
the life that ace always dreamed of

he after fighting several Grimm found a cave he unequipped his armor and went inside only to be met with a sword at his neck

"who are you and what are you doing here" an obviously male voice said he moved the blade slightly away from the boys neck to allow him to speak but could still cut his head off at a moment's notice

"I ran away from home I thought this cave would be a good temporary home that I could defend against the Grimm I disowned my name" the boy said

"why did you run away" the man said sword still at the boys neck

"release me and I will explain" the boy said the man did so sheathing his sword and the boy told him his full story the man listened with shock written all over his face

"I did some pretty bad things in the past but I at least made sure my son was left with caring people you however was tortured only to unlock your semblance while your siblings were spoiled right in front of your face that is truly despicable but may I ask what do you hope to find" the man asked

"a teacher and a new family" the boy said

"do you want them to be the same people or separate" the man asked

"I don't care either way" the boy said

"if that's true then I will teach you how to fight I must warn you it won't be pleasant or simple" the man said

"anything is better then what they put me through" the boy said not at all phased

"alright names vergil by the way and you will be V until you get yourself a new name" vergil said he then gestured the boy now named V to follow him and began to teach him how to fight also helping him learn the full ins and outs and workings of his semblance which not only allowed him to summon armors it also allowed him to manipulate the water wind fire light and dark elements he then used his light magic he decided to call it to heal his wounds he learned how to fully manipulate all of the elements and use he also met qrow who also helped V learn how to fight he was a really really smart kid who took in knowledge like a sponge he was already pretty strong he had trained himself in the past doing push up and sit ups and all of the things he could to gather strength eventually qrow taught V all he could and left but vergil continued to teach him swordsmanship he also tamed a pet beowolf and he gave it the powers of his wind armor fenrir naming the beowolf Cerberus and V was now ten years old he has been training for three years

"alright kid that's as far as in can take you so I want to give you a couple of things" vergil said this caught V's attention as he didn't think he deserved anything from vergil he was already being very kind to train him to begin with he put his hand on V's shoulder and concentrated tattoos started to appear all over V's body

"call the names shadow nightmare and griffon" vergil said V did so and then three shadowy creatures appeared one was a huge bird about the size of a falcon one was a panther and one was a golem that was bigger than vergil was

"these will be your loyal familiars the talking bird is griffon" vergil said

"nice to meet you boss" griffon said

"get used to him calling you boss he rarely will use your name" vergil said V nodded his understanding

"the panther like creature is shadow and the golem is nightmare and they do not talk although shadow does like to growl a lot" vergil said the golem waved its massive armor and the panther purred

"also here I have no more need of it" vergil said handing V his sword

"this is the demon sword yamato I have already taught you how to use it this is why the moment I heard your story I planned to pass this blade down to you" vergil said

"now come with me I have one more gift for you this one is a bit of a surprise" vergil said with a very rare smile they then left the forest and went as far as to completely leave patch vergil took out his scroll which he never used in fact V didn't even know if he had a scroll and called someone V didn't pay attention to who he was talking to since he wasn't nosy and trusted vergil with his life

about an hour later they saw a bullhead come it landed and vergil gestured for V to follow they climbed aboard the bullhead and flew to a mansion landed and again vergil gestured for V to follow they entered the mansion and a butler escorted them to a sitting room where they waited a while later another man in a grey suit came in he had black hair pushed off to the side with maroon eyes

"ah so this is the young man you were talking about vergil" the man in the suit said said

"yes old friend this is him" vergil said

"hello young one I am Anthony Johnson but most just call me A.J."

"wait Anthony Johnson as in the head of ORB incorporated and the legendary huntsman" V said

"yes that's me how would you like to join my family" A.J. asked

"I would love to uncle" V said

"well then you'll need a name V just won't cut it" A.J. said

"how about vergil ace Johnson" ace said

"your taking my name" vergil asked

"yes you trained me and you were the first to treat me as family so this is how I want to thank you

"alright well I will be off take care of yamato kid" vergil said ace got up and bowed low

"thank you for everything i won't forget this" ace said

"don't worry about it kid" vergil said than he left

hey y'all this is my first reworked chapter of the last archmage

jexisherecreators' thoughts