
The Keeper of Death

Death. Death is inevitable. Something that we know will come for everyone. Everyone but me. stuck in the human world for eternity. Maxim Ryker is the keeper of death. He comes for you when it is your time. he takes you to the light or darkness. He came for me but he didn’t take me. He saved me even though he shouldn’t have and in life, every decision has consequences and we faced ours. Meeting Harley Davis wasn’t supposed to be different from any other person he was supposed to take. He wasn’t supposed to fall in love with her but he did and it ruined him. Lifetimes later, he meets the woman who made his heart alive again but this time, she is reincarnated as a man and a lot different from who she was when he gave it all up. Follow this journey of love and discovery as two people ill-fated meet and play with fate.

WagS · LGBT+
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76 Chs

Limited time


Once I close the door, I fall to the floor by the bed. There are tears in my eyes as I clutch my chest.

I wish I hadn't known that. I would have gone without ever seeing that man again. He said I cheated death, and he is right. I don't even know what I am fighting for anymore.

Ryker keeps saying he will save me, but I don't even know if I am worth it. That man is supposed to be his brother, and they are acting like enemies because of me.

I don't want them to think it's because of me.

I don't want all the drama that comes with staying alive.

Being with him is great, but I have been unable to go outside or do anything. I have become even more of a shell than I was before, and I don't know if it is even worth it anymore.

The door opens, but I don't look up. I know he is the one because I can sense him, but he doesn't say anything as he takes steps closer to me. I keep looking down as he stops in front of me.

He crouches down, "Baby."

I didn't look at him.