
The land of dragons

Far far away from this milky way where no one can think to reach, a life starts it's journey to survive and surprise everyone,and to believe in their existence.All you have to do is to find them , now get ready for a long time jump to explore the secrets of life in the universe.

Divyanshi_Dubey · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 -Is it true

Jessy Jessy you lazy girl get up see what time is it the sun is on your head and you are still dreaming get up . Oh come-on mom just let me take a nap of ten minutes please.No please now come on get up and get ready for your breakfast and don't you have to do your work. Work oh my sweet mother I have already completed my homework now no more questions please and just give me ten minutes it's just a matter of ten minutes mom I will woke up after that I promise.

Do whatever you have to do I won't say a single word.After that Jessy's mom left but she was still busy with her dream after an hour a sound of broken jar approaches to Jessy's ears and she woke up from her dream. Untidy brown hairs with golden eyes,red lips and a milky white skin gave her a unique appearance people may often ask her mother the reason behind her golden eyes and her beautiful aura.