
The land of Kings : the story of the Star Thief

The star stealer is one of a collection of short stories branching from the novel The Land of kings that introduces you to a small part of the world that you are about to read. The story revolves around a mysterious old man whose name and purpose no one knows because of a simple mistake, his plans change

big_w · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: the miserable Leon

No, I've never seen it, and Laura, have you ever seen this symbol،

No, it's a really strange necklace, did that person who put you here leave it for you

Yeah, something like that.

Take good care of her.maybe she's the key to finding out your origin. tell me why you were sitting here alone.

Alone huh, I have never experienced this feeling but he will become my companion from today،

What do you mean by that،

Today I lost the only person who cared about me and genuinely loved me،

Have you lost someone dear to you،

Have I lost my mother،

Before the fairy comforts him, Leon asks her،

Tell me, fairy, What Have you really done to me Although I am very sad, I can easily console myself.

Well, this is a little special, but I'll tell you what, you see, pseudo-Stardust is an ability that our species has،

One of the advantages of this ability is that it can calm people by making their feelings not affect them much, say, it has a narcotic-like effect،

I mean, I just think rationally without the interference of feelings.

Boy, despite your young age, you understand very well،

What a strange feeling, I feel something missing،

The dust will wear off after some time.

It's noon I have to look for something to eat،

Goodbye, ghosts of the world, maybe I didn't really see you, you're just ghosts in the end

Leon du stands up with a thin body due to lack of food and begins his walk towards the tribe،

Hey, wait a minute, where am I, damn, I got lost،

After wandering for 4 hours, Leon did not find a way back, so he goes and sits under one of the trees and starts eating some exotic plants to maybe reduce his hunger،

Tears start to fall from Leon's eyes suddenly, because

The dust has cleared and the feelings he has lost have returned،

Are you still here, you wretched boy،

Suddenly Leon finds Laura and Mira next to him, staring at his tearful face،

What do you want again،

We don't want anything, we just met you by chance here،

In fact, we have followed you all this time, how are we going to leave so simply a unique person who can see us, Mira and Laura are thinking about the same thing inside them.

Come on, we'll show you the way back to your house،

After another two hours, Leon finds his tribe, goes home, carries an old, almost broken pickaxe and heads to a flower field far from his village،

Leon starts digging, digging and digging until his hands peeled off, when Leon finished digging he brought the body of his mother who had lost all signs of life،

Her body was wrapped in a fluffy gray blanket, he put her in the grave and began to bury the dirt with a face smeared with dirt and tears.

Leon finished burying his mother and returned to his little house

Leon Dufresne sat down on a straw rug and turned to his side،

Tell me you don't intend to leave،

What an annoying human being you are, don't you know that every stranger's dream is to meet us and you're trying to kick us out.

I'm not a stranger and I don't want to see you, leave me alone.

After hearing Leon's angry words the two girls of the Ghost World sex are charged to leave.

We'll meet you again،

I don't care،

The days go by and the tribe's condition gets worse, Leon is getting thinner and miserable, if it wasn't for him eating some wild herbs he would have died a long time ago،

In front of Leon, sitting on the threshold of his house, passes a macho man with a healthy body, who looks as if he has never suffered from any hunger،

It was one of the tribe's religious warriors who confiscated their food،

Leon looks at him with a look of hatred and anger, but at the same time he feels sorry that he cannot express this anger،

So at the end of the day it's all about power and power, why haven't I noticed that before.

You want something, Tramp ...

Leon finds the warrior standing in front of him with an angry face،

Leon did not realize that he was at his wits ' end and continued to glare at the warrior with his angry gaze.

I don't want anything. I apologize, Dear Sir. forgive me for what I did،

Leon's Act may seem exaggerated to you, but all the weak can do is flatter in the hope of improving the mood of the strong

Haha, you're such a talkative boy

The warrior raises his foot and kicks the sitting Leon

Leon falls to the ground with his mouth full of blood

In fact, Warriors always bully the people of the tribe, but recently this bullying has increased, especially with the currently hectic atmosphere, the war with the other tribe is at a standstill and resources are running out،

Everyone wants something to vent their anger in،

Leon bows his head and enters his little house

The wounded Leon did not cry, in fact he felt remorse and despair،

He didn't realize that everything he had been through in these few weeks had made his personality change 180 degrees،

Why am I so weak, will I die as a miserable wretch locked in a jar, even if I survive will I stay like this, but I can't do anything I don't have any weapons and this emaciated body can't train

Boy, every time I see you, I find you more miserable, cursed or something like that

A gentle and gentle voice cuts the rope of Leon's thoughts،

Leon turns around and finds that they are the same two fairies from the previous

Maybe I am, too...