
The King Of Kings

Kin Noro, a 15 year old boy must face the challenges that come as he begins getting a grasp on his Dark Matter.

IamShin · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Shadows of Chaos

The forest whispered its secrets in the dead of night, the rustle of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl providing the only companionship for me.

 I sat outside the base, the cold seeping through my coat, but my attention was far from the discomfort. Instead, it was fixed on the figure standing before me, bathed in the faint glow of moonlight filtering through the dense canopy above.

 Yami, my dark matter spirit, loomed in front of me. It was a constant presence, an extension of myself and yet something wholly other, bound to me by a mysterious connection that went beyond mere understanding.

 "So, I'm guessing you want to know why I urged you to throw the shard?" Yami started off with.

 I nod

Yami's voice carried an air of solemnity, a stark contrast to his usual mischievous demeanor. "That shard you touched, it was imbued with Chaos Matter, a force of unimaginable destruction and chaos. When you came into contact with it, it resonated with your own dark matter, amplifying its power."

I listened intently; my eyes fixed on Yami's form as he continued to speak. "If you hadn't thrown it away when you did, the resonance between the Chaos Matter and your dark matter could have spiraled out of control. It could have consumed you, Kin."

A shiver ran down my spine at the thought. I knew that the power of Chaos Matter was not to be trifled with but hearing Yami confirm the danger only served to reinforce that fact.

"Why didn't you warn me earlier?" I asked, unable to keep the frustration out of my voice. "You could have told me about the danger before I touched the shard."

Yami's gaze softened slightly, a hint of regret flickering in his amethyst eyes. "I wanted to see how you would react, Kin. It was a test, of sorts. A test of your instincts, your control over your dark matter. Similar reasons as to why Hirito gave you the shard."

I frowned at his explanation, feeling a mix of anger and understanding coursing through me. "So, you put me in danger just to test me?"

Yami shook his head, his expression turning serious. "No, Kin. I put you in a situation where your instincts and training would be put to the test. It was a lesson, a reminder that the power you wield is not to be taken lightly."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I processed his words. "I get it, Yami. I understand the importance of control and restraint, especially when it comes to my dark matter."

Yami nodded in approval, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Good. Because the path you walk is filled with danger, Kin. But with discipline and determination, you can overcome any obstacle that stands in your way."

With Yami's words echoing in my mind, I watched as he dissipated into the night, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more.

I sat there for a while longer, contemplating the lessons learned from today's events. Despite the danger and uncertainty, I couldn't deny the thrill of mastering my dark matter, of pushing myself to new limits.

Eventually, fatigue began to weigh heavily on my eyelids, and I knew it was time to rest for the night. With a final glance at the star-studded sky above, I made my way inside the base, seeking the warmth and comfort of my bed.

As I settled down for the night, the events of the day played over in my mind like a vivid dream. From the intensity of our mission to the tranquility of the lake, each moment held its own significance, its own lesson to be learned.

With a contented sigh, I let sleep claim me, knowing that tomorrow would bring new challenges and new adventures.

The following morning dawned bright and clear, the golden rays of sunlight filtering through the trees and casting a warm glow over the forest.

I rose from my slumber, feeling refreshed and ready to face the day ahead. After a quick breakfast with my friends and sensei's, I sought out Eliza and Tifa, eager to embark on our scouting mission.

"Hey, Kin!" Eliza called out as she spotted me approaching. "Ready to scout out the nearby town?"

I grinned, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through me. "You bet! Let's see what we can find."

Tifa nodded in agreement; her expression serious yet determined. "We need to gather as much information as possible about where Giyu went!!

 With our objectives clear in mind, we set out from the base, our footsteps echoing through the quiet forest as we made our way towards the town.

 With Eliza leading the way and Tifa by my side, I felt confident that we could handle whatever the day had in store for us. And as we ventured deeper into the unknown, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within me, eager to uncover the secrets that awaited us in the town ahead.

As we trekked through the forest, the anticipation built with each step. The trees gradually thinned out, giving way to open fields dotted with wildflowers swaying in the gentle breeze.

In the distance, the outline of the nearby town came into view, its buildings standing silent and still in the morning light.

Eliza motioned for us to halt, her sharp eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement or danger. "We need to approach cautiously," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the rustle of leaves.

With our senses on high alert, we proceeded towards the town, sticking to the cover of trees and bushes to avoid detection.

As we drew closer, the sounds and smells of the town became more pronounced. The chatter of voices and the clatter of hooves echoed through the air, mingling with the aroma of freshly baked bread and roasting meat.

Eliza motioned for us to stop once more, her expression tense as she surveyed the scene before us. "Looks like a bustling market," she observed, her eyes darting from one end of the town square to the other.

Tifa frowned, her brow furrowed in thought. "We need to gather information without drawing attention to ourselves. Any ideas?"

I glanced around, searching for a way to blend in with the crowd. Then, an idea struck me. "What if we split up?" I suggested. "We can cover more ground that way and gather information from different sources."

Eliza nodded in agreement, her gaze thoughtful. "Good idea. Tifa, you and I will take the north side of the square. Kin, you take the south side. Meet back here in an hour."

 I jokingly salute the two and head off towards the south.

As I made my way through the throngs of people, I listened intently to the conversations around me, picking up snippets of information about the town and its inhabitants.

I learned about the recent rise in bandit activity in the area, as well as rumors of a powerful mage lurking in the nearby mountains.

 This could be a huge lead as to where Giyu had gone, or at least a hint. I decide to walk over to some townsfolk who were discussing the mage.

 "Excuse me" I say as I walk up to them, "I was wondering if you guys could tell me which mountain this supposed mage resides."

 One of the women in the group pointed me towards the far mountain east of the town. I thank her and begin my venture over to it. 

With the directions from the townsfolk in mind, I head back to the meetup spot so I could tell Tifa and Eliza about this information. 

As I approached the meetup spot, I found Tifa and Eliza waiting patiently, their expressions expectant as they looked to me for any news.

"Hey, Kin, any luck gathering information?" Eliza asked, her voice tinged with anticipation.

I nodded, deciding to share only part of what I learned. "Yeah, it seems there's been a recent increase in bandit activity around here. Along with reports of a mage living in the nearby mountains."

Tifa's eyebrows raised in interest. "A mage in the nearby mountains? That's intriguing. Do you think there's a connection between the mage and Giyu?"

I shrugged, "It's possible. Hirito mentioned that Giyu might have some ties to powerful individuals, so it's worth investigating."

Eliza nodded thoughtfully. "Agreed. Let's head to the mountains and see if we can find any clues."

With our new objective in mind, we quickly made our way out of the town and towards the looming mountains in the distance.

The journey was long and arduous, the terrain becoming increasingly rugged as we ascended higher into the mountains.

But despite the challenges, we pressed on, our determination unwavering as we searched for any sign of the mysterious mage.

As we reached the base of the tallest peak, we spotted a narrow trail leading upwards, disappearing into the dense foliage that covered the mountainside.

Eliza motioned for us to halt, her eyes scanning the trail for any signs of danger. "We need to be careful," she warned, her voice low and serious. "There's no telling what we might encounter up there."

Tifa nodded, her expression determined. "Let's proceed with caution. We need to find out if this mage has any connection to Giyu."

With that, we began our ascent, each step bringing us closer to the unknown and the answers we sought.

The trail was steep and treacherous, the path winding its way through dense thickets and rocky outcrops.

But despite the challenges, we pressed on, our determination driving us forward as we climbed higher and higher.

As we neared the summit, the air grew thin and the wind whipped around us, carrying with it the faint scent of magic.

Eliza motioned for us to halt, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed the area ahead. "I sense something… powerful," she murmured, her voice barely audible above the howling wind.

Tifa frowned, her brow furrowed in concentration. "I feel it too. There's definitely something up ahead."

With our senses on high alert, we cautiously made our way towards the source of the magical energy, our hearts pounding with anticipation.

And then, we saw it.

Nestled in a clearing at the summit of the mountain, surrounded by cherry blossom trees in full bloom, stood a small house, its walls adorned with intricate symbols and runes.

Eliza's eyes widened in awe. "This must be the mage's dwelling," she breathed, her voice filled with reverence.

Tifa nodded, her expression serious. "Let's approach carefully. We don't want to startle whoever's inside." 

With that, we cautiously made our way towards the house, our footsteps slow and deliberate as we prepared to confront the mysterious mage.

But as we reached the doorstep, a cold steel dagger was placed on my neck from behind.

 "Children like you have no business being here." The mature female voices remarks.

 Tifa and Eliza jump away from me and get in a fighting stance. I'm unable to see the women but her bright silver hair dangles over my shoulder.

My heart raced as the cold blade pressed against my neck, the voice behind me sending a shiver down my spine. Tifa and Eliza's quick reaction reminded me of the danger we were facing.

"We mean no harm," Tifa spoke, her voice steady but cautious. "We're simply here to seek answers."

Eliza's eyes narrowed as she scanned our surroundings, her stance defensive. "We're looking for someone. A man named Giyu. Do you know him?"

 The women chuckles, "You 3 must be from Insomnia Kingdom." I feel her retract the blade away from my neck.

 I immediately dash away from her, my heart pounding in relief. As I turn back to look at her, I see her long silver hair flowing in the wind. Her pointy ears going through it, this woman was an Elf!!!

 Her Blue eyes lock with mine, "Forgive me child, I took you kids as assassins." She chuckles as she puts her palm on her cheek.


 "It's fine, I'm sure you have your reasons for being on edge." I rub the part of my neck where the blade was, "So, what's your name miss?"

 The Elf woman smiles and bows down to us, "My name is Calista Silverleaf, I'm an elf from the Kingdom of Silvervale."

 "Silvervale? Isn't that on the other side of the planet???" Eliza curiously asks

 Calista laughs softly, "Someone seems to be very knowledge but yes, it is. My home is on the continent of Valoria."

 I can feel the tension in the air slowly dissipate as both Eliza and Tifa lessen their guards. Calista seemed to notice to because she decides to open her front door, "You 3 should come in and take a rest."

As we stepped into Calista's home, the scent of exotic herbs and the flicker of arcane symbols cast a welcoming yet mysterious ambiance. The interior was a harmonious blend of nature and magic, with furniture crafted from intertwined branches and glowing runes illuminating the space.

Calista gestured for us to sit around a low wooden table. "Please, make yourselves comfortable. I apologize for the misunderstanding earlier."

Tifa and Eliza settled down, their gazes still wary but curious. I took a seat as well, the tension from the earlier encounter gradually easing. 

"So," Calista began, pouring a fragrant tea into delicate cups, "you mentioned you were looking for someone named Giyu. What connection do you have with him?"

 Eliza sips some of the tea, "None of us have any personal connections with him, just some lunatic from what we've learned so far. But he's causing trouble, and our mission is to track him down and put a stop to whatever he's planning."

 Calista nodded thoughtfully, her blue eyes shimmering with an understanding that seemed to go beyond our words. "Giyu... I've heard whispers of that name, associated with chaos. He is said to be seeking a blade."

Tifa leaned forward, her eyes sharp with curiosity. "What kind of blade?"

Calista hesitated, then sighed softly. "There are rumors that he's looking for the Blade of King Arthur...The Excalibur."

 Excalibur? I've never heard of it

Calista's words hung in the air, the mention of Excalibur sending a palpable wave of shock through Tifa and Eliza. They exchanged a look of grim understanding, while I felt a growing curiosity and unease.

"Excalibur?" I asked, glancing between my friends and our elven host. "What's so special about this blade?"

Eliza set her cup down, her expression grave. "Excalibur isn't just any blade, Kin. It's a legendary weapon wielded by King Arthur, a hero from three centuries ago. He used it to seal away the giants that threatened our world."

Tifa nodded, adding, "Excalibur has the power to control all forms of matter. With it, King Arthur managed to seal the massive giants on the continent of Xerant. After his reign, the blade was lost, its whereabouts unknown. If Giyu is searching for it, he's after a power that could cause so much destruction to our world."

Calista's eyes darkened with worry. "Indeed, that is why it's best you three head back and report this to your sensei's. This is not a matter to be taken lightly."

We exchanged a glance, understanding the gravity of her words. "Thank you for your help, Calista," I said, rising from my seat. "We'll report back and make sure our kingdom is prepared for whatever Giyu is planning."

Calista smiled warmly, her tension easing as she led us to the door. "Stay safe, and may your journey be swift and uneventful."

As we stepped outside, the cool mountain air greeted us. I turned to Calista, about to express my gratitude once more, when she suddenly leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead.

I blinked in surprise, feeling a warm tingle where her lips had touched. "Why did you do that?" I asked, curiosity and confusion mixing in my voice.

Calista chuckled softly, her blue eyes sparkling with an enigmatic light. "It's a little blessing, Kin. It'll come in handy when you least expect it."

I nodded, still puzzled but grateful. "Thank you, Calista."

She gave a final nod, her silver hair shimmering in the sunlight. "Farewell, I hope we meet again."

 I smile brightly as I give her one final wave.

 *Calista Pov*

 As I watch those 3 descend back the way they came, I see Kin turn around once again and wave, "NEXT TIME WE MEET!!! YOU BETTER TAKE US TO SILVERVALE!!!"

 A soft smile goes across my face as I chuckle at his words. 

I couldn't help but remember a man I once met in my past, his jet-black spiky hair and Amythest eyes being his prominent features.

 "SURE THING!!!" I wave back to him

 But one thing was certain, he had the exact same smile as Kin. 

 "I'm Glad I got to meet your son...Kentaro..."


 End of Chapter 7