

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Ost
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1002 Chs


Inscribed Dao Attack was a technique which was very complicated to learn. But it's uses were not any joke. Learning the Inscription was one of the lifetime dream for all the Lifestyle Masters. But they knew that only the geniuses were able to learn them.

But today he had seen the Inscribed Scroll Attack. And on top of that, it was actually the Inscription of Dao! To inscribe a normal attack was itself a tough task. And to inscribe the Dao, it required even greater level skill!

The thing is clear. The one who created this Inscribed Dao is very skilled person. There is no doubt about it.

Peter smiled. He finally understood these people's trump card. He didn't know where did they find such a treasure. But these Inscribed Technique has a limitation. If an inscription was used once, it could not be used again.

That means, it is a one time use trump card only. So what can they do if they run out of the inscribed scrolls? The answer is obvious. And Peter doesn't expect these people to have more inscribed scrolls. And even if they have more inscribed scrolls, so what? He didn't expect them to have more than five scrolls.

Peter attacked again with the same technique. And just as he expected, Logan took out another scroll and countered it.

Peter smiled. That was the second scroll. In his estimation, they will run out of these scrolls very soon.

He looked at the two girls and said, "Girls! You also attack them. Let us see just how many Inscribed Scrolls they had in their possession."

The two girls didn't say anything. All they ever did is nothing but a nod their head in agreement. And the next moment, they also started to attack with their Dao spells.

The three Dao Manifested attacks rushed towards Logan and others at the same time. In Peters opinion, Logan will take out three more scrolls in order to fight them. In fact, he felt that he was overestimating them when he was thinking that they will have 5 scrolls. He didn't think that they will have more than three.

But to his surprise, they actually took out three more scrolls and countered their Dao attacks. The attacks from both side clashed against each other and after a minor explosion and it disappeared.

"Again!" ,Peter commanded the two girls beside him. He thought that they had already run out of the scrolls. The thought never strike him for the possibility of having another scroll. Or rather, he don't want to think.

And once again just like the last time, the three snakes manifested from the Dao Energy of Fire and Water. And just like the previous time, it gushed towards Logan and others.

Peter gave a cold smile. He wanted to see just how exactly they are going to counter their attacks now. He felt that their struggle is as good as over from them. And they will definitely die here.

But to his dismay, the opponents took out additional three scrolls and perfectly countered his attacks just like the last time. The same scenario repeated just like in the previous two occasions.

"Damn it! Just how many inscribed scrolls you have in your possession?" ,Peter was burning with rage. He thought as if the other party was making the joke out of them. And this scenario was just like an arrow that is piercing through his reputation.

The people from the Raven Sect always lived the life full of comfort. It was especially true for the inner sect disciples. Whatever they wanted, it was brought to their doorsteps by the outer sect disciples.

Because of this daily life custom, the number of occasions they have lived their life in dissatisfaction was very low. It was only exception when they were facing the anger from their masters within the sect.

But outside the sect, this was the first time for Peter to meet with such a scenario. Even though, he had the upper hand, he didn't take it that way at all. He felt as if the other party were actually mocking him. And he didn't like this. So this is the reason why Peter was actually angry with them.

First, they killed all his followers. He no longer had any teammates other than these two girls. He truly loved his teammates. Because they always brought whatever he wanted to his doorsteps without failure. He knew that, they were very loyal to him. That was a big loss for him when he looked at his followers dying one after the another in the hands of these bunch of barbarians.

And now, these bunch of barbarians were once again proving themselves to be annoying. He hated them from the bottom of his heart. These people actually killed their friend Steve. They actually annihilated Steve's teammates. They even dared to insult his sect in public.

And now they were quite annoying even for him to handle. He wants to chop them into thousand pieces in order to vent all his anger.

While Peter was in his own dilemma, Logan and others were in real frustration. It is true that they are countering Peter's and those two girls Dao attacks using the inscribed scrolls.

But in doing so, they were actually running out of the screws as well. Arjun gave 10 scrolls for each person. That means, in total, they had forty scrolls with them before the fight started. And now that number has fallen to 32.

If things goes out like this, then very soon they will run out of the remaining scrolls. And once that happens, they will be in a real trouble. They don't even have the confidence to take down Peter alone. And what is worse, they had to face additional two people along with Peter. And all three of them were actually the Dao Masters!

Each and every scenario were quite annoying for Logan and others. So before they run out of the inscribed scrolls, they have to find a solution to their current predicament.

Arjun has already seen their situation. Sitaram was the closest person to them at this moment. He was rushing towards them at a rapid pace. So Logan and others had the responsibility to drag the fight as long as possible. They wanted to gain as much time as possible for Sitaram come to their rescue.

But this is where the problem lied. Even though Sitaram was rushing towards them, they could tell that he was very far from them. Even though Sitaram was the closest person to their current location. The distance between the two parties was quite long.

So how exactly they are going to dry the fight for this long with very less amount of scrolls? This is quite annoying.