
The last heir of Dumbledore

After transmigrating, Tselmeg found out that he was reincarnated into Harry Potter world. The issue is that he become the grand-nephew of the great wizard of all time except Merlin himself, Albus Dumbledore. English is my third language. And just comment about this book. It would motivate me and effect to how far the story goes on. Minimum 5 chapter a week /Mostly on Saturday and Sunday/

Inkglass · Bücher und Literatur
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41 Chs

The Basilisk

Several days passed in a blink of eye.

Today is the 22nd of September, 1991.

Randolph Spudmore shipped 5000 bottles and and various potion materials needed for Lightning beverages and its tags to Anthony. It was delivered to Hogwarts castle's main gate.Since It is impossible to ship anything inside Hogwarts except Owl letters, hence Anthony and Harry spent a full Saturday, organizing the bottles, and deliver it to the Room of Requirements with the help of a Kitchen elf named Twinky.

During the past few days, besides brewing invisibilty potion and lightning beverage with Harry and Daphne, Anthony went to the Room of Requirements in the midnight and collected around 1200 galleons that has been lost by the previous students.

As for the items that are in the Room, he wear a Dragon hive gloves on his hands and started sort the items. In the room of requirements, Anthony found a book regarding mind protection by a medieval wizard master in Occlumency.

After arriving in his room in the Skytherin dormitory, he started to meditate and for the two weeks when he practiced, Anthony attained minor achievement in Occlumency.

'I now understand why Professor Snape or Albus Dumbledore achieved high mastery in Potions and Transfigurstion respectively. Because Occlumency helps to sort your memories and aids you to memorize new things easily! But the most important thing is by practicing Occlumency, you start to control your emotions unconciously as well. Potions, besides memorizing various herbs characteristics and recipes, it is important to add your magic will in the potion. When you control your will precisely, advanced potions could be brewed without failure. And for transfiguration, you need to memorize the characteristics of materials and animals. If you are familiar with it, the more likely the transfiguration will success. But in general, Wizard's will or his emotion is the root of any Magical subject!'

When Anthony was registering the last items, he found Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem, but left it alone because he doesn't have any equipment that is capable of destroying it. Other curious things he found was a Hogwart's detailed map, the Vanishing csbinet, and Gormlaith Gaunt's notebook that includes parselmouth magic. Anthony opened the book and muttered.

sss"Gormlaith Gaunt, Descendant of Salazar Slytherin?"sss said Anthony.

But suddenly, when Anthony spoke in parseltongue, his Vinewood wand with basilisk horn has shook and spoke with him.

sss"You have spoken my masters name? You have awaken me!"sss suddenly Anthony's wand has spoken.

sss"Wait, who are you, and why does my wand has it's own consciousness?"sss asked Anthony again.

'When Anthony picked up his wand for the first time at Ollivander's his wand spoke to him for the first time.

sss"Do you think I am a wand, serpent boy? If master heard that, he would laugh out loud?"sss said a hoarse old voice from his wand.Saying sarcastically.

Anthony was stunned, so if his wand is not a wand, then what is it?

'The wand chooses the wizard, not vice versa.' a faint sound of Ollivander flashed in Anthony's mind. But that should not be the case, because wands do not speak to its wielders!

even though some wands have similar behaviour like temperament, but they should not be intelligent as his wand to have ability to speak.

sss"If you are not a wand, then who are you?"sss Anthony asked with a curious tone.

sss"Have you ever heard about the serpent of Slytherin, young boy? Then that is who I am"sss said the voice.

'The serpent of Slytherin? Ofcourse he knows who the serpent of Slytherin is, there is a full length Harry Potter movie that literally is named Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.'

sss"You are the basilisk, but how are you communicating with me? Does your horn gives you telephatic abilities?"sss said Anthony in parseltounge.

sss"The stick you are holding is indeed Salazar Skytherin's made wand, but prior to becoming a wand, master has taken my horns in order to communicate with me when he is away.It transmits only parselwords"sss said the snake.

'Not just a wand, but just also a transmission device like a phone?'

'So I have a phone like wand with the only contact address of Mr.Basilisk.' thinking about the implications, Anthony wants to use this opportunity and find out everything about Salazar Slytherin and if possible, he would like to control the basilisk. If the basilisk is not controllable, he can just kill it by Rooster and take the loot.

sss"I see, can I ask you some questions, does Salazar Slytherin really hate muggles?"sss said Anthony.

sss"Master indeed hated muggles, he left Hogwarts because of addmittance of Muggleborn students. He left me to protect Hogwarts from Magic hating muggles. But master only hated Muggles because they burned down his younger sister when he was a child. Before he died, he instructed me to only protect Hogwarts and if the times changes and Muggles stop hunting witches, I am instructed to protect the muggleborns as well!"sss said the Basilisk with a hoarse old voice.

sss"Wait, did you just say he hated muggles because they burned down his younger sister? But times changed, Then why did you kill muggleborns fifty years ago,almost three hundred years has passed since the Statute of Secrecy" sss hissed Anthony looking towards his wand.

If there was someone else here, they would think that Anthony became retarded, and started to hiss to his wand.

sss"What is statute of secrecy, and what do you mean by times has changed?" sss asked the Basilisk.

When hearing that the Basilisk doesn't know about the statute of secrecy, Anthony understood Tom Riddle aka Voldemort lied to the basilisk. Otherwise why would a thousand years old basilisk obey the commands of 15 year old Voldemort?

sss"Three hundred year ago, the witch hunt stopped. And us, wizards live in a secretive way that Muggles doesn't even know us. And 50 years ago you has attacked several innocent Muggleborn students, and killed one!" sss said Anthony.

sss"What innocent, but Tom that boy. Wait! Tom Riddle you bastard! He lied to me! He told me that the witch hunt still continues and Hogwarts is in danger! He told me there are some muggleborn wizards that are doing spy in Hogwarts!" sss said the serpent with an enraged voice.

After some persuation and Anthony reading History of Magic class textbook, the Basilisk understood that his master's last wish, protect Hogwarts was not achieved, but he become the treath fifty years ago!

The thousand year old Basilisk seems to feel guilt and hate. The Basilisk kept quiet for a while and opened his mouth.

sss"Serpent boy, I need your help!"sss said the basilisk.

Anthiny was surprised and asked what help the basilisk need.

sss"I want to kill Tom Riddle, that halfblood bastard! If you help me, I will give you a favor or two!"sss said the Basilisk.

Anthony was delighted inside,, but kept calm and said

sss"Killing Tom Riddle is very difficult, almost impossible. He has split his soul and become immortal. If you really want to kill him, I can help, but what can you give to me?" sss asked Anthony.

The Basilisk knew that his body parts such as Venom, Skin and Blood is unmeasurable treasure in the wizarding world.

Therefore, only he knows where Salazar Slytherin's library was in Hogwarts.

So the two reached an agreement that Anthony would help the Basilisk to kill Tom Riddle, meanwhile Anthony would have Basilisk body parts for potion materials.