Kai was pleasantly surprised by the results of the conversation the night before.
He hadn't expected the quarterback to be quite so amicable to his requests. After all, it was Kyle's body, not his own. As Kyle had said, he should be angry! Afraid! And yet, by the end of the night, Kyle had come to terms with the situation without an ounce of frustration.
Kai supposed that was something else to think about. But for now, he was more interested in the supposed nonsense (or at least what Kyle thought to be nonsense) their history teacher was spewing.
"Although your other teachers may dispute this, an organization such as the illuminati appeared soon after the end of World War II. You can see the proof! Just look at where they built the denver airport! The perfect place for a secret base for the world's elite!"
Kai watched, mostly amused by how clearly the man believed in this nonsense, and how obvious it was that the students most definitely did not.
Kyle's thoughts boomed through his headspace. <How did this man get hired as a teacher? This is total bs!>
Kai couldn't help but let out a chuckle.
Suddenly Kyle's train of thought changed. <Did I just hear laughter!?>
Kai froze, realizing something.
Not once had he tried speaking aloud inside of Kyle's headspace.
"Can you hear me?"
<I must be hearing things… nobody around me spoke!>
"Kyle, can you hear me?"
<Maybe if I ignore it, it'll go away?>
If Kai were expressive and knew the world's customs, he would have facepalmed. Alas, he did not, and the opportunity for dramatic effect was missed.
That aside, this was an incredible discovery! He could communicate with his host! The awkward conversation from the night prior could've been entirely avoided!
Kai paused, frowning.
At least the conversations would be less awkward in the future…
Kai decided to try communicating one more time.
"Kyle, it's me, the entity living inside you. Don't speak aloud. Just think of communicating with me and I shall understand."
He was still not and likely never would be ready to allow Kyle to know the full extent of his access to his mind. After all, the resistance he received from Kyle the day prior seemed to hasten the development of his hunger. Kai knew that if he were in Kyle's place and knew the full extent of the situation, he would do everything in his power to fight the force inside of him. A little lying to form a symbiotic relationship never hurt nobody.
That aside, Kai was still waiting on a response from Kyle.
<So all I need to do is think of communicating with him… I doubt it'll work. I guess I might as well try…
Focus, Kyle, focus… focus on the freaky and likely evil spirit in your brain… and speak with him!
Kai flinched, not expecting the sudden increase in volume.
"Not so loud, please. My name is Kai."
<Ky? Like me!? That's trippy, bro! Maybe it's a sign!>
'A sign from what?' Sometimes Kai was still taken aback by the stupidity of his host.
"Very… ah… trippy indeed, Kyle. Well, that is all for now. It is good to know we can speak to eachother."
<Wait! I want to know more about you, Mister spirit dude! Like, do you like football!? Basketball!? If you could go pro, which sport would you choose!? This is so cool! I've got a spirit buddy in my head!>
Kyle continued to ask questions, but Kai bored of this quickly.
"Ah… it seems maintaining this link puts quite the strain on my powers, so I think I need to go. Goodbye for now, Kyle."
Who ever said a second white lie was more harmful than the first?
As Kai settled back into his bed of Kyle's cloudlike thoughts, he realized there were many other things he had not attempted.
Could he possess other people? If so, what about two? And what exactly was it that he was eating? What were these clouds inside Kyle's mind? And more importantly, how could he travel safely in the soul-chilling cold outside?
Kai found his fascination with humans suddenly much less interesting, and was ready to try some things out.
First he exited Kyle's mind, and tried focusing on the students around him.
Interestingly enough, he could almost see what each of their headspaces looked like, and not all of them were cloudy. Some were icy, some were rainy, and others were filled with water, clear as a bottomless lake.
He dove into one of their minds, slamming into a curtain of water on the way in. He floated in there for a while, shivering.
Kai only gained the courage to take refuge in Kyle's mind once again as the bell rang. Surprisingly, on the way out he encountered no resistance.
Zooming through the cloudy walls of Kyle's mind, Kai was ready to test his second new question.
What exactly were all these clouds doing in Kyle's mind?
Kai was pushing the clouds around as if to form a sandcastle when suddenly the omnipresent speaker of Kyle's mind changed direction.
<I bet a trip to the beach would be fun… I could build a sandcastle.>
Kai froze, unsure if his suspicions were correct. He quickly began to sculpt something else.
Suddenly, Kyle began to dream of the most delicious chicken pot pie… not just dream of, but crave.
Pulling out his phone, he sent a text to his mother.
[Hey mum can we have some chicken pot pie ths week I am cravng it verry much]
Kai's suspicions confirmed, he returned to his usual spot on the floor of Kyle's mind. Perhaps just fulfilling his hunger was no longer the most pressing of his concerns… perhaps he could afford to have some real fun.