
The Lady of Stone

Lizbeth, a young survivalist, dies in a landslide. For her it was like falling asleep and when she wakes up she finds that she has become a rock and has an annoying system in her head. She now has to figure out how to move around and then figure out the workings of this world. Follow her on her journey to becoming The Lady of Stone. Part of the Chaos Incarnate series. Credits to SorynStudios (a fellow webnovel author) for making the cover and credits to the artist who created the drawing.

Lobski · Fantasie
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48 Chs


Sang looked at Terry with an annoyed look. "Don't ever call me that again, if you want to call me out for what I am, say the name of my race, consequences be damned but never, and I mean this, ever call me old in any way."

The bloodline coming from Sang alone was enough to go beyond the pressure Nagi had given off with the slime man.

Terry looked at her in amusement. "Sure thing @#%=#."

The moment he spoke the name of her race, I started screaming in pain. It had so many meanings, each seemed to be yelling that they were the real one.

"Uhm, is she ok? I've never seen someone react like that before."

Everybody looked at me in confusion. I had calmed down and was filtering the information, settling on the easiest meaning hoping that would.

I decided on Vampire, it seemed to be the closest thing that was easy to understand.

"I'm fine, it's just that the name of her race had so many meanings that it was like dropping a bomb into my head."

Interest suddenly filled Sang's eyes, it seemed as if she had completely dropped the little girl act.

"So, you have some kind of autotranslation skill, letting you hear the words in the language you're most familiar with? How did you accomplish that?"

Before I could even start speaking Terry interjected. "We both know unique skills are private, don't pry or I will use sun magic on you."

Sang started laughing, finding Terry's threat amusing. "Oh no, whatever shall a daywalker do against the sun? Or did you assume I had one of those nifty amulets? Don't threaten me, I'm far beyond what you're capable of defeating."

Ok, so it seemed that the sunlight rule applied to most vanpires here, good to know.

Sang continued speaking. "It me be unorthodox but if someone is willing to talk about their unique skills then that's their choice, noone else's."

"I don't think it's necessary for someone I just met to know about my unique skill but I am interested in your race, could you tell me a bit more about them?"

"You want to know more about vampires eh? I can tell you this, most of my kind weaken in the sun and are easily destroyed by sunlight magic although some don't have this weakness.

This weakness comes from a bloodline curse cast by the original vampire when a large portion of them rebelled. Most of the ones who aren't affected by them are part of the bloodline belonging to those who didn't rebel.

The original's family also doesn't have the weakness. I can also say that we're immortal, I refuse to tell you anything more because of personal reasons."

That was quite the comprehensive explanation although I didn't learn much.

That's when Terry started talking asking the serious questions. "Why are you really here, especially in a place where your kind isn't welcome?"

"Ah, yes, the owner of this place does hold a grudge against my kind, it's very amusing. As to why, because I'm bored, I just want to be entertained and travelling with the only perfect hybrid in the world seems like it'll be fun."

Nagi stopped her from saying more. "I don't really mind your kind but you're not traveling with us, not in a thousand years."

"I could perfectly wait that long but then the adventure would be over, also, they'll need protection when you two inevitably die."

Nagi and Markus looked at her in confusion.

"Oh, you didn't hear. I'm sorry then, I thought your little oracle would have told you about your impending doom.

Yeah, so, someone really messed with fate in a big way, I'm talking about using crystallized void to change it. Anyone with even the slightest affinity to fate would have started getting visions of your death, I know my ... acquaintance has had trouble sleeping for months now.

But surely you most have run into fate's discarded threads, a little doll made of them perhaps? I mean, the fact that your wife died so easily didn't make you the least bit suspicious?

And as for this crustacean, he'll dissapear at a random time because of the nature of the society so then they'll be all on their own, and you wouldn't want that now would you?"

It startled us that she knew about the doll monster. It seemed that she was telling the truth which would explain why Diana kept having the same vision of Markus and Nagi dying.

Even now, after a few months of training, she had woken up nearly every night, it had made her unable to even think properly at times.

One of the things I was working on with soul magic was to try to find a way to stop her from getting visions in her sleep.

I was getting closer to at least just generally blocking the ability to use any type of magic which was actually much more usefull but I still wasn't quite there yet.

"So you're saying that we're destined to die?" Markus asked. He started to think and seemed to want to say something but kept his mouth shut.

Nagi just got up and left, we didn't know where but we would let him have his privacy. He had just discovered that his wife's death was most likely the fault of Kasimata after all.

"I'll let you think about having my join your little group, you have three days to decide, after that, I'm gone and you will be all alone."

Then, she just dissapeared. I blinked and she was gone, no trace of her ever being there was left.