
The Killer Bunny Plush

Ian_Grabowski · Aktion
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1 Chs

Being a Freak

Our story starts in a city, normal, peaceful, but its not always like that. When a giant monster attacked, terrorizing the city as people ran for their lives. But one person walked towards the beast as it mashed buildings and threw cars. The monster laughed in delight of his actions, "hey! You better cut that out before I cut your throat out," the person said. The beast looked around, "who dares threaten me!" "down here," the beast looked down, seeing a white plushie bunny with red piercing eyes, stitches on his ear, right arm, and chest, and a fluffy tail.

The beast laughed out as the bunny got more annoyed. "Listen, little one," the beast said, picking him up by the ear, "why don't you go running back to your doll house before you get hurt". "How about you let go of my ear before I tear your heart out," the beast laughed again, "and how do you expect to do that?" "Like this," he flipped forward, kicking the beast in the face as he started reaching in his chest for his heart. The beast roared in pain and quickly threw the rabbit off. "Okay, I gave you a chance, now I'm going to rip your stuffing out," "go ahead and try," the bunny said, pulling out a long knife out of his chest stitching.

The beast rushed at the bunny, but he grabbed one of the beasts fingers and sliced it off. "What's the matter? Not a fan of bleeding," "you little bastard!" the beast said, grabbing for him. But the bunny ran up his arm, twirling his knife backwards and stabbing the beast in the eye. "Agh, you little prick, you'll pay for doing that," "do you still remember my second threat?". "I promised to tear your heart out," he said, with his plain angry expression, but the beast was more afraid of his piercing eyes.

The bunny rushed in, pushing the beast down and slicing open his chest. With that, he reached and pulled out the beast's heart, jumping off of it. He dropped the heart and stomped on it as the beast stopped moving. "Hmph, piece of trash," he said as he was suddenly lifted into the air, a big crowd cheered for him. "Let's hear it for the hero of this city," the crowd applaud as the Bunny kept his stone face. "Honestly, we can't thank you enough for what you did," a man said, "what is your name great hero?" a reporter said, "and how are you so cute!" a little girl said, hugging.

"Enough!" he said, surprising the crowd and flicking the girl in the forehead, making her back up. "Let's get this straight, I didn't kill that thing to save your little city, that thing ruined my coffee time". "Second thing, I am not cute and the next person that calls me that will get a shiv in the neck, that includes the little girls!". "And finally, my name is Dante Azazel, but people know me as the Killer Bunny," he said walking. "Oh yeah, one extra thing, if there's any girls looking to get busy tonight, I'm rooming in the hotel down the street from here, later," he said walking off.

There was only one thing on everyone's mind about him (besides the little girl), "what a little bastard!" they all thought as he gave a smile. Though his story is a little different, for he used to be the son of a company, he was taught everything he could learn, and that info gave him enough for he could probably rule the world. But that was taken away from him one night, when a killer killed him in the night, not before he was tortured. The killer kept his hand on the boy's mouth as he sliced off half of his ear, slashed his arm a bit, and finally slashed open his chest.

Though this wasn't his end, for he was given a second chance. The boy was put into bunny plushie as well as given a few inhuman abilities. He only had one thing in mind, it wasn't to get revenge on the killer, it wasn't take over his rightful company, his goal was to just have fun with it. He was powerful, he was immortal, and he is now a little bunny bastard.