
Chapter 2: The Mysterious Academy

Chapter 2: The Mysterious Academy

The castle gates swung open with a resounding slam, drawing the attention of everyone present. All eyes turned towards the entrance as a tall man with a monocle stepped forward, commanding a silence that enveloped the crowd. His presence exuded an air of authority and mystery.

"I understand that you all must be bewildered by your circumstances," the man spoke, his voice carrying a certain gravitas. "For now, I ask that you follow me."

Though confusion still clouded their minds, the people complied, curiosity and uncertainty evident in their expressions. They trailed behind the man, their footsteps echoing in the grand halls of the castle. As they walked, the man began to shed light on their situation.

"You have been transported to this world to become masters and aid us in the future," he revealed, his words hanging in the air.

A voice from the crowd interrupted, defiant and skeptical. "This is nonsense! We demand to be returned!" a student shouted, their frustration breaking through.

The man's calm demeanor wavered for a moment. Swiftly, he bit his finger, allowing a droplet of blood to fall. With a mere flick of his hand, the blood sliced through the air, cutting the student's neck. Gasps of shock rippled through the crowd as they witnessed the display of power.

"Questions are not allowed until I say so," the man declared firmly, his gaze piercing through their fear-stricken faces.

Panic spread among the students. They frantically searched for their phones, desperate to call for help or reach out to their loved ones. But their attempts were in vain. The man's icy command echoed through the hall, silencing their pleas and cries for assistance.

"Silence! If you do not wish to meet a fate similar to that student, then follow me... quietly," he commanded, his voice laced with a chilling authority.

Zan observed the scene with a mix of awe and trepidation. The man's demonstration of power left him in awe, but it also raised questions that begged for answers. "How is it possible to kill someone with a mere drop of blood?" Zan pondered, his mind racing with thoughts and uncertainties. However, the absence of family and the lack of ties to his old world made him decide to follow the man's lead.

Approximately thirty students, including Zan, followed the man as he led them inside the academy. The imposing gates closed behind them, sealing off the outside world. Unbeknownst to those left behind, the monstrous creatures lurking in the shadows claimed them as their prey. The man's earlier warning became a grim reality.

"I forgot to mention that in this world, monsters exist," the man said, his voice filled with a tinge of regret. It was clear that danger lurked beyond the castle's protective walls.

Amidst the murmurs of the students, the man continued his explanation. "In this academy, you will train your kinetic abilities. These abilities, akin to superpowers, are the foundation of everything here. You may not have possessed them in your old world, but they are bestowed upon you in this realm."

Zan's eyes widened with realization. The man's blood manipulation ability, hemokinesis, had demonstrated the vast potential of these newfound powers. He couldn't help but wonder what abilities he possessed and what secrets lay dormant within him.

As they reached a door, the man led them into a room filled with rows of chairs. "Find a seat and sit down, obviously" the man instructed, his voice commanding yet oddly reassuring.

Curiosity and anticipation swelled within Zan. He scanned the room, searching for an empty chair. With each step, he felt a surge of excitement mixed with

a hint of apprehension. Little did he know that the path he had chosen would lead him down an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, danger, and the untamed power that awaited him within the walls of the Kinetic Academy.