
Reality Check

Ryo looked at the room that was prepared for him and his girls, and apparently his Aunt and Lina thought that every Girl that came with Ryo were his lovers, which meant they hadn't prepared a room for them aside for this large Room

Ryo [Okay Listen up, It looks like Illya and Neia got a room of their own since their my sisters, you guys didn't because of a misunderstanding, if you're tired and want to sleep feel free to take the bed, I'll go back to Babylon to help Da Vinci, so you don't have to worry about me being here]

Rin [Wait, Ryo, I don't think any of us Mind ? Right ?]

Ryo [No, I'll have to go, it's for the sake of the world if Vritra loses control of her instinct the world is in danger! Bay!]

Vritra [what? hey, don't blame me! I can Control my INS-]

Vritra's word were unheard as he Ryo had already teleported out of the room

Vritra was left by angry gazes of all the girls that wanted to have the chance of sleeping with Ryo

Ryo [YO, Da Vinci you here?]

Da Vinci hearing Ryo arriving, stopped her work and went to Ryo

Da Vinci [Aren't you Early?]

Ryo [Yeah… something happened, so I had to come early, I need someone to talk to, someone that isn't emotional]

Da Vinci [You know I have emotions Right ?]

Ryo [Oh, I didn't mean it like that…. What I meant to say is that I need someone to talk to that is understanding, realistic, someone like you]

Da Vinci [Fufufu, Did you think I got hurt by your words? ahaha, please don't tell me you think of me as a potential lover]

Ryo hearing Da Vinci's teasing words simply fell on the bed she always prepared for him and said

Ryo [Perhaps]

Da Vinci [I See.. tell me what happened]

Ryo told Da Vinci about the gruesome things he saw on the Divola camp, it wasn't the deaths that got him, it was the lifeless eyes of the elves, they were innocent people that have done nothing, yet the world treated them with scorn, demons of Divola played with them simply because they were of another race, Ryo was angry at it and Da Vinci immediately noticed

Da Vinci [And that angered you ?]

Ryo [Yeah…]

Da Vinci [I don't know what to tell you Ryo, Humans, or from what I learned in this world, Intelligent creatures are dumb, they find wrongs where there is none, Race, Color and even language, they like to feel superior in everything, hell even the tone, If monsters are Killer, than Intelligent creatures are Oppressors]

Ryo [Aren't you being too harsh, Da Vinci]

Da Vinci [Harsh? you just saw it yourself, they used innocent people as Sex slaves just because they don't share the same race, Intelligent creatures are awful! They spit on everything we stand for]

Ryo [To a certain extent I agree with you, but you are contradicting yourself even if they are awful, you work to help them, to fix them and show them the-

… I see....

thank you Da Vinci, you got pissed off for my sake, because you knew I would defend them, Fuahahaha, I really outdone myself, choosing to summon you might be my best decision as a King, Thank you Da Vinci]

Da Vinci [Ahahaha, I can't believe I got caught... but you understand it don't you, what you are doing, is fixing them, you will guide them and show them the right way, no matter how awful they may be you shouldn't hate them, if they do things that are too extreme you kill them, however you must always give them a chance, and not because of some pretentious shit like out of the goodness of your heart, but because they were raised that way, if we plant the seed of righteousness, and they don't follow it, then they don't deserve to live, If you can't share the world with others than you don't deserve it]

Ryo [Thanks Da Vinci, I really needed that reality check, I almost went ahead and obliterated Divola, but your right *sigh* well I got somewhere to go to, I sent Aeron back to Babylon so he can gather an Army and destroy Divola, but maybe I was a bit too extreme, I'll still take over it but the people shouldn't suffer, just like I gave the people of Zion a chance to change, People of Divola perhaps can change as well]

Da Vinci [Glad to help, make sure to speak with Merlin and Scáthach before making a decision like that Again, Ok? You said it yourself, we are here to help you!]

Ryo [Sure, I guess]

Feeling refreshed after the talk with Da Vinci, Ryo went back to his room in Eden, he had been feeling stressed after seeing the way those slaves were treated and almost destroyed the entire country of Divola out of Anger, sure they deserve punishment but the people aren't always that bad, the way they are raised can affect them, if someone as a kid is always told to hate someone than they will grow to do just that, change isn't impossible, but it isn't easy either, But what Ryo realized is that he should at least give people a chance

Ryo walked back to his room and he could find most the girls were only lazing around some ware hanging out outside in Eden and some were back at Vimana

Deciding to visit the library, Ryo went ahead to Vimana instead, where he had built a special Library for his Grimoires and books of studies, inside of it, he could see a beautiful Liberian that had her hair tied in a pony tail, and was wearing a white sweater and black pants, the beauty seeing Ryo walk in, looked his way and said

Medusa [Oh ? has the King finally noticed my existence ? I thought you forgot about me]

Ryo [Please, forgive me Medusa, I was preoccupied, and you know, I didn't know what to say to you, ever since we had that awkward moment when I healed Sakura]

Medusa [What's so awkward about me giving you a hand job ? was I not up to par with the King of harem's expectations, I may be a bit old, but I was said to be one of the most beautiful woman in Greece]

Ryo [Oh come one, your just teasing me now, Medusa, if you were not up to par, I wouldn't have come here, you are too good for me to ever waste a chance to be with you, now, would the most beautiful Liberian I have ever seen give me a book recommendation ?]

Medusa [Ufufufu, not sure if you should say that, since your Queen might soon be a Liberian as well ufufufufu]

(A/N Don't forget, if we are top 100 of the fan fiction ranking I'll give you all 2 Extra chapters this week !)


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