
The Last Cursed One

In a kingdom steeped in dark prophecy, one man bears a cursed destiny that threatens to consume all. As the weight of his predecessors' mistakes looms large, and the people's resentment festers, he stands at a crossroads. Will he yield to the prophecy's sinister call, or will he defy fate to shield those who've shown him only hatred? A gripping tale of choice, destiny, and the shadows that bind them.

Precious_0995 · Fantasie
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33 Chs

CHAPTER EIGHT. Raising Jaden.

Eva moved to answer the door.

She'd been in the middle of a chore when the incessant knocking began.

They rarely had visitors these days. The few people who did come around were fellow hunters who needed to discuss a few things with her mate or, well, angry parents.

She sincerely hoped it wasn't the latter.

Her prayers weren't answered.

A middle-aged female known as Narla and an eight-year old boy who looked pretty roughed up, with a bruised lip, and a pretty bad nose bleed, stood outside.

Both of their expressions were enough to tell her who was responsible for this.

"Hello Eva", the female said, her voice hard and cool. "I believe you already know why I'm here."

With a grimace, Eva said, "Give me a sec."

Turning toward the stairs that led up to the rooms, Eva called to her son, "Jaden! Do you mind coming downstairs for a few minutes ".

A young, dark-haired boy who didn't look any older than eight years ran down the stairs in response. The minute he spotted their visitors, he halted in his tracks and would have run back upstairs if Eva hadn't called him back.

"Oh no, you don't; get down here, young man!".

Jaden halted.

" Now".

He reluctantly moved to stand beside her, keeping his eyes to the ground.

"Was this your doing?" Eva asked her son gently, already knowing the answer.

Jaden raised his head to look at her, his next words flowing out in a defensive whine. "It wasn't my fault, he..."

Eva immediately shot the boy a look that silenced him. Even if Jaden wasn't to blame in this situation, there was no point in stirring up trouble when it could be easily avoided.

"Apologize", she stated.

The seven-year old dropped his gaze and didn't say anything.


"I'm sorry", he mumbled, folding his arms.

"I didn't hear you".

"I said I'm sorry!", he yelled, snatching his eyes off the floor to shoot a piercing glare at Narla's son, who, at this point, looked like he wanted to run for his life.

"Thank you, Jaden. You can go back upstairs".

Her son complied, stalking back the way he came.

Eva faced Narla and said, "I'm really sorry about this."

The older female didn't seem ready to listen to her, however. "You know, you and your mate are very nice people, Eva. And i don't have a problem with either of you. But this..."

"I know", Eva cut in quickly, "I'm really sorry about this, Narla. And I promise you; we'll do our best to make sure he stays away from...".

"Not just me, Eva", Narla stated. Hesitating, she continued, " I'm really sorry to say this, but, that kid shouldn't be anywhere near the village. It would be much safer for everyone else if you just kept it away from us".

Eva bit back a harsh retort at her words. Narla wasn't the only parent who had said things like this to her before.

But that didn't mean the people's fear toward her boy affected her any less.

Narla soon left with her son after that and Eva was left staring at the vacant threshold for a few minutes.

She took a deep breath, slowly reaching up to rake her fingers through her hair, before turning to the stairs.

As she walked up, the old wooden floorboards creaked noisily underfoot, making Eva miss the smooth, quiet tiled floors she'd gotten used to back at the mansion.

This wasn't the first report they'd been getting from parents concerning Jaden, but every time someone spoke of her son like that, it always made her blood boil. 

Not because she didn't believe her son could do the things they often accused him of, but because, most times, the other kids would have been the ones originally at fault. Unfortunately, due to Jaden's reputation as the one who bore the mark, there weren't many who were willing to listen to his side of the story.

Ever since his change - a period in every Gregor's life where they finally gain the ability to take on their beast form and, not too long after that, begin to manifest their talents - Eva could sense Jaden's growing resentment towards others for being treated like an outcast.

A little teasing from the other kids was enough to set him off.

What Jaden didn't seem to realize was that this would only make the situation worse, as the others would then have a good reason to treat him like the one thing Jaden didn't want to accept being: A Cursed One.

Now at her son's door, she paused, wondering what she could say to him.

That he shouldn't have fought back? That he should have just taken whatever was thrown at him and remained silent?

That wasn't Jaden; Eva knew that well. That was also something she couldn't even teach herself, talk less of her own son.

Sighing, she knocked twice and pushed the door open without waiting for an answer.


Her son didn't respond. He was sitting on the bed with his back to her, hugging his knees to himself.

"It wasn't my fault", was all he said.

The amount of pain and sorrow that resonated through those simple words tore at Eva's heart. She felt shattered just seeing him like this. 

Walking up to the bed, she sat down. Her boy still refused to look at her.

"I know, darling, but..."

"Then why?" Jaden demanded, getting to his feet on the bed, "Why did I have to apologize when he was the one who started it?"

"Because we already talked about this, Jaden, and you promised you would hold back".

Her son looked away. "He called me a monster; he said we were all cursed because of me, that neither of us deserved to be alive".

"All words, Jaden", Eva replied calmly, though she cursed at Narla's son inwardly.

'That brat needs a timeout'.

"Besides, you know none of that is true".

Jaden didn't immediately reply, but when he spoke, his voice was thick, and Eva caught sight of a single tear running down his cheek.

"But isn't he right? If I wasn't like this, Cherry would have friends to play with, and you'd be a lot happier, 'cause we'd all be living in the capital, and... and dad would be a Guardian again...."

"Oh baby, no...", Eva grabbed Jaden in for a hug, cuddling him against her, resting her head above his. She let him cry and let him have that release.

Eva had never seen him like this. Jaden was a tough kid; although he was only seven years old, he tended to act a lot older. Choosing to keep most of his own personal problems to himself. 

In fact, if it hadn't been for the slight change in his eyes, both she and Arud would have never noticed he was going through the change.

Kids never got to that stage unless they were at least twelve years old, hence the reason why they hadn't noticed it immediately, as Jaden was barely eight.

The change had come a lot earlier for him than anyone else Eva knew. And she and Arud had guessed it had something to do with Jaden's mark. Though neither of them had mentioned this to him, as they didn't wish to frighten the boy.

"I'm sorry", he mumbled, sniffing.

Eva stroked his dark hair gently, willing him to calm down.

"It's not your fault; none of this is your fault".


"No", Eva cut in sharply, moving Jaden so she could look into those deep green eyes.

"NONE of this is your fault. Never mind the fact that we're not living the life we used to. Wealth or title don't guarantee happiness or a great family. The only thing me and your dad care about in this world is you and Cherry, and nothing could ever change that. So don't go thinking like that again, okay?"

Jaden nodded.

Holding him close to her again, she said, "That's my boy".

"Don't you worry, everything will be fine. We'll always be here with you, Jaden; that's a promise".