
The last Asura Sovereign

Amrit transmigrates to world of Isyethans where he finds himself inhereting legacy of remnant. "Remember, the Heavens are treacherous, so are those hypocrite gods." These words echoed through his soul. What does that mean???

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Chapter 27: Lesser Blood Essence Restoring Pill

Then there was another type of flame called Beast flame. Beast Flame only appeared on beasts above third grade and only on some talented beasts. The Beast Flame was very rare, the probability of a beast having Beast Flame was almost one in a thousand for third-grade beasts. For fourth grade and above the likelihood increases. Any beast who had beast flame was a genius of their race. Even among the battle cultivators, very few can match up to the same realm beasts containing beast flame. Then another type of commonly seen flame was from cultivation technique or auxiliary technique. Most of the alchemists had the last type of flame. Though not very effective, it was better than using fire from firewood or arrays.

The quality of a pill depends on the talent of the alchemist but also on the quality of the fire and ingredients. The fire used on the Rijal clan was from the auxiliary technique of alchemy. This was mostly the case for second and third-grade alchemists. Even the third-grade alchemists rarely had beast flame. A third-grade alchemist may rally a few Golden Core Formation cultivators to defeat a beast with beast flame but finding such a beast involved great luck.

 The materials were placed beside her. There were five sets of materials present. Although there were six drops of blood essence from the beasts, there were only five blood replenishing herbs in the clan. Although the herb was not that rare, there was not much stock of it in the clan treasury. The total number of materials required for the Lesser Blood Essence Restoring Pill was twelve. Apart from the two core materials, the ten auxiliary herbs and minerals were mostly common. She put the twelve ingredients before and started to process them, measuring their age, weight, and efficacy. Although after putting them in the cauldron, everything had to be extracted and purified, processing beforehand is one of the most important steps in alchemy.

 After putting the materials before her, she started a fire from her auxiliary technique, the Green fire technique. This technique was not unique to the Rijal clan. Many clans used such common techniques for alchemy. This technique was attributed to both fire and wood so it was one of the most used and excellent auxiliary technique for alchemy. She first cleaned the cauldron carefully. Although alchemists frequently cleaned their cauldron even when not in use, some of the impurities from air or their surroundings or alchemists themselves may collect at the cauldron's bottom. So even a little bit of carelessness can cause failure while forming pills.

As the green fire enveloped the bronze colored cauldron, she carefully put the mineral second grade blood stone, it was one of the common minerals among second grade minerals. It is produced in nature when a second grade beast has fallen and its blood comes in contact with any mineral containing a hint of spirit energy. After a few hundred years of absorbing spiritual energy, a blood stone is formed. Although it wasn't that common, one can occasionally encounter blood stones in Bareback mountains. As a mineral it was harder to refine than the herbs but for Kumari, it wasn't a hard task. After the blood stone started to liquefy, some of the impurities it contained fell down and settled in the bottom of the cauldron.

 She controlled her fire and started burning the impurities and left the liquid of blood stone intact. After that, she kept adding and purifying the other auxiliary herbs, on the seventh turn she threw blood replenishing herb into the cauldron, everything went smoothly until the last ingredient. The last ingredient was second grade essence blood. When she threw it into the cauldron, the blood essence started acting up. But she used her divine sense to keep it together, everything was mixing up nicely, and she couldn't afford to fail while mixing the last ingredient. As the blood essence was gradually mixing, it suddenly went out of control, and the lid of the cauldron blew off. The mixture then just sizzled and burnt to ashes. The last step of mixing failed and her work went poof. Kumari just sat there with a dumbfounded look on her face. Everything was going smoothly why did it blow off?

After some time, she came to her senses and started going through the process in her mind to find out what went wrong. As she was reviewing the formula, process, and refining she came to the conclusion that the blood essence was the problem. No the problem was not the problem, she instantly understood, it was the residual soul that remained within the blood essence. It was a rookie mistake. As she was not used to refining pills with the blood essence of beasts, she overlooked such a simple thing, letting the first set of materials go to waste. Now only four sets remained. She calmed herself down, started cleaning the cauldron, and used the array to remove impurities in the room. After meditating for half an hour, she repeated the previous process and gradually purified and mixed all twelve ingredients. This time there was a problem when forming the pills, it also went to waste at the last step.

The third time she did everything carefully and succeeded in forming three pills. However, the purity of the pills was subpar at 40% purity. She pondered over her steps for a few minutes but couldn't come to a conclusion. She just sat there for a while because she still felt that she would not be able to form standard pills with above 50% purity or low-quality pills. As she went over the materials once more to check what was lacking, her eyes went to the blood essence. It was the blood essence of a second-grade low-tier beast, so with her low experience of refining Lesser Blood Essence Restoring Pill, it resulted in subpar pills. After mulling over for a minute she started refining her fourth batch. This time everything went smoothly and she was successful in refining two low-quality pills. She reduced the pill number to compensate for the quality of the blood essence.

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