
Talk with Queen Sona

After having a great time with Medusa and feeling refreshed, Ryo went back to the Eden castle, he has been invited to dine with the Queen, so he couldn't really not to, due to his status as a King

Walking to the hall Ryo sat down and greeted his Aunt

Ryo [Good afternoon, Aunt Sona, Good Afternoon, Lina]

Sona [Good afternoon, Ryouto, please sit]

Lina [Good afternoon, Ryo]

Ryo only brought with him his fiancées, he didn't want to bother his other woman with having to deal with an official dinner, so the ones that came here were Lita, Aria and Artoria

Lita [Good afternoon Queen Sona, Good afternoon Princess Lina, My name is Lita Gilgamesh Arkhan, I'm Ryo's first fiancé, nice to meet you]

Although Sona and Lina knew Lita from before Sona still greeted her in a formal way, now that she is a Queen too

Sona [Good Afternoon, Queen Lita, My name is Sona Eden I am the Queen of Eden please we welcome you to our humble nation]

Lina [Good afternoon Lita, good to see you again]

Then Aria stepped forward and said

Aria [Good Afternoon Queen Sona, Good Afternoon Princess Lina, My name is Aria Gilgamesh Arkhan, I'm Ryo's Second Fiancé, nice to meet you]

The introduction then went on as both Sona and Lina greeted Aria as well, they also were greeted by Artoria, who was also a very dignified figure, but they also both knew that she said she was the fourth princess, after sitting down, Queen Sona was the one to ask

Sona [Excuse my question, but I couldn't help but notice that you said you were the fourth fiancé? I have yet to meet the third Fiancé, so I wanted to ask if we will see her today?]

Ryo [No need to worry Aunt Sona, you can ask me anything, Semiramis isn't here at the moment, she has an important task to attend to, so unfortunately you won't be seeing her very soon]

Sona [I see… please go ahead the food was prepared by our finest chefs]

Ryo and his fiancées plus queen Sona and Lina all ate the food and had a great time chatting about trivial matters, it was until Ryo asked the real question that the topic started to become serious

Ryo [Anyway, I can't help but notice that none of my cousins are here ? why are you the only one here Lina ?]

Sona [Hmm? didn't they come to Babylon as our emissaries? have you not seen them ?]

Ryo [Oh! I see, they must have met Merlin then, I didn't go to Arkhan yet, so I guess I haven't seen them]

Lina [What do you mean Ryo? why did you come here if you didn't know about our emissaries?]

Ryo [I was passing through here and I wanted to drop by and surprise you, but unfortunately I ran into the Divola army, seeing how… how your people were treated, I…*looks at his fiancé's in worry* I eliminated them]

Hearing his serious mention of how he essentially annihilated an Army of Fifty thousand soldiers, Queen sona couldn't help but give him a shocked expression

Sona [Ryouto, Are you saying that you really killed all those soldiers? rumors of your strength have even come to Eden, even Lina told me, but did you really kill fifty thousand soldiers ?]

Ryo [No, I don't kill them, If I had went there I might have ended up destroying the entirety of Divola, it was Honda and Achilles that killed those soldiers, you have them to thank, I simply gave the order]

Hearing him casually mention the fact that he could have destroyed Divola, Queen Sona started to feel fear, she had seen how normal he seemed when he talked with her, but seeing him like this she knew, that other than family, he sees the world as a mere game to conquer, the eyes of a tyrant

Sona [Can I ask you a question?]

Ryo [Nhn, Sure go ahead]

Sona [why did you come here? why do you want to marry Lina? Is it that you want Eden? have you finally decided to be a tyrant ?]

Lina [MOTHER!!]

Seeing his Aunt finally get serious and ask him Ryo sighed and then got up and slammed his hands on the table and said

Ryo [What do you think? because I love her! Why do people like to complicate things? No, I have no need for Eden, nor do I plan to conquer it, I just love Lina, No I'm not the same as your father, stop comparing me to him, it really is annoying me, ever since you laid eyes on me you've been acting like I'm a bomb about to destroy you and Eden, I'm not a monster, I'm rational, if your Kingdom was evil I would have taken it like I did to Zion, I'm that simple, since the moment you laid eyes on me when I was a fucking Kid, I WAS seven, and all you could see was your father, and I'm done with that, if you hate me than its fine, but if Lina wants to marry me than I will take her, whether you like it or not]

Hearing Ryo practically answer every question she had In her mind, for a second she thought that he had read her mind, but at the same time, she felt Guilty, since the first moment she ever seen him, she had never liked him, unlike his other brothers and sister this one was the one who would take the throne, she never liked him due to the fact that he might be like her father, a tyrant and a warlord, seeing him train and want to become a king enthusiastically made her concerns grow, and after he took over Zion she couldn't help but think Eden was next

However now she realized that she had failed to consider his position, he was the first King to inherit the throne instead of earning it, so he must have had a lot of pressure and to add to it they called him the reincarnation of his kingdom's most loved God, which meant the pressure had grown even more, and even more than that, his kingdom was attacked on the day of his coronation

Sona "I'm such a fool, I can't believe I said that, I cant believe that I had treated him like that all of his life, how much of a terrible Aunt I was, he always smiled and liked me, even though I treated him with scorn, I'm a fool!"

Realizing her mistakes, Queen Sona got up and walked towards Ryo, she than hugged him and said while crying

Sona [I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I have always treated you terribly yet,*sob* you still never did anything to me, I'm sorry, I should have never treated you that way,*sob* I should have loved you like an aunt not make your problems worst! *sob* I'm sorry]

Seeing his Aunt immediately apologize, Ryo didn't know what to do, he didn't expect things to develop this way, so he was surprised by her sudden apology, so all he did was hug his aunt, and for the first time in his life, he has received some true love from her


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