
The Kind Prince Who Became An Evil Lord of Darkness

Betrayal is a wound that every man has felt, I wrote this story to show how it can make a man strong. "What is the difference between a hero, a villain and a coward? A hero uses his sword to protect people A villain uses people to protect his sword Both are better than a coward A coward has no sword, and uses empty words to protect his life A sword is not just a man's weapon, it is a man's ambition, and without ambition, a man is merely a coward. In order to be a hero or a villain a man must have ambition. The difference between the two is where that ambition lies." -The Dark Prince In 17th century France, the rich nobles control the world with a magic system called "Artifacts". Prince an innocent hearted prince of the Bourbon Kingdom, one day has his life thrown into chaos by betrayal, and inherits an "Artifact" that is the ancient spirit of "The Dark King". Through misfortune after misfortune, Prince eventually loses everything and starts his life over without a royal name. Prince vows to make his way back to the top hiding amongst the everyday people of France. Prince is a Japanese style light novel based on Machiavelli’s classic "The Prince". Although this work takes influence from it, the story, quotes, and characters are all completely original. It is mostly the concept of good and evil that is borrowed from Machiavelli.

Gaburieru · Fantasy
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219 Chs

Chapter 21: Meri III (R-18)

Prince drew his blade defending Meri with it.


The beast lunged at him, biting his sword with its deadly set of sharp teeth.

Just the weight of the bear's neck was able to force Prince to the ground. He gritted his teeth, struggling to hold it back with his sword.

"This things power," Prince grunted. "It's unreasonably strong!"

The beast released its jaws from the sword and came at Prince with one of its huge claws.

Prince rolled underneath the beast's claw, appearing behind it.

Prince swiped at the bears back, dragging his blade across tits backside.

"REEERGGG!" The beast cried. Shaking off the pain it ran at Prince again, raging with bloodlust.

From where Prince was standing, he couldn't even see any blood on the beast. There was almost no trace of his attack aside from some ruffled fur on its behind.

"I was barely able to wound it?" Prince said "Even with your strength Pedro?"

"You don't know any attack artes Prince" Pedro said. "And unfortunately I have forgotten all of mine"

Prince rolled back in front of the beast, standing between it and Meri's hiding place.

"Prince!" Meri cried "You have no chance of beating that monster without an attack arte!" She cried. "And even if you knew one, it would take 3 others to take this beast down!"

"Alright then," Prince said with his back turned to Meri "Looks like you've got some teaching to do then."

"YOu want to learn attack artes… now?" She asked.

"Yes!" Prince said parrying a claw attack from the bear. "Does it look like I have a choice?"

"Ok, this is hard to explain, but Imagine the thing most precious to your soul!" Meri insisted.

"That kind of hard to do while fighting a bear!" Prince yelled, taking a headbutt from the beast. He slammed into a tree, grabbing his chest in pain.


"Ok" Prince said, closing his eyes. He remembered playing the harpsichord with his mother, a treasured memory that had helped him during Lindor's training..

(7 years ago)

"Mother…" Prince said. "I'm tired, I want to go play with Richard and Zoey now" Prince said.

"Not until you're finished playing your chords are you not!" His mother instructed.

"Mother…" Prince groaned

"Prince, it is important not that you play an instrument, but that you have more to your soul than eating and sleeping, you may hate me for forcing you now, but soon, you will come to cherish this simple thing."

"I can feel it" Prince thought, "The essence of the soul. Something beyond myself, something I connect with through music."

Prince looked down at his sword and saw a bright cyan light illuminating its edges.

"Good! Your Blade is burning Blue! Now Prince cut through the thing you imagined!" Meri yelled

"What!" Prince yelled.

Taken off guard, Prince received a claw to his shoulder, sending him barreling across the ground.

"AHHHHHH!!" He cried. His shoulder was snapped out of place, dislocated from the beasts strike.

"How can I cut through what I enjoy care about the most!" Prince yelled, grabbing his shoulder

"You are not harming that thing, you are releasing it! It is part of your soul! You must release that part of you into that blade! When you strike you must be emotionless!" Meri yelled

"I see" Prince said. "Severing the soul, I think I understand now."

Prince;s mind became flooded with the memories inside him that had challenged him to grow.

"If you were to love someone, and it turned out, the person you loved never existed where you ever in love at all?"(Godefroi)

"This event is no different! Believe in the future that this tragedy will bring you to! I love you my son!"(Carolin)

"Au revoir Prince!"(Lindor)

"TSK!" Prince grunted "Damnit!"

All of a sudden Prince's blade began to glow black.

"HEHehehehe HAHHAHH!!! Yes give me the control! Give it all to me!" Pedro laughed

"Black… A corrupt soul!" Meri gasped

"NOOOOOOO!" Prince yelled, grabbing the side of his face. "I won't fall to darkness!"

"Prince!" Meri cried

Pulling back the darkness emitting from his blade, Prince overcame it with the blue light, that started flowing from his balde like a fountain.

"I will call this attack" He said looking up at the bear. It Lunged at him throwing all the weight in its body behind its claws. As the beast lunged through the air, Prince's snapped his shoulder back into place, and steadied his blade.


Prince's blade went straight through the bears claws, slicing them clean of its arms. Prince didn't stop there. Running his blade across the beasts belly ,he dragged it, severing it in two.

"Beast slayer!" He cried

The bears upper body was torn in half, splattering blood in all directions. Wrapping his blade in the hooded rag he had worn, he swiped at the air, collecting all the blood with his blade, preventing a single drop from landing on his body.

He stood bare naked, surrounded by a muddy puddle of blood. Walking out of the bloody puddle he examined his hands.

"Mother…" Prince said looking down at his hands. "If you wer too-"

He was interrupted by Meri.

She came at him running through the mud bare chested. Her breasts flailing around like plump melons ready to burst as she made her way to him. She wrapped her arms around Prince,squeezing him him tight.

"Hey what gives?" He said to Meri.

"TH… thank you Prince." Meri said. As she spoke, she drenched his chest with tears, wiping her eyes on his extremely cut pecs.

"I prayed for you to come… and you did...I can't believe you came for me.." She said.

"Hey, don't hug me two long, you're half naked, doesn't this go against your faith?" Prince said.

"You are my faith Prince," She said leaning in to kiss him.

Prince dropped his guard, perching his lips to receive his damsels sweet prize.

As soon as she reached his lips Meri stopped and crouched down.

"She's just going to kick me again!" Prince said bracing himself

Meri came out of her crouch, leaping on top of Prince. Dragging him to the ground, she splashed him in the mud covering them both in filth.

"You said you wanted dirty right?" She said pinning him down. "How's this for you?"

Meri passionately pressed her lips against Prince, exploding in passion. She bit the bottom of his lip, feverishly smacking their lips together, in an almost animalistic intimacy.

She pressed herself against Prince, manhandling him as she kissed him in the muddy grime.

Pausing briefly, she lifted up her chest, exposing her breasts, pressing prince's mouth against her nipples.

She let out a pleasurous moan as Prince bit down hard with his lips, pinching them tight around her breast, and then letting go, softly massaging her them.

After placing Meri in a state of ecstasy, Prince flipped her over onto her back, regaining the top position.

"No woman can dominate me" He said, running his fingers through her hair "Not even a woman of god!"

He slid his fingers underneath what was left of her garments,searching for the lips of her clit.

Meri grabbed his hand preventing him from goin gany further.

"I'm not going back on my word" She said. "You can do whatever you want to me, but no penetration, I want to remain a virgin until marriage…: She said blusning

"I can't complain," Prince said, kissing her. "Your kiss is enough to satisfy my thirst, I've never felt an aggressive passion like this, I want to experience more! More Meri!" He said kissing her neck.

"WAIIIITTT!!!" Pedro said out of the corner of his mind "Ask her if her mouth counts as penetration!"

"Hehe, good idea Pedro."

"Meri, does your mouth count as penetration?" Prince asked.

"If you're using your penis yes" She said blushing.

"What about your Breasts?" Prince asked.

She rolled her eyes not liking the sound of what Prince was going after, but not wanting to kill the mood, or leave with any regrets, she eventually gave in.

"Fine" she said, blushing.

Prince got on top of her pressing her fat tits against his cock, sliding in and out them in the mud.

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll penetrate you with my sword" Meri said.

"Don't worry" Prince said, turning to a tree behind him, no one will ever find out.

"Sniffle… sniffle"

About three trees down, Marlin watched as the girl of his dreams was ruthlessly defiled in the mud by a man who knew her for just two days. His eyes filled with tears, burning in jealousy as Prince slid his cock across Meri's mud slopped tits. But no matter how bad it felt, he couldn't bring himself to look away.

"I'm going to have sex with Meri." ( He remembered Prince saying)

"Prince…" Marlin said quietly sobbing to himself "You treacherous bastard... I'll kill you!"