
Chapter 11

The next day the library was back to normal again. All of them carry out their routines. But Mr. David was not in the library that morning, I saw that very early in the morning that he left the library. The morning started again with exercise as usual. Everyone seemed to be practicing normally as usual. But I understand very well, it is not an ordinary training. My ten-kilometer run was doubled, and all the kids ran together that morning, as were the rest of the training. Alex practiced like he was getting a shot of adrenaline, the length of time, and the difficulty level of the training he was doing seemed to be improved that day. Kara and Kiara became even more vicious when they practiced. Wulan who usually rarely practice, practiced like an archer that about to join a championship. As usual, Vanilla accompanied me in sparring, but different from the usual practice, she told me to use the weapon I used when I fought yesterday, she also wore her scythe.

With that scythe, I thought her movement would be limited. But beyond my expectation, her movement is still agile. We exchanged several moves and techniques. The first time I used a staff to fight I was scared. Compared to the others, my only weapon was dull and defenseless. Besides being hard to control, it also can't inflict an effective external wound, that's why I used a dagger as an addition but I doubt it will help a little. I returned to swinging the staff, I never thought I got carried away with emotions while practicing. I almost threw a strong blow to Vanilla's head, but when I held the stick exactly inches before hitting it, Vanilla kicked my hand which caused the staff to fly away. Instinctively, my right hand took the dagger that was attached to my belt, reduced the distance from Vanilla while avoiding her scythe, elbowed her hand until the sickle was released, then lunged until Vanilla fell, then attached the dagger to Vanilla's neck. I pulled my mind this dagger is very useful. In that quite tense state, I heard applause around me. While I was practicing the others were watching.

“It is indeed a wild animal, our friend Sastra is an animal. Hahaha." I heard Kara's laughter fill the room.

“Sastra, it looks like you enjoyed that position. Don't take too long, that girl will fall in love. " Wulan chuckled.

"Sir looks like you have to move quickly, this position feels uncomfortable to be seen," Vanilla spoke softly, her face flushed red. I just realized that I was on top of Vanilla's body, with the right hand that holds a dagger on her neck and my left hand and my knees hold on the floor.

"S-sorry." I stuttered then got up and reached out to pick up Vanilla. I saw my friends were smiling. Ah, yet again this awkward moment.

"Sastra, what was that just now? I seem to see my brother's agile technique when he uses his double sword. " Kiara slightly frowned when asking me.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to imitate the technique. To be honest I unconsciously record every single one of your fighting techniques in my head every time I practice and then apply them while I fight. " I looked down embarrassed, I feel a little bad.

“That's right, as you know Wulan is the most skilled staff user here. As far as I remember Mr. Sastra only sparred twice with Wulan, but during the attack that day, it seemed like I saw Wulan who was using a staff to beat the attackers. " I saw Vanilla say that to everyone, but somehow the look in her eyes still avoided me. I think she's still embarrassed.

"Impossible, you mean he can learn quickly in such a short time?" Alex gave me a somewhat suspicious look.

"Of all the people here, I am the only one who has never sparred with Sastra. I think we can try to prove that hypothesis, with that experiment. How about it Sastra, do you agree? " Kiara's smile provoked me a little.

"Okay, what weapon will you use?" I answer.

"The last weapon you use, I will also use a dagger." Kiara smiles.

"Alright, let's start right away." I helped Vanilla off the arena and reached out to help Kiara get on.

Honestly from all the training, fighting with Kiara was tough. Her movements are as agile as Kara's, but her attack power is even comparable to Vanilla's. Several times I was pushed back with kicks and punches released after the dagger's move aimed to outwit me. Kiara won the first round with me bouncing with a single punch to my chin, then round two was also Kiara's win when I fell when she kicked my ankle. I noticed that from all of her movements she often shortens the distance when attacking and widens it a little when she tries to distract me. When the third round started I watched the movements of her legs and arms closely. To make sure I try to move forward as she starts swinging his dagger. Sure enough, it was a tricky move because at the same time her right foot was aiming for my waist. I swiftly kicked her left leg, and in one move she fell, without waiting for a long time I locked her movements, then she hit the floor, and I won the third round. I helped Kiara get up, then I heard my friends clapping their hands even louder than during my match with Vanilla. After getting off from the arena, I saw Kiara's face smiled broadly.

"How do you do it? I was just showing you the dagger technique, and you can already see the gap. I wonder what you did before joining here? " Kiara's eyes are sparkling.

"School, part-time work, and the rest are normal activities in general," I answered flatly.

“Hey man, don't you know those things you just did are only commonly done by people from the special forces, or war veterans. Your eyes are sharp in the middle of battle, you look calm yet sharp." Kara patted me on the shoulder while burrowing into the chat.

"Didn't you forget that he was the son of the late Mr.Pandu? He was one of the greatest fighters that the library had. I guess that explains his abilities. " Turns out Alex knows about my father. Wait how did he find out about my father? Also, how did he know my father was one of the library fighters?

“Maybe you wonder how Alex knows all that. Just like you, since the attack, we all gathered information about various things that just happened. Honestly, we're starting to suspect Mr. David is hiding something, and of course, it's not a good thing. " Wulan's face looked serious when she said that. Sure enough, I'm sure they are starting to feel something wrong with Mr. David and the library.

"To be honest, after yesterday master Sastra told me to record the retirement date of all the parents of our friends here, I immediately found out exactly when they were rescued and arrived here. Sure enough, just a week after their parents retired they were rescued and arrived at the library. I was saved by your parents, sir. Alex was brought here by Wulan's parents after the accident. During the shooting of her parents, Wulan was saved by the twins' father, and master's father. Kara and Kiara were brought here by me and master's mother after seeing their parents lying unconscious. Sorry for what happened to you, to be honest, the incident was completely unknown until we heard that there was a funeral. " After Vanilla said that she bowed her head.

“Previously we suspected that only the sects and organizations were behind all this. Because before the accident I saw people dressed in black. Wulan admitted that she saw two shooters, one dressed in black, one dressed in white, who was around her parents at that time. Kara and Kiara remember seeing someone in white running away from their house in the morning. But after we got some information, we realized there was something wrong with Mr. David. " I thought Alex would talk about my uncle, but it seems his head is quite logical in dealing with this problem.

"Looks like we have to end this topic of conversation because Mr. David can come home at any time." Kiara cuts the conversation. That's right what she said, I think we should end this.

"Okay, let's finish here first. One more thing I want to ask. Vanilla, why do you always call Sastra formally, like a servant to ther master? Are you his servant in his house? Or maybe you fell in love with him to think he was that high? " Kara looks at Vanilla curiously, but I'm sure it's just a joke.

“I was saved by his parents at that time. Therefore I want to serve Sastra by myself. " Vanilla paused for a moment, I heard Kiara was holding back laughter, the others looked down and smiled. "N-no, what I mean, as his companion." Everyone held their laughs, Vanilla's face began to turn red. "That's not what I mean. Ah never mind." She looked down and bit her lip.

“Looks like our senior fell in love. Hahahahaha. " Wulan could not hold back her laughter, finally the others laughed too.

"Don't tease them anymore, we close our meeting this time, you guys go back to your activities." Luckily Alex cut the awkward situation.

We ended the meeting with one conclusion. We have to be more vigilant about all of these things.