


"Scar, sit down so that we can talk like some civil people." He said in a very stern voice, which made a shiver run down my spine. He seemed furious, no scratch that... he was furious!!!

Not wanting to get on his nerves anymore, I obeyed sitting down at the bedpost.

He slowly strolled near me, standing tall and confident with his hands crossed over his chest.

"What just happened, downstairs?" He asked, still serious. But my ego was far greater... or so I thought.

"Your ex happened, Noha. Wasn't that obvious?" I was on full, sarcasm mode.

He knelt down on his knees, pulling me closer, he cupped my face with his large palms.

"I thought you said that there was nothing to be jealous off? Then what happened?"

Was he for serious right now?!?


"Do you even have any idea, what all that was really about? Do you even know the meaning of jealousy?!? Or are you so dumb that you don't know the difference between jealousy and protective behaviour?!?" I growl.

"What are you even talking about!?! Can anyone just fucking tell me what's the matter!?!" He yelled back.

Yeah, very civil!!!

"Why are you howling over me, go talk to your Alana!" I said, in a very low voice as I opened the door, giving a sign for him to leave.

But instead, he just walked over and slammed it close, again.

"Stop avoiding me!" He said in a really husky voice, which made me gulp.

He then walked over to me, placing his hand on my shoulders pulling me closer.

"Scar, I promise there's nothing going on between me and Alana, she's just a childhood friend, nothing more."

I wanted to believe him, I really did. But then again even if he thought of her like that doesn't mean she did too. And the beautiful threat she had thrown towards me, made it all clear.

I sighed before answering him.

"Noha, it doesn't matter what you think, the main point is about what that bitch thinks!" I hissed towards him.

"Okay, wait! Did someone happen before we went to have some snacks, today?" He asked in a super stern and demanding voice.

I looked down at my feet, before answering.

"Noha, uhm... Well after you went, she threatened me to stay away from you and also added some horrible things!" I whispered.

At this, his eyes widened.

"She did what?!?" He yelled, with his eyes popping out.

I stayed quiet, not wanting to deal with his anger and confusion.

He then pinched his nose bridge before answering.

"I'll talk to her and you don't have to be friends with her... But don't just accept her as your enemy, she's been through a lot lately, just try keeping distance, okay?" He asked.

"Fine, but you better have your ass away from her, or I'll make sure to have you killed by my brother!" I placed a finger in his chest, giving him a cold look.

As first he blinked his eyes at me and then busted out in laughter.

"God, you are so cute and adorable!"

I gave him a stern face but then my anger melted watching him laugh. I then too join him.

"What are you gonna do now?" He asked, playing with my hair.

"Homework...maybe, what about you?" I asked looking up.

"My dad is visiting a nearby town, and Stella wants me to have some docs signed by him, so I'll have to go. But I'll pick you up tomorrow for the school dance! Be ready, and were the dress I gave you." He said as I nodded.

A few minutes later, he kisses me goodbye and left as I pulled some of my notes and studied.


Almost after two hours of merciless studies and homework...

Knock knock...

I heard and even before I could answer, Ron shoved his way inside with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Knew you would have stayed up late!" He grinned, handing me the cup.

"Thanks!" I added before taking a sip. That one sip of coffee felt like an antidote to a virus. My body, soul and brain all felt refreshed as I consumed the coffee.

"Hmm" I moaned "This is exactly what I needed!"

He laughed at me, shaking his head before joining me on the bed.

"So, did you two talk, do I have to beat some faces to death?" He asked, still grinning wide.

"You won't miss a chance hitting up on Noha, would you?" I playfully smacked the back of his head.

"Wrong, I wouldn't miss a chance hitting upon your boyfriend, I had my truce with Noha until he screwed it up!" He winked, as I shook my head.

These guys were unbelievable.

"We had it sorted, at least for now, I guess?" I replied.

"Scarlett Adian Wade! What do you mean by 'I guess'?" He exclaimed, dramatically as I sighed.

"Stop annoying me, Ron!" At this, I threw a pillow at him, but he caught it.

He smirks as I dig my face into the pillow, screaming.

"Anyway, do you have a dress for tomorrow's dance?"

"I do!" I gave him a small smile.

"Hmm... By the way, Jen was asking if you would like to hang out with her tomorrow and get ready together before leaving."

"I know, she texted me about an hour ago!" I babble before taking another sip of my coffee.

"I never understood why you girls have a thing for getting ready together!" He growled. "What do you guys really do, gossip about the neighbours?" He asked, taunting me.

"More like bitching about our stupid, silly, dumb boyfriends!" As soon as I answer him, he snaps his head towards mine.

"You do not!" He challenged.

"Maybe then I'll get you a recording tomorrow!" I shrugged, as he stared at me in shock. And before any more drama, I kick him out of my room.


As I was getting ready for bed, my phone ringed.

Unknown: u bitch, I'll make sure to make ur life a living hell!!!!

This is definitely Alana, what does she want now.

I growl, but ignore the text and turn the lights off.

New day, new shit!!!