
1. invincible friend



An angel was sent to protect a sickly girl who is sick in her bones and can't walk. The angel never knew the girl can see him;

Chapter 1

Mr garrison; walk out from a press conference, while the audience are cheering him and his team open car door and he entered and drive away;

Minutes later on their way going home; Mr garrison flash back, when his daughter blame him and his wife for born her a sickler and Mr garrison tears start rolling down and his driver say; sir is something wrong;

Mr garrison: nothing just keep driving;

Minutes later in garrison house. the driver open the car and garrison get down and enter the living room while his wife sitting in the living room;

Garrison: where is Azula and his wife say; she is inside the room I have try to get her to eat, but she refuse and lock herself up! And garrison rush towards upstairs;

On Azula door step; garrison knock on the door and Azula say from inside; I don't want to talk to anyone leave me alone. and her father say: Azula open the door; and Azula open the door and turn her wheel chair towards the bed and Mr garrison enter and go down on his knees in front of Azula and held Azula hand; while Azula is sad

Mr garrison: what is wrong with you this days; you are our first child we love you;

Azula: if you love me then why do you kept me secret from the world; all my sisters got to big schools and traveling anywhere they' want; but you don't even allow me out in this house; because you are afraid you will lose your contracts if the world find out about my condition

Garrison: don't say that; we are only concern that people will bully you if you go out. come on your siblings are coming home today let go downstairs and Azula say; they hate me; and her father say don't say that.

Minutes later in the downstairs, Azula two sisters arrive and they scream and rush to they're father and mother and hug them tight while Azula sitting on her wheel chair quiet;

Garrison: greet your sister; and Azula sisters look at her without word and ignore her; they're younger brother enter and rush towards Azula and hug her in the wheel chair;

Azula: hey wassup, how was school; and her younger brother say; I'm angry at you; you don't call to check on me!

Azula: am sorry, my bad and his brother say; I got you bracelet and he put it on Azula and say; the governor son's birthday is today; and he has invite us;

Mabel: and what makes you think we will allow that load and good for nothing to follow us; and Arrio say, does anyone ask you to do something! Be careful about how you jump into conversation and Arrio turn to go upstairs and Mabel say; are you talking to me like that? and Arrio say; is there another Mabel in this hall and Mabel walk towards Arrio to slap him and Arrio grab her hand and say; I'm not that little boy anymore!

Mabel: dad are you going to watch him disrespect me and go? and Arrio say; sis get ready we are going together!

Mabel and her younger sister went upstairs with anger!

Garrison: look at Azula and bow down and say; please don't listen to your sisters; they are just trying to get into your feelings;

Azula: this has been going on since childhood; I'm fine.

Evening on governor son's birthday party; Mabel and her younger sister arrive on the party and enter and leave Azula in the car; and Azula call up to the security guards and they help her sit in the wheel chair and move towards inside;

Just when Azula enter and she bump up to a rich and handsome guy; and the wheel chair hit the guy leg; and the guy turn to Azula; and say; who brought this cabbage here! And one guy say; she is Mabel's elder sister;

Mabel: I don't know her; have you see a sick person in our family, dad adopted her from the orphanage; and the guy bow down and say; mmmm you are useless; if I were you I will kill myself, this world will be in better place without you in it. we only invite humans not garbage like you; while Azula tears rolling down and begging the guy to forgive her; and the guy push the wheel chair; and another handsome guy appears back of Azula while chair and catch her; just when the guy that bully Azula reach the door; and the one stand Azula back eye turn blue and the door open force and hit the guy face hard and he fall backwards; and a voice call out loud; and the guy on Azula back disappear. he seems invisible to humans, and the guy that the door hit stand up, while rubbing his forehead and fall down again, while everyone looking at Azula;

Mabel walk to Azula and say; no wonder you can't walk, you are witch, did you wanted to kill him for telling you the truth? and Azula turn her wheel chair and go out;

Minutes later on a bridge

Azula climb the bridge and flash back from childhood, how her younger sisters has been treating her, and flash back the hash words the guy just tell her on the party;

And group of people arrive on the bridge, begging Azula not to jump;

Azula: this world is full of pains and I'm nothing in the world, but a problem, while one guy walk close to Azula and beg her to stop and she is important and she is like angel, and Azula let go of the wheel chair and jump down in the bridge; just when Azula is going down to fall and the same guy that save her in the party appear and catch Azula and fly to the sky while Azula eyes is close waiting to crash on the ground;

The guy wrapped his arms around Azula and Azula open her eyes and sees herself flying; and the guy look into Azula eyes and smile and say, I know this feel strange to you, but I'm your guardian angel! My name is Arch; I have been with you from childhood, and Arch flash back, how he save Azula from road when car almost hit her and how he has been protecting her from bad people;

In Azula thought; why is he always around when I'm in trouble, is he a ghost?

Arch didn't know Azula can see him, since he is an angel he thought he is invincible,

In Azula room;

Arch appear in the room while Azula is in his arms and he put Azula down on the bed, while Azula pretend to be asleep and Arch sit beside her on the bed; and say, I wish I can heal you. but God is the only one has that power; I'm just an angel of his;

Azula: why don't you ask him to heal me if you care that much about me! And Arch stand up and say, what did she heard me and he disappear;

Arch appear in some place and a voice call his name, and Arch bow down and respond; and the voice say; you most be surprise, you have been with her for almost 26 years, I didn't tell you this, she sees you anytime you are with her;

Arch: alpha; but she is human; and the voice say; I send you as her guardian angel but you started develop passion for her; now you are like human with super powers; not everyone can see you; only her can see you;

Arch: alpha; I have a request, please heal her and the voice say, that is what I'm talking about.

you haven't ask me to heal anyone, you just wait for my time, but in her case; you feel like give her everything to make her happy; if it continues like that you will end up falling in love with her and you know angels are not allowed to do that, if you fall for her you will end up become holy human alive;

Before Arch could say a word and the alpha voice disappear and arch say; alpha I know you heard me, please help her;

In garrison house in the living room;

Arrio enter the living room and ask his parents where is Azula and garrison say; I guess she is upstairs and Arrio run towards upstairs and open Azula room force while Azula laying on the bed while Arrio pants

Arrio: sis I'm so sorry; I return to sorve some problems for dad; and he sit beside Azula;

Azula: why do you care about me; even when Mabel and Melissa has told you many times that I'm witch; and Arrio say; I'm not blind; I can see you and you are not witch I believe you will get Heald one day; and Azula say; you are the only one I can tell my secrets; do you remember the guy I told you about and we say maybe he's is ghost; he save me from the bridge today, I wanted to kill myself.

Arrio: sis you have being through a lot you need to rest let talk about this later and he helped Azula lay on the bed; while Azula try to prove to him; about Arch

Arrio: sis I'm sorry you see things, that is just illusions you just wish someone to get you out of this, that is why you always dreamed about this things

Azula; is not a dream is true I saw him and he talk to me;


Chapter 2

Garrison mansion in Arrio room; Arrio sitting on his bed while thinking about Azula.

In Arrio thought; too much of trauma has makes Azula see things in her imagination, I have to talk to the doctor, and he walk out to the living room;

On the governor son's birthday party; the guy that insult Azula bump up to Mabel while dancing; and he say um, I'm sorry, I didn't see you;

Mabel: oh no problem and the guy stretch his hand and say, I'm Santiago and Mabel turn and leave; and some girl say; don't dream; she is Mr garrison's daughter;

Santiago rub his hair and say; playing hard, interesting, let see what will happen, and he turn to someone and whisper something to him!

Azula room;

Azula laying on bed and flash back when Arch tell her his name; and how smooth arch arms was; while she smile and close her eyes and arch appear in the room while staring at Azula laying on the bed and move close to Azula to see if she is asleep! Just when he is close to Azula while staring at her smiling and arch say in ; is hard to understand humans, this second they're sad the next second they're happy smiling; and and Azula open her eyes while arch is too close to her as if he wants to kiss her and Azula scream out loud and arch disappear again!

Arrio enter the room and say; what is wrong? I heard you screaming.

Azula: um, nothing I was just having fun; I'm sorry if I disturb you with the screaming!

Arrio sit beside Azula and say; sis are you sure you are ok? and he check Azula temperature by placing his hand on her forehead;

Azula take Arrio hand down and say; I'm fine and Arrio say; I know you have being a lot from childhood, please try not to think about it,

On the governor's son birthday party.

Mabel and Melissa walk out, and Melissa say; this was fun than I thought and they walk towards they're car and Mabel press on the remote and Melissa notice they have flat tire;

Melissa: we have flat tire and Mabel look at the tire and say; shit and notice Santiago sitting on his car with his friends drinking beer; and Mabel smile and open the car and took some small box; and start to change the tire;

Santiago walk to her and say; why a beautiful like you! will be changing tire when I'm here; and Mabel say; thank you; but I don't need your help;

Minutes later; Mabel finish changing her tire and walk towards Santiago car, pretending to check if she has fixed her car tire well! And pour six inches neels under Santiago car tire;

Mabel and Melissa enter they're car and drive away and Santiago and his friends enter they're car to follow her and the car step on the neels and the tired tear and Mabel reverse back and say, enjoy your trip and she drive away;

The next day morning outside the backyard in garrison house;

Arrio is in the backyard doing excis and Mabel and Melissa arrive and greet Arrio;

Arrio: fine morning and Melissa say; where is Azula and Arrio stop and drop the Aron in his hand and say; what is wrong with you two? Azula is our elder sister; she deserve respect ok! And he went inside leave them;

Azula bedroom; Melissa enter and put Azula breakfast on the table while Azula laying on the bed; and Melissa say: your breakfast is on the table and Azula say; please help me push the wheel chair here;

Melissa push the chair close to Azula and Azula sit in and saw arch stand on the door;

While Azula staring at arch direction and Melissa turn and look she didn't see anything, and say what are you looking at?

Azula: um, nothing I'm just thinking about how it will feel like to walk on my own;

Melissa stare at Azula quiet and her tears roll down and she walk out; while Azula calling up to her and ask her what is wrong?

Arch: don't bother she won't turn back! she doesn't want to shade tears in front of you. She wish she has the power to heal you, she may seem hard but she think about you and pray for you everyday; just that she is afraid Mabel will turn her anger against her; if she help you.

Arch: Mabel is kind enough because she doesn't play with people's live but if you mess with her, you will regret your lifetime for knowing her!

Azula: what is my offense why did she treat me like that?

Arch bring your hand; and Azula stretch her hand and arch hold her hand and say close your eyes and Azula close her eyes.

Arch: open your eyes and Azula open her eyes and find herself in kitchen with Arch; and Azula say where are we?

Arch: this is your mum kitchen 17 years ago; and Azula saw Mabel push her inside the kitchen while they're both are smiling;

Mabel walk to the fridge to take soft drink while telling Azula things that happen in school and Azula plug something on the light. just when Mabel turn back and saw the thing Azula plug is on fire and she rush and unplug it; and they're parents rush in;

In the living room

Garrison give Mabel punishment while calling her evil kid; and make Mabel mop all over the house and every room;

Azula didn't tell her parents she was the one plug the thing;

Azula bedroom;

Azula and Arch return back from the pass;

Arch: because you stay quiet and didn't say the truth, Mabel vow to make you pay for it till you apologize and say the truth; and say in her heart to show your father how evil look like;

Azula: what should I do to stop her from that act; and Arch say, apologize and tell your parents the truth;

Hours later

Downstairs in the living room;

Mabel come down from upstairs and say to his father; I'm going out and she pick up car key from the table; and walk out;

On road Mabel driving to somewhere while playing music in the car and jam to it and saw crowd of people on the road side;

In Mabel thought! what is going on over there? and she drive to the road side and pack; and walk to the crowd and ask; what is going on? while entered the crowd and saw Santiago stand in front of Azula while Azula sit down and beg Santiago to forgive her;

Santiago: I told you not to come in front of me again; you didn't listen, you still bump up to me today. and Santiago throw Azula phone away and say, go pick it and come here without the wheel chair; and Azula tears start rolling down;

Azula turn to go pick the phone; and Mabel walk to the phone and pick it up and return back to Azula while Azula sit on the floor and Mabel push Azula while chair near her and help her sit on the chair;

Santiago: wow see who is here. Mabel a sister of Azula; and Santiago walk up to Mabel and Mabel turn and land him heavy slap!

Mabel: I guess you didn't learn anything from what I did to you yesterday;

Santiago smile evilly and say you are crossing your limit and turn to slap Mabel and Mabel bow her head down and kick Santiago balls with her leg and Santiago fall down while rolling on the ground and holding his balls

Mabel bow down and grab Santiago shirt and say; let this be your last! I'm the only one who can say something mean and hash to her; the next time you will try this again I will feed you to animals and she stand up and push Azula towards her car while Santiago lay down and his boys hold him and rase him up;

In Mabel car;

Mabel is quiet while driving and Azula say: um. thank you for the help;

Mabel yelling at Azula and say what do you think dad prevent you from going out by yourself. Is your life live it how you want; but I will not be there always to rescue you....

this story is super romantic with magic battle between heavens

Benjamin_Ramzeycreators' thoughts