
Season 2- Chapter 156: a letter that carries happiness

Chiyou is completely speechless right now, what Xiong Delun has said just now means a lot to Chiyou.

The whole reason why Chiyou has been working so hard learning many things and creating new skills is because he wants to complete his promise with his friend, the one who gave him a dream he could work on.

All this time, he worked for this one dream and he knew that it will take a good amount of time to make his dream a reality

But what Xiong Delun said just now means that his dream is way nearer than he thought it was.

Uniting the world under one name or one ideology is no easy task, Chiyou knows that very well and he knew that as he will go towards that one dream, there will be people who will hate him and hate his ideology.

But he wants to still go for that one dream so that he can tell the world that the fear or anger they have in their heart against others is all fake, it's all illusion and they all are the same.