
The King of Fairies(Discontinued, will reboot with OC protagonist)

Noctis Lucis Caelum, the chosen King was supposed to die, but he awakens in a new world, one not unlike his own filled with magic, demons, and dragons.

XOmni · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Ch 14 Jose

Noctis runs through the halls of Phantom Lords robot. Searching for the remaining Element 4. He reaches outside and realizes that the robot has slowed down again. He also notices Gray and a blue haired girl nearby. The girl was Juvia, a member of the Element 4. Juvia was unconscious with a large blush on her face, and Gray was sitting next to her without his shirt.

Noctis: " The hell happened here?"

Gray: " Oh, hey Noct. Me and this chick fought, she almost fell off the roof and I caught her. She then passed out. I'm pretty sure she's part of the Element 4."

Noctis: " Mira found out that the Abyss Break spell is being powered by the Element 4."

Gray: " Seriously? So, we just gotta beat Aria, and it'll stop?"

Noctis: " According to Mira, yeah."

Gray: " Then what are we waiting for? Let's go beat that blowhard." He states, standing to his feet.

The two run off, further into the robot.


A few minutes later and the robot had stopped entirely, Noctis and Gray arrived in a large open room. Standing in the room was Erza in her Heaven's Wheel armor, Aria of the Element 4 lies defeated on the ground.

Gray: " You stopped Aria? That's great, now it can't cast the Abyss Break spell."

Jose: " Don't think your safe yet." He states in a grimly dark voice as he floats into the room, surrounded by a dark aura.

Noctis: " Damn, I can feel the darkness wafting off this guy."

Erza: " That is Jose, the master of Phantom Lord and one of the Ten Wizard Saints."

Jose moves his arm in an arc, the area around Gray is engulfed in an explosion of dark energy. The attack sends Gray flying immediately knocking him out.

Noctis: " Erza, take Gray and run! Your still weakened from the Jupiter cannon!"

Erza: " I will not let you fight alone!"

Jose: " My, quite chivalrous. Offering to fight me alone. Though, it is a foolish mistake."

Jose once again moves his arm in an arc, and the area around both Noctis and Erza is engulfed in an explosion of dark energy. Jose grins sadistically, thinking that he had already won.

A trident flies out of the dust kicked up by Jose's spell. Noctis warps after it, grabbing the trident, Noctis attacks Jose with it. Jose avoids with incredible speed.

Jose: " Not bad, but it'll more than a few measly parlor tricks to defeat me."

Noctis: " You haven't seen anything yet!"

Noctis switches the Trident of the Oracle with the Katana of the Warrior. He dashes forward, unsheathing his weapon, he delivers a slashing attack to Jose.

Jose swiftly avoids Noctis's slash, and retaliates with a Dark Pulse, the explosion of dark energy sending Noctis flying back.

Jose: " A pathetic attempt."

Erza dashes forward in an attempt to attack Jose with both her swords, however Jose easily avoids her attacks. Erza continues to slash at the master of Phantom Lord, but Jose avoids every slash, he then counters with a Dark Pulse, sending Erza careening back.

Jose: " Hahaha! I'm not even using my full strength!"

Noctis: " We're getting our asses kicked."

Erza: " I believe I have a plan. Follow my lead."

Erza dashes at Jose, slashing in an X-formation. Jose avoids by dashing backwards, straight into an attack from Noctis, who slashes Jose across the back with his sword, leaving a large gash.

Jose flies up into the air, a scowl present on his face.

Jose: " Damnit. How the hell did you get behind me?!"

Noctis: " I teleported. Much faster than running."

Jose: " You're a smug little bastard, aren't you?"

Jose: " Shade Entangle." He states as purple ghost-like entities fly from Jose and ensnare Erza and Noctis, causing the two great pain.

Erza: " What is this?!" She yells, trying to escape, but her struggling only makes the pain worse.

Noctis: " Damnit!"

Noctis focuses and phases out of Jose's Shade Entangle.

Jose: " How is that even possible?!"

Noctis summons the Trident of the Oracle and attacks the ghost-like entities entangling Erza, the trident glows with divine light as it cleaves through the ghosts, freeing Erza.

Jose: " No!!"

Jose extends his hand out in front of him, a magic circle appearing in front of his palm. A purple beam of magic fires from the magic circle at the two Fairy Tail mages.

Noctis grabs Erza and phases the both of them out of harm's way, Jose's beam hitting the ground where they once stood.

Erza: " Thank you."

Jose: " Would you just stand still?! Stop delaying the inevitable!"

Noctis: " I'm ending this!" He yells, holding his arm forward, the Ring of Lucii glowing a brilliant white light.

A large crystal appears above Jose's head, it then collapses in on itself, creating a miniature black hole behind Jose. It creates a powerful vacuum that begins to suck in Jose.

Jose: " I will not lose to Fairy Tail!" He slams his heels into the ground and summons a few shades to pull him away from the black hole.

The black hole rips off Jose's outer jacket and even sucks in some of the shades, but Jose himself refuses to be pulled in by it.

The black hole vanishes, leaving Jose still standing, his clothes in tatters, an enraged look on his face.

Noctis: " D-damnit." He falls to his knees, exhausted. His magic completely spent.

Jose: " I'll kill you, and then the rest of you pathetic fairies!" Both Erza and Noctis are once again restrained by ghost-like entities.

Noctis, completely drained of his magic, is helpless as it ensnares him.

The shades are engulfed in a bright light and eviscerated into nothing, the light also heals Erza and Noctis's wounds.

Makarov: " You've both done well. Allow me to take it from here." He walks onto the battlefield, a brilliant light emanating from him.

Jose: " Makarov." He states with distain in his voice.

Makarov: " You've destroyed my guild, hurt my children, and started a war between our guilds. I will give you until the count of 3 to grovel for my forgiveness."

Jose: " Hahahahaha!! HAHAHAH!! Do you really think that I would to anything of the sort!!"

Makarov: " 1...."

Jose: " You and your whole guild are nothing but pathetic worms!!"

Makarov: " 2..."

Noctis: " What's he doing?"

Erza: " It's Fairy Law."

Makarov: " 3." The sound of a large bell fills the air, and the whole area is engulfed in a brilliant white light.

When the light disappears, Jose is a pale sickly white, his hair fringed and fried. He looked like he would fall over if anyone, even Happy poked him.

Makarov: " It's over Jose. The war is done."

Noctis: " What was that?"

Erza: " That was Fairy Law, a spell that only hurts those the caster sees as their enemies."

Makarov: " Are you two alright?"

Noctis: " I'm fine. Just need to rest a bit."

Erza: " I'm glad you're alright master."

Noctis, Erza, and Makarov return to the destroyed guild hall and inform the rest of the guild of their victory. The war was over, Fairy Tail had won.