

This is my first novel so there will be few mistakes I hope you ignored I will try to make novel best with my abilities

Adarsh_raj · Fantasie
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1 Chs



ODIN : I Think we should give humanity a chance.

ZEUS: Yes we should but do you think they can handle the power of God's.

VISHNU: If they can't then we have to guide them.


Somewhere in universe

******** : So they are helping humanity.

******* : well do you think they can stand against us . they should be thankful that we can't go there right now.

******** : what are you two talking about. do you have time to chat like this . I want their blood so you better be immediate right now

they both immediately kneel down

******** : we are sorry

******* : we are sorry


May 9 , 2023, The Day of the God's power arrival on Earth...

In a room belonging to the male dormitory of Manchester University .

"what the f*** is wrong with this weather..." Arthur complained lightly as he looked at the world through the window.

The rain was falling as if a deluge had beaten down on the world. The sound of the water drops hitting the window pane was soothing, but he could not appreciate the benefit.

For the past year, the world's weather had become absurd from one day to the next. Deserts were suddenly flooded with all kinds of storms and the earth's poles began to defrost due to high temperatures. However, this was not all.

Even when icy places like Antarctica began to thaw overnight, the next day temperatures plummeted again, freezing everything over.

Scientists simply had no way of explaining the phenomenon. However, as a consequence of this, the major nations of the world practically forced the rest of the smaller countries to be careful with pollution, attributing everything that happened to malfunctions in the planet's protective layer.

Now even if the sun shone brightly people always carried umbrellas in their hands, fearing a sudden


"As if this wasn't enough, I have to go to work in this damn storm..." Arthur sighed to himself and turned around to look for warmer clothes from the closet.

Arthur was just a normal 18-year-old student. His father was of Indian descent and small civil employee with no power and his mother was British descent and taught English at an elementary school in India.

As Arthur was rummaging through his clothes, the whole world seemed to shudder fiercely as many things began to move from their places. Quickly he held on to the closet tightly, preventing it from collapsing on top of his body and crushing him.

Arthur took a good look outside through the window. Where he saw a massive imposing tower rising up from the water surrounded by Deep steam and molten what called Lava.

He had no doubt that nobody could enter the tower without stepping into the lava. Even if somebody could fly, he was sure they would get struck down before reaching anywhere near it.

He saw how the tower was built of black stone, carved with intricate patterns and symbols that were screaming said hold great power and significance.

This entire place reeked of danger and terror just by looking at it. However, this only made him feel even more terror.

Suddenly Arthur felt something strange inside him as if he had been punched hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. His face turned pale and he had the urge to vomit, barely restraining himself.

After about ten seconds, everything seemed to return to normal.

Things stopped moving, the few paintings that had been saved from falling to the ground no longer threatened to fall. and the sound of the rain falling fiercely could be heard again.

The choking and suffocating sensation that Arthur had felt a moment ago disappeared and the cold coming through the broken windows embraced his body. However, he could no longer worry about the cold, the rain, or the previous earth-shaking.

[The God's Power has arrived on Planet Earth. You can now view your status window whenever you wish. The first time, the window will open as a test].

'... What is this...?" He muttered to himself as he read the strange green message that had appeared on his retina.

[Name: Arthur

Species: Human

Level: 1

Job : None

Title : None

Strength: 2

Agility: 2

Dexterity: 3

Defense: 2

Mana: 5

"what the f*** is this ' .