
The king's unwanted star.

Cosmo This is about a omega, he was born in a pack that put strength first well sadly that wasn't Cosmo's strong suit. so cosmo was looked down on, beaten, and treated like trash every since he was a baby. Cosmo was always told he was mateless and unwanted so he believed them until he meet Zane. Zane he is a Alpha in the pack of royalty he is stronger, faster and more then that the meanest Alpha to ever walk the earth that is until he meet Cosmo. Every since he was a baby he was loved and dotted on because he is the next alpha king. the one that will keep all other alphas in check, the only problem is becuse of rules he can't do that without his mate. (updates will probably be random.)

majesticrain · Fantasie
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2 Chs

The Beating.

Cosmo finished mopping everywhere he could without being in the way of the people that lived there. He quickly ran down stairs with the mop to wash it then put it away, he then made his was back up and got the bucket he slowly brought it down and it spilled all over himself he wasn't to worried so he sighed and then poured all the mucky black water down the bathroom sink, he made sure to wash the sink before running off to the kitchen.

Cosmo got to the kitchen and looked at the time, he had around 55 minutes to make the packs breakfast. 'I can make eggs and hashbrowns. With how the wolf's here eat I need 60 sunnyside up eggs and then 60 scrambled. i hope we have premade hashbrowns' he said hopefully as he walked to the freshly stocked refrigerator. Cosmo kneeled to the floor and started digging in the freezer, he smiled as he found just what he was Looking for, he got all of the bags out and started preparing everything. Cosmo grabbed a 4 pans and put then on the first stove and started getting them warm to cook the frozen hashbrowns, as that was started he turned to his left and started setting everything up for the eggs.

Cosmo layed out 4 pans for the eggs on the 2nd stove. He walked to the refrigerator and opened it grabbing as many dozens of eggs as he needed and layed them out popping them open one by one he split them in half and started cracking some in the first 2 pans then he grabbed a large glass bowl from the shelf and started cracking the other half in, he quickly whisked them together with a fork and put some water into the eggs to make them extra fluffy. Cosmo then quickly started pouring the contents of the bowl into other 2 pans and started cooking everything as fast and perfectly as he could.

Cosmo finished right on time and put everything in the warmer so it wouldn't get cold as he set the table. Cosmo grabbed 20 plates and lined 10 on each side of the table, before laying out all the silverware as people started to make their way into the large dining room.

Cosmo finished setting everything before he made his way down stairs to the basement again hoping he wasn't seen or it would end badly, but sadly he was seen by the wrost person possibly.

It wasn't more then 15 minutes before the Alpha's son walked down stairs. Cosmo quickly pushed himself into the corner as he walked in, he was much larger at 6"1 compared to Cosmo 5"5 frame. The much larger Male keeled in front of Cosmo smirking. "so I seen you did almost everything. But you see slut you forget something Very Very important." he said in a honey coated sweet voice before it quickly dropped and he slammed his fist into the young omega's face as he coldly and deeply said "My Laundry!"

Cosmo tried to get out of the way but it didn't work as he slammed his head into the brick wall behind him and his vision went slightly fizzy. All Cosmo could feel was the wind of the hit right before the Alpha's son's fist connected to his face making him hit his head even harder against the wall, but this time he felt a warm liquid run down the back of his neck and he knew he was bleeding. Cosmo let a tear run down his face as the man continuously hit him until he sensed the male standing up, he then suddenly felt a hard blow onto his stomach as the male kicked him with his steel toed boots.

Cosmo slowly lifted his head to see if the male had left but he quickly realized his mistake as he head was stomped on and he hit the cold concrete flooring and everything slowly faded into a peaceful black and he thought it was finally over that he could be as peace, but he knew that was wishful thinking since he was knocked out not dead, well not yet at least.