
The Lady of Stone

Lizbeth, a young survivalist, dies in a landslide. For her it was like falling asleep and when she wakes up she finds that she has become a rock and has an annoying system in her head. She now has to figure out how to move around and then figure out the workings of this world. Follow her on her journey to becoming The Lady of Stone. Part of the Chaos Incarnate series. Credits to SorynStudios (a fellow webnovel author) for making the cover and credits to the artist who created the drawing.

Lobski · Fantasie
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48 Chs

I'm not an animal rights activist

It was finally morning, I had practiced walking around a bit, getting more used to the center of balance and the fact that I had twice the amount of legs.

I had also learned how to use my claws a bit, making sure that I didn't fall when I attacked, it was surprisingly hard but once I got the hang of it, it was like I had engraved it into my mind.

The forest during the day was just as bright as during the night.

It seems like the trees gather light during the day and then emit it during the night. I had no idea if this was natural bioluminescence like in my old world or if it was some kind of magic.

My theory was that the trees created magical light elements as a waste product and they expelled it at night, I didn't know this for sure.

What, I had survived in vast forests and on inhospitable mountains, you think it isn't usefull to know a lot about biology when you do?

I had had a very expensive education, I came from a very wealth family, I was actually going to return home and take over the family business after having climbed those mountains.

Anyway, I looked around for marks that could lead me to my prey, this blessed bearcat.

I had quickly taken in it's entire physique. It had pretty long claws and a muscular tail, it's teeth suggested that it was omnivore, having but those mode for ripping into meat as those needed for consuming plants.

This made me think that it would be a pretty safe prey, I would be able to train a little while getting something new to assimilate.

I also started to suspect that most of the monsters here had ichor flowing through their veins and making my own skills seemed pretty usefull so even if I hated the taste, I was going to make sure to not was a drop.

I looked at my own footprints after making a few by stamping on of them on the ground with a varying force.

When I finally found my first quartet of footprints, I carefully followed it, making sue that I didn't make too much noise.

I found one that was lazing around near a pond that had more holy koi.

Score, I get to fight my prey and get to eat some more fish.

I tried to sneak up on the Bearkat and slowly tried to get closer.

I climbed a tree and got ready to pounce. At that moment, my armour changed, resembling the omega I ate.

{Activating Stone Armour subskill

Skill: Asssimilated Copy

Allows the user to user to copy any creature it has previously assimilated, obtaining their innate instincts and battle style. Skills can not be copied.}

I ignored the notification and attacked, a growl escaped me, making the bearcat notice, but it was too late, my immense weight and the focus of my attack, which was it's neck, caused my attack to immediately kill it by ... well snapping it's neck.

{Congratulations you killed a Blessed Bearcat

Blessed Beacats are seen as an indication that Aurelion has blessed a place, they are also one of the most frequently seen tamed pets of priest belonging to his church. Killing one is said to cause Aurelion to curse you.

Rewards: 1 guaranteed level up, a corpse}

System, please stop saying I get a corpse from killing creatures, I know that already.


{You have gained 100 exp}

{Congratulations, you have reached level 5 and are thus able to evolve.}

Nice, actually now that I think about it, system, next time you show my status, or tell me I gain experience, could you also show the amount I need to level?

{The option has now been turned on}

While eating the Bearcat, I thought about if I should kill the Kois too. I didn't have a use for the IP but the evolution might just automatically activate the creation of another unique skill.

Because I didn't know what triggered the creation of a unique skill, I decided I would eat them now, even though they would boost my levels when I evolved.

{Blessed Bearcat assimilated,

Quality: It's definitely not a dragon

Aurelion has started completely ignoring you in hopes that you leave quickly.

Assimilated Copy has stored all necessary information.

2 IP gained.}

I had left the bones as always but then I thought about it, bones are technically edible, right?

I started eating them too.

{Blessed Bearcat (bones) assimilated

You are gaining a better understanding of the assimilation skill ... good.

When you transform into a blessed bearcat, you will now have access to the DEX stat.}


I quickly killed the fish, I decided to test light magic, which boosted their power a little instead of hurting them.

After assimilating them and eating their bones I got the same message. I got no more skills sadly.

I also decided to eat a few Light spirit stones until I couldn't assimilate them anymore.

I had been distracted by the Koi and then by evolution and had forgotten to do it afterwards.

When I was done my light affinity leveled to nine, giving me a myriad of spells and making me feel like I was having a giant hangover.

Ok, open status

{Opening user profile

User: Lizbeth Johnson

Sex: Female

Race: Refined Sandstone (EVOLUTION AVAILABLE)

Level: 5 (175/000)

Stats: Showing All

STR: 100 --> 115



CON: 200

RES: 80

INT: 40

WI: 40

STA: 100 --> 110


Advanced Refinement Lvl. MAX (conditions for advanced skill not met), Death Affinity, Earth Affinity Lvl. 8, Mana Sight Lvl. 5, Earth Manipulation Lvl. 9, Mana Manipulation Lvl. 7, Gluttony, Light affinity Lvl. 9

Curses and Blessings:

Curse of Light Lvl. 2, Blessing of //error//}

Wow, It seems that my stats all doubled for the evolution. Also, weirdly CON and RES which indicated my defense and magic defense didn't seem to change by assimilating things.

I was wondering how to boost it, my guess right now was that the things I've been eating aren't good enough but I guess I'll find out eventually.

Ok, let me evolve.