

Outside the city Ryo was speaking with his father moments before he leaves to hunt the Calamity Whale

Ryo [So uhmm I am Sorry about yesterday, i didn't mean to act like that, I just wanted to uhhm]

The King [its Fine Ryo, Don't worry about it, if I was you I would go ahead and apologize to your mom, she's the one who's angry]

Ryo [Yeah that's a good Idea]

After saying goodbyes to his Father and Brother and Mars Ryo Went to his mother to apologize


After saying goodbye to her Husband and her Stepson Sylphy went into her husband's office to relax a bit and start her work

Usually when her husband is gone she takes care of the work he has piled up, today was the same

At least until someone knocked the Door, she had an Idea of who it was so she asked him to come in

Sylphy [Come In]

Hearing his mom telling him to go in Ryo toke a deep breath before going in

Ryo [Hey Mom, I wanted to apologies for my behavior Yesterday, I knew the situation is tense for you since dad is going to Hunt a Calamity beast yet I still acted immaturely, I am Very Sorry]

Hearing her son's Heartfelt Apology Sylphy got up and walked to him and gave him a huge hug

Sylphy [I love you Ryo, and I don't want to see you in danger, I understand that there will be a time where you have to fight too, but not now, I don't want to lose you]

Ryo [Mom, I promise that I'll Always come back home, I'll never make you Cry for me, I am sorry]

Sylphy [Thank you Ryo, Now go I heard that you commissioned for a new type of bath to be made why not test it out, maybe with someone special like, Lita]

Hearing his mother tell him to test a bath with Lita Ryo's face became red

Ryo [Don't say that Mom, I'll go check on it]


Ryo went to check on the Onsen that Merlin was speaking so highly off, From the Memories of Gilgamesh that Ryo had, Onsens are one of the most loved Type of Bath's back in his world, so he wanted to test it himself

Lita [Does it Look Good Ryo-sama, if anything is missing then please inform me so I can tell the workers what's messing ]

Ryo took a look at the onsen but on his head was his mother's words, Ryo and Lita have been Friends since 10 years ago, and Ryo was always attracted to Lita, so taking advantage of the fact that no one used the onsen Ryo said

Ryo [Only one thing is missing]

Lita [What is it Ryo-Sama ?]

Lita Said Tilting her Head

Ryo [We have to test it out]

Lita [oh I see Ryo-sama, I'll take my leave then, enjoy you're bath Ryo-Sama]

Ryo [Oh I need you here Lita, you see an Onsen is A place where People have shower with their loved ones and close friends, the experience is simply incomplete if you do it alone, and I won't be able to judge the worker's job, so I want to share my first Onsen Bath with you, Are you okay with it ?]

Lita [But Ryo-Sama, I am just you're servant, I can't join Royalty in bathes, let alone a bath where you're completely naked]

Ryo [Lita, you and I have been Friend for 10 years, you know I don't care about those stupid rules come on let's go in]

Lita [Uhh, Ryo-sama, *sigh* OK sure, I'll help you undress]

After both Ryo and Lita go undressed they went in the Onsen, They both Relaxed and enjoyed a relaxing bath

Ryo [Haaaaa, It feels Really good, Are you Enjoying you're bath Lita ?]

Lita who was looking at her Lord's body was startled when her lord looked at her and asked her a question

Her face turned completely red and she spoke in a flustered way

Lita [Ahg! I am enjoying my time Ryo-Sama, the Bath feels really good]

Ryo [Looks like am not the only one enjoying my time admiring someone]

Lita [*Sigh* Ryo-Sama, I understand you're lust for my body, I Also lust over yours, but it's impossible for me to accept your Love, nor can you accept mine, I am human, if you're people see you with me, it will tarnish you're Reputation, which I can't accept as you're servant, and it might lead to the Death of my mother so please Ryo-sama, Understand this]

Ryo [Lita, Why do you always use that as an excuse?

You know what I don't care anymore, do you know that I am part human too? yeah that's true, Mother is a half elf and a half demon while my father is half human and half demon, he doesn't know it but it is what It is, Lita I love you, I know you love me to, I keep trying to hold back for your sake but I want to say it, I want you to accept me, it doesn't matter what others think, as for your Mother no one will dare lay a Hand on her not when you are my Friend, I Already Spoke to Father about her, he will locate and bring her here to you, I intend to change this world Lita, and am starting with my own country, So tell me Lita Do you want to share that Dream with me ? Do you Accept me as someone that shares the same feeling ?]

Lita [Ryo-sama I… I Love you too, I Love you more than anyone, and I am afraid that maybe we can't be together, but I don't care anymore I want you to Accept me too]

Hearing Lita's Response Ryo got up and went to Lita a said

Ryo [Of course I do Lita, You're my First Love]

As soon as he said that Ryo Kissed Lita Passionately for 2 Minutes, before stopping and saying

Ryo [I think we are done with the bath]

Lita responded to playfully

Lita [I think we are We are]

Instead of wasting time and the passion that was created Ryo decided instead of walking to his room he would teleport, even though this spell is Weak compared to Real teleportation it still achieved its purpose

So after surprising Lita By teleporting with her to his room Ryo carried her to his bed


Ryo laid Lita on her back and started kissing her, after he explored every part of her mouth and tongue

Ryo started kissing her neck and going down, going through her Collarbone and until reaching her Breasts, Although Lita had Small Breast compared to most girls, she still had a great looking pair of breast, and Ryo finally got his chance to taste them

Licking her Right breast while fondling her left breast, He kept enjoying his time Flipping between the two, sometimes even teasing her by biting her hard nipples

After deciding it's time Ryo went down to find her beautiful looking Vagina, although it was very Wet Already, Ryo wanted to make sure that Lita is ready for him so he started licking it

Lita [Anghhh, Ryo-Sama I can't wait anymore please stop teasing me]

Noticing That Lita was already in the Mood, Ryo Decided that he'll taste her again some other time, so instead he faced Lita and Said

Ryo [Are you ready? First times always are Painful]

Lita [Yes I am, Go ahead Ryo, it's finally time for us to unite]

Getting his answer, Ryo placed his Dragon atop Lita's Cave before planting it inside Slowly, he was surprised that Lita toke the full length, and not only that but she was enduring the pain better than he expected

Ryo [Are you good Lita ?]

Lita [I think am Fine Now, Go Ahead Ryo you can continue]

Since Lita was fully into it now, Ryo Increase the Pace of his thrusting

The only sounds in His Room were the Sounds of Pleasure that Lita was experiencing,

After Few Minutes Lita screamed to Ryo

Lita [Ryooo, I am Comingggggggg, I Love yoUuuuuuuuuuuuu]

Ryo [I am Coming Too Lita, Let's Do it Together]

After their First time Ryo and Lita kept going like Rabbits, until Lita got Tired and Decided to go to sleep

---------+18 Stops ---------(AN/ I hate writing R18 Scenes, My virgin ass doesn't know shit about sex other than Some Hentai and Porn I watch Daily like an Idiot)

Waking up to new feeling Ryo looked at Lita who was still a sleep on his chest, She was usually the one to wake him up when his stays in bed too much, but today he decided to wake Up early

And after about 30 Minutes Lita Woke Up and after wiping her Eyes she looked at Ryo and realized that yesterday was not a dream, and she also realized the time

Lita [R-Ry-Ryooo-Sama, I am Sorry I overslept, Am sorry]

Ryo [Huh! I don't really care, honestly I liked watching you sleep, you looked so cute]

Lita [*Blushes* Thank you Ryo-Sama, But you can't Coax me with words you have to wake up now you're Already late for your Training]

Ryo [Ughhh I Suppose, meet me after my training, well go to mother, I have to tell her about your mom, since Father isn't here she will find her for you]

Lita [Thank you Ryo-sama, I never thought I'd get to see her again it's been more than Ten years since we were separated]

Ryo [it must have been Really Rough for you without a mother I can't even Imagine my life without one, I was blessed with six mothers when other's can't even have one, this World is Cruel Lita, but I will Change it, our Country may be weak now, I may be weak now, but it won't be long,

Lita I Promise you that

I will make sure that no Kid ever get's forcefully separated from their parent's ever again]

Lita who was inspired by Ryo's Speech replied

Lita [Thank you Ryo-sama, I will make sure to do the same, I will make sure you help you in any way possible]


2-days later


Qiness [seems like you really have been enjoying you're self Fuuufufufufu]

Ryo [Qiness !! I said that I don't feel comfortable speaking about this so please, Stop]

Qiness replied Teasingly

Qiness [Ok, ok Just make sure to keep you're noises down, the whole castle can hear you]

Ryo [What !!?]

Qiness [am Kidding, Relax, so why did you call me here?]

Ryo [I Plan to summon Another servant soon, am going in the forest so I need you to cover for me cause there might be some big Flashing light coming from there]

Qiness [Is that so? Well, I'll see what I can do]


In The Forest


Merlin [can I ask you a question Lord Ryo ?]

Ryo [What is it Merlin ?]

Merlin [you seem to trust that Succubus Qiness a lot, I mean the only person to know about the system and my existence is her, why?, I mean from what I can tell your family is trust worthy ? do you maybe fear they will betray you if they knew about your abilities ?]

Ryo [No No Nothing like that Merlin, I trust my family completely I just don't want to worry them, as for Qiness well she actually isn't a mother of mine, I mean officially she and my father are married but they both have no interest in each other, Qiness has a Future Sight Ability that activates once every couple of years and the last time it did apparently she foretold my birth, according to her I will be Her race's savior so she made a deal with my father, the Succubus race will live in Arkhan in peace and aid the Arkhan Kingdom, in exchange of her marrying him and to later on go on and serve me,]

Merlin [that seems too convenient to me? don't you think that maybe she has been using you for her own personal reason?]

Ryo [oh believe me, when I heard her story she had Red flags all over her but after the system activated I could see the Amount of Loyalty held toward me and well hers was worryingly too high at 98.88% ]

Merlin [Oh Waw , What is mine]

Ryo [it's 100%]

Merlin [waw even am Surprised, I think you're system is flawed I'm not that loyal to anyone]

Ryo "or maybe you're acting like a tsundare again"


Ryo [On your toes Merlin, if the new servant does anything suspicious activate an illusion, we can't risk fighting a servant in the forest, just few attacks the whole City will see us]

Merlin [yup yup I'm fully ready]

Since Ryo had 25 FP he was planning to use 20 to summon two servants and 3 for a Random Skill

Ryo "well then let's start"

{Commencing Summoning}

After the usual flashing red light

An extremely beautiful woman emerged from the red summoning Circle She had long purple hair and red eyes, and wears a full-body outfit that highlights her curvaceous body

??? [I came from the Land of Shadow. My name is Scáthach. I guess I should call you My Master? King?

I don't usually serve other for I 'am a Queen myself but I was drawn here by your Incredible Potential, so I can't let it go to waste]

[AN/ Listen OK i tried my best but i cant do Lemon that well, and you bois won't be getting a lemon for a while because

Spicy stuff are about to happen

so i hope you enjoy this chapter cause the next few Ch are gonna Be Lit (I hope so) ]

Power stones is for me ?

Gilgamesh9669creators' thoughts