

"Your highness"one of the maids came in bowing.

"Speak"I said coldly and I felt her flinch 

"The king has sent for you"she said waiting for my reply but when she got none she vowed and left.

 Father sent for me,why? I kept on asking myself in thought of all the possible reasons but none came "I think you should go"I heard Raven say from the door 

 "reasons?"I asked not looking at him 

 "The ..."He said hesitating

 "The what.."I asked this time looking at him 

 "The key..is back"



 City hospital in County V' 

 "Ma'am pls one more time,it's almost out"the doctors pleaded with me 

 "I..I.. can't"I said heaving for breath 

 "Just one more time"they begged and I finally did as they said and the next thing I heard was the sound of a crying baby as darkness enveloped me as the thunder roared loudly in the sky...