gate.

They saw a group of staff wearing suits, led by an elegant young woman, walking into the hall.

The woman has short hair, wears a formal dress, and the mermaid logo on her collar is very eye-catching.

Even though she was a woman, she had a strong aura. At first glance, she looks like a queen who manages to dominate her workplace.

"Wow, seriously, Gratia has come to recruit people on our campus?

This is their first time coming to campus, isn't it? Are they not in the wrong place?"

As the number 1 company in the fashion industry, Gratia has always been the holy land of designers. The odds of getting into this company is more challenging than winning the lottery.

Before this, they had never recruited a designer from Indonesia. At this moment, everyone was immersed in the unexpected shock, and even Cindy and her friends forgot that they were trying to bring down Natalie.

"I'm sorry, please open the way!"

The young woman didn't walk towards the booth, she kept walking around the hall and finally, her eyes fell on Natalie.

Her cold face immediately smiled. "Is it true that you won 1st place in the design competition on what day?"

Natalie nodded gracefully. "Yes!"

"Hello, I'm Joana, assistant president of Gratia. Today we came to look for you. I hope you will join our company."

Joana stretched out her hand enthusiastically. Natalie was in complete shock, she didn't even move. After a while, she came back to her sense and shook Joana's hand vigorously.

"Are you sure you want me?"

"Of course, you are young and talented. You also have a great imagination and creativity. You are definitely the person we are in need of right now. This is a hiring contract. Please read it and have a look first. After signing, you can report to the company. as soon as possible."

After handing over the hiring contract, Joana and her people exited the hall.

At this moment, everyone's confused looks were on Natalie.