Looking around them both Artoria and Alter found themselves back at where they were, of course the moment they noticed each other, they both attacked, but before the clash starts once again, Ryo appeared in the middle and blocked the swords using his bare hands
Ryo [Stop! It's over, both of you are dumb! Honestly, your fight is meaningless, everything you two did is already gone, But you learned your lessons, *Sigh* Looks like it's my turn to learn a lesson *looks at the sky* "Isn't that Right, My Friend…"]
Artoria [Ryouto, I received some sort of notification, I… I was asked to be your servant!]
Alter [What! I was the one that got the Notification, why would you…?]
Ryo [Calm down, I asked both of you, I chose for it to be that way, I like both of you girl's ideals, so I'll take both, can you blame me?]
Ryo placed his hand on both girls as he petted their heads and then continued on saying
Ryo [Alter, I know that what you feel can't be simply forgotten, you have stayed inside her body for too long experiencing her emotions, and I can see why that has you frustrated, and you Artoria, the fact that you have accepted my invitation means that you are finally going through the right path, you learn from mistakes which is a good thing, I won't claim to be the best king or the one who knows all, but I surround myself with capable people, people that I trust to make the right decisions, so That is why I have the right that I do, so how about you do so too, and surround yourself with me and my people ?]
Artoria [I have come to know the I was wrong, I never took the initiative to fix things in my own Kingdom, but from now on, I will follow you ! I will learn from you, and from now on I won't pride myself as a King, but as A Queen, Your Queen… Ryouto, I admit defeated]
Alter [Well you always knew my decision was to follow you after I free myself from her, and now that I did, I will come with you, I don't want to be a king anymore, Maybe I'm truly not worthy, so instead, I'll act as your bodyguard, and serve under you]
Artoria [You… You knew about her?]
Ryo [Of course, we bonded quite a bit, she is a very kind girl "a bit too edgy however", and unlike you she likes my Food]
Artoria [But I…]
Ryo [She never took control of your body, but we both shared thoughts, and when you said my food is horrible she said otherwise!]
Alter [Oii, Master Stop saying weird stuff, I don't care about your food at all, let's get out of here]
Rin [Ryouto! Artoria]
Coming from the other side of the unburnt and undestroyed Einzbern forest was Rin, Sakura, Medusa, and of course Illya and her two maids
Ryo [Yo, Rin, Looks like you survived!]
Rin came rushing as she jumped and planting her foot in Ryo's face in attempt to kick him away, however the only thing she did was not even move him an inch, and then discovering gravity all over again!
Falling on her butt Rin got up and said
Rin [Damn it you asshole at least take that with pride and fall!]
Ryo [What did I do?]
Rin [I ALMOST DIED BECAUSE OF YOU! Why didn't you tell me about the Overpowered maids?]
Ryo [Oh, That, I sent Sakura to help you though?]
Rin [Whatever you can go to hell]
Noticing Alter Rin leaned and whispered in Ryo's ear
Rin [Anyway can you tell me why are there two Artoria's in here?]
Ryo [This is Artoria Alter, I would like to call her Salter, but something tells me she would slice my head off, so let's call her Alter from now on, she is Artoria's Alter Ego, and the grail saber ! ]
Rin [I see, shouldn't she be evil?]
Ryo [She is, Kinda ?]
Alter [Master, I'm hungry!]
Ryo [Nah, She is too cute for that! come here Alter, I have a burger hidden in my space pocket !]
Alter [Gimme gimme]
Artoria "This was the person that was fighting me few minutes ago? *sigh* I suppose food always moved me, Alter or not"
Sakura [Ryo, Look, Illya has agreed to come with us, She does have a bit of conditions however]
Illya [Can you really revive Basaka?]
Ryo [Yes, but you'll have to abandon this world and come with me to my own, you see, I'm not from this world, I'm only a Visitor!]
Illya [Then, I will come with you, and be your Onee-chan]
Ryo [I don't mind another older sister, but tell me, I sense some sort of uncertainty in your heart, what is it that you want to ask me, as your new little brother I will oblige]
Illya [Back in my home, there are many of my sisters, just like Leysritt and Sella, I can't help them on my own, so I want you to take them too]
Ryo [Hmmm, Sure, I don't mind]
Then looking at the Sky Ryo watched as Vimana stopped right above them, and then it dissipated as Semiramis, Materialized in front of them all, Ryo went to Semiramis and then petted her head saying
Ryo [Did you beat the mage?]
Semiramis [Hmph, so you knew about her]
Ryo [Sorry bout that]
Seeing Semiramis, Alter, come to her master's side and said
Alter [Master, she is bad, she smells like Morgan!]
Artoria [So you noticed as well?]
Alter [I'm not speaking to you, False King]
Seeing the awkwardness of the mood Ryo petted the heads of both Alter and Semiramis and said
Ryo [Now, now, Will you all calm down, everyone here is dear to me and I don't want you to fight, Semiramis, is a changed woman, and the same goes to everyone in here, you all have changed a bit, hopefully for the better, Now I want to ask you all for a favor, Will you do it for me ?]
Rin [A favor? what is it?]
Ryo [as you all have faced your pasts, I shall do the same, a friend of mine has arrived, and I wish to face him, Alone, promise me, all of you, no matter what, you shall not intervene with our battle]
Artoria [The Grail God!]
Rin [Isn't it too early?]
Semiramis [Master, you are too tired, you can't fight alone]
Ryo watched as all of them was worried about him, he felt happy, almost the same as back in his home, truly all of them are already part of his family, alas, this is something that he has to face on his own, So Ryo responded to their worries
Ryo [Gilgamesh, or my past self, took the initiative to save the world from Angra Mainyu when the Original hero Shirou Emiya died, Doing so led to something that perhaps, he knew would happen but he didn't stop it, because Angra Mainyu was about to corrupt him, Gilgamesh used his powerful Sword of Creation, to Erase Angra from the world, this, resulted in him being erased from the world as well, the reason why Kirei Kotomine didn't recognize me was because, the King of heroes no longer exists in this world, which means all of his deeds, past and future, were erased, only what was recorded in the books remained, but it remains vaguely, and the reason why Artoria is the only one to remember Him is because she is a counter guardian and Immortal, this of course caused a ripple and the creation of "Him"]
Ryo then looked behind him, and walked to see a figure form from the mud in the ground, the figure had a human body that was covered in only some cloth, and it had dark tattoos all over its body, and it had a majestically beautiful green hair that reached to the grounds, it also had horns that were made out of wood
Ryo [The King of heroes' biggest achievement, wasn't his collection of the whole world's treasures, nor was it his claim over the world and it wasn't even the authority he had over the Gods, it was his Friendship, Something that was erased with him
Isn't that Right my Friend?
With a sad look on his face Ryo watched as someone that he has never met before walk towards him, Ryo only knew Enkidu briefly, but even then, The moment he laid eyes on him, the only thing he could feel was happiness, even though he had never spoken to him, He felt as if they were friends for Billions of years
Enkidu [You left me!]
Ryo [I know, and I'm sorry… I'm here to make it up for you, so my friend, let us reenact our legendary battle, let us rekindle the friendship that we both have to each other, Enkidu, Let us fight once more]
Enkidu, or to be precise Berserker Enkidu, looked At Ryo with anger, it was as if he wasn't abandoned by him, for him to act like this, to treat his actions in a passing manner, angered Enkidu, A lot
This usually wouldn't be the emotions of Enkidu as he was aware of how Gilgamesh is, and he too loved him as a friend, but due to him not experiencing those emotions, since they were erased, confused him and led to the creation of his Berserker side, Coming to get answers, he ended up imprisoned in the holy grail, but now he is free, and he wants answers, Why was he left alone? Why did Gilgamesh leave? Why did his friend leave? Why?
From the ground close to Enkidu, a pair of chains started to form, and all of them were very sharp chains that are meant to restrain the gods!
Sensing the danger that Enkidu represented, Ryo Activated his Mana Burst (Divine) with it he can fight again, he also activated everything he had, and of course his passive {Loved By The Goddess "Curse" EX"} Started to react to the threat that was Enkidu, and even tough Enkidu's personality wasn't a threat to the Gods, his ability was
So this too, increased Ryo's power!
Ryo {★Secace★}
Summoning Secace, the only Divine Construct he has, Ryo launched himself as he attacked Enkidu, but of course due to the enormous Amount of chains around him Ryo couldn't actually even scratch Enkidu, Due to him being Divine, Enkidu was a counter towards him, so he had to find a way around it
Ryo {★Open Library of Babylon!★}
Summoning all of his Grimoires, Ryo aimed them at The chains of heaven, it was his way of avoiding being Captured, With his Grimoires occupying the Chains and clearing the way for him Ryo went straight to Enkidu, wanting to strike him down then and there, Ryo was about to slash Enkidu in the torso, But surprising him and everyone watching, Secace couldn't even scratch Him, it wasn't that Enkidu had a hard body, but it was his masterful use of the Chains of heaven that was masterful, using them even better than the King of heroes ever did, Enkidu wrapped the Chains around his body, to act as Armor, and of course due to his shock Ryo couldn't react to Enkidu piercing him from the side with another pair of chains, The Chains wrapped themselves Around Ryo, as he tried to escape but, No matter what he did, the Chains didn't even budge, forcing Ryo to be wrapped with them as they flew with him to the Sky, And as of asserting their dominance on him The chains dropped from the clouds, slamming Ryo to the ground as he spat out a mouthful of blood !
This was however the Start, the Start of Ryo's worthless struggle Against the Chains of Heaven, Enkidu!
Name: Enkidu, The Chains of Heaven
Age: Unknown
Race: Divine Construct 100%
Gender: -
Class: All Classes "Berserker"
Affection: 100% Sadness/Anger/Hatred/Love/----
World Class: Supreme Hero 99%/Demon Emperor 99%
Strength: EX
Agility: EX
Endurance: EX
Luck: EX
Mana: EX
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Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!