
The Kaiser

A young boy named Lucian looks at his father with great admiration. His father was a great adventurer, and he looks up to him. His dream was to become a great adventurer just like his father or even greater than him. But a sudden turn of events will change the young boy's heart.

WatashiwaMe · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
3 Chs


Me and Akira were on our way back to the kingdom. I was lost in my thoughts thinking who could possibly had a grudge against my father.

He was a great adventurer, some people envied him because of his strength and leadership, but they never held a grudge against him, they didnt even hated him. They were even thankful that he is killing the monsters that has a potential threat to the kingdom.

As we arrived inside the kingdom, Akira turned to me and gave me a piece of paper,

"If you ever decide on considering my request, please go to the guild center, look for Mirei, and give her this letter."

I put the paper in my pocket and asked Akira,

"What're you going to do?"

She then turn her gaze at the outside of the kingdom, there's a lot of adventurers already coming back from their hunt.

"Im going to go back, to where it happened. So I'll be gone for a while."

Theres a trace of sadness and regret on her face, and she must be feeling guilty for what happened because she wasnt there when her team needed her.

I stepped a little closer to her. Her gaze were focused outside the gates.

"Hey, I just wanted to say that its not your fault. I know dad would understand too. We're even thankful that even you're in a very bad shape that day, you still went there in order to help them."

I gave her a bright smile as I told her that.

At some point, I wanted to comfort her and let her know that we are happy having her as my dad's companion, so that atleast it'll lessen the sadness she had.

She then turned her gaze to me and smiled,

"Thank you Lucian. And thank you for your company, as well as listening to my speculations."

After thanking me, she bid her farewell and we went on our separate ways. I decided to go to the town's square to ease up my mind a bit before heading home.

I passed by a lot of people selling food and equipments, there are also adventurers selling their old stuffs after they bought a new one.

As I arrived at the square, the place are filled with people. There's a fountain in the center of the square, and a mini stage in front of it, and it has been decorated with colorful flowers, and bards are performing up on stage.

There are some couple listening to the bards music while getting all lovey dovey, and some families hanging out together to have some quality time.

I placed my self on an empty bench and looked at the paper that Akira gave me, I tried to read what she wrote on it.

"I wasnt expecting that her hand writing was this bad. Lets see.

Hmm ..

'tran .. train him',

What? Is this all? Would this Mirei person would even believe that Akira sent this?"

The people who were sitting on the next bench looked at me, they must think Im crazy, sitting here and talking all by my self.

Then suddenly someone just spoke behind me,

"What are you doing here, what are you babbling about?"

When I turned to see where the voice were coming, I saw my sister taking a peek at the letter on my hand, she was with her friends, I guess they're classmates. They were still wearing their uniform.

"Eurasia? What are you doing here?"

I asked while I tried my best to hide the letter calmly, but before I could put it inside my pocket, she grabbed my hand and said,

"No way! Is this some kind of a love letter? Kyaa! lemme see!"

She managed to get her hands on the letter and suddenly pulled it. The paper was torn apart as a result.

"Waaaaaa! Sorry brotheeeer! I've torn it apart!"

She quickly bowed her head and apologized for her actions, I just sighed and took the other half,

"Its okay, its not like we cant read it anymore."

I smiled in order to make her feel not guilty for tearing the paper. It was also my fault for trying to hide it from her.

She told her friends to go on without her and sat besides me. I told her that it was Akira who told me to deliver this paper to a certain someone and I gave her the paper and let her read it.

"Akira? Wow I havent seen her for a while. I really missed her. Why would she asked you to deliver this piece of paper to someone?

Train .. Train him? What does this mean?"

Eurasia was a bit puzzled for a moment, then she looked at me with a sparkling eyes.

"Wait, brother! Does this mean you're going on a training?! Wow Im so happy! Let me help you too! I can be your training partner when I dont have school!"

I can see her eyes were full of excitement, she really wanted me to pursue my goal again, and now that she sees an opening, she'd be willing to sacrifice her rest day just to train with me.

I scratched my cheek and said,

"Ha~ha, I still havent think about it. It was just an offer from Akira, and its up to me if I'll go or not."

When I said that I still havent think about it, she crossed her arm and pouted and turned her back on me.

(Agh, why does it have to be Eurasia who sees this letter, I cant say no to this girl. If it was mom I know she'd understand me even if I reject this offer.)

I just sighed in defeat,

"Okay I'll go and see what I can do."

After she heard what I said, she cheerfully hugged me,

"Yaaay! I'll give you my full support brother! Dont worry I'll be your training partner and I'll even teach you what I've learned from school"

She was smiling so brightly, her eyes were like a star, twinkling from happiness.

I stood up and stretched my back and arms. The bandage in my arms were exposed after I stretched my arms, Eurasia immedietly noticed it and pulled my sleeves up.

"Hey what're you ."

my arm and shoulder covered in bandage were fully exposed to Eurasia's eyes. She looked like a bit angry, and worried.

"What were you up to brother? Dont tell me you're exposing yourself into danger without getting a proper training?"

(Ahh there she goes scolding me like shes my mom.)

When me and Akira were on our way back from the dungeon, Akira gave me a shirt with long sleeves so that I could hide my wounds from my family. Because she knows that she'd be scolded non stop with my mother if mom finds out that she took me to a dungeon.

I explained everything to Eurasia and she finally calmed down. We decided to take a detour at the market nearby to buy something to eat then we finally went to the guild center

Eurasia was very eager to go, shes not letting this opportunity to slip away.

As we entered the guild center, there were a lot of adventurers taking on quest and some just returned from their long adventure.

Other people were just sitting around and were talking seriously, I guess they are from the same guilds discussing strategies.

Even if its almost night time, there are still many people gathering around the guild center.

Some people were eyeing on Eurasia. Then, 2 adventurers who were staring closely to Eurasia the moment we entered approached her.

A man with curly hair were the first one to talk,

"Hey there young lady. What does a young lady like you doing here in the guild center?"

His tall, muscular partner with a scar on his left eye grabbed Eurasia's arm and said,

"Why dont you come with us? Lets hunt together, we're better than this loser standing beside you, we'll give you the greatest time of your life."

These guys were average adventurers who leeched on strong adventurer and look down on weak looking people.

Even tho their face are ugly as a goblin, where do they get the courage on hitting girls like this?

I grabbed the muscular man's hand,

"What the hell do .."

Just before I could finish talking, a man suddenly entered the scene and choked the muscular man and aimed a blade on his eye.

"You look tough. Do you want me to carve a pretty butterfly on your face?"

The man who choked the adventurer was Alfred, the professor of Arcanum academy who welcomed us.

"P-professor Alfred! What're you doing here?"

Eurasia's voice was trembling, we havent experienced anything like this before because we were always in the house after our father died,

Alfred looked at us and answered Eurasia,

"I should be the one asking you that. What are you doing here?"

He let go of the man he choked after the guild center security approached us, fighting inside the guild center is forbidden.

"I apologize for my actions, but these guys were harrassing a student of mine."

Alfred apologized to the security and took us to a nearby couch. As we sat at the couch, Alfred started talking.

"You still havent answered my question. What are you guys doing in here?"

"Uhm .. we're here to deliver something to a certain someone."

Eurasia answered his question,

"Deliver something?"

I then took out the torned paper and show it to professor Alfred.

"I was asked by our friend to look for this person called Mirei ang give her this letter."

I explained to the professor,

"I see, as I can remember you are Eurasia's brother, right? I thought you guys were here to do a request on killing monsters."

He then looked at Eurasia and continued speaking,

"I know you are strong Eurasia, you can atleast kill a bunch of monsters out there. But I cant let you expose yourself into a danger situation."

Eurasia was silent, and was gabbing unto my arm. She was always like this when were scolded by our mother when we were still a kid.

"And as for your question, Im here to visit a friend who work here. He must be waiting already, so I'll be on my way now. You two be careful"

"Thank you professor"

Eurasia thanked him and he walked away to meet his friend.

I looked at Eurasia and asked,

"So? How are we able to find this Mirei person?"

"Should we go ask the person at the front desk? I bet they know the names of some adventurers."

If she's a friend of Akira. then she must be very strong too. Im sure they'll know who she is.

"Alright, lets go the the front desk and ask them, shall we?"

As we headed to the front desk, there are still people who stared at Eurasia but no one dares to approach us anymore.

(That professor must have a big name in the guild center seeing how those people cower in fear in front of him. Just who exactly was that professor. But damn, their stares hurt!)

As we arrived in front of the front desk, a male attendant wearing glasses greeted us,

"Good day! How may I help you?"

"Excuse me, I would like to ask if you know someone named Mirei?"

I directly asked the attendant, I dont like to stay in here any longer,

"Mirei? Yes I do, but what business do you have with miss Mirei?"

The attendant asked, they cant just give us any information about the adventurers in the guild center, so I showed him the letter.

"A friend of ours told us to give this to her."

I handed him the torn letter, he looked at it and said,

"I guess this letter came from lady Akira base on the dagger symbol on the bottom of the paper. If this was from lady Akira, please follow me, miss Mirei just arrived a while ago, I'll take you to her."

We followed the attendant as he escourted us at the back of the guild center. I guess Mirei is someone great as well if she is behind the guild center where only high ranking adventurers can exclusively enter.

We stopped at a double door room, and the attendant knock twice as he opened the door.

"Please excuse me for entering. Miss Mirei, someone is here to deliver something for you."

A young girl with short black hair stood up, she looked like shes around the age of my sister.

"Heey! Why'd you let some kids enter here? Cant you let them wait outside?"

(Ki-kids?! You're the one who looked like a kid.)

The attendant replied,

"I believed they were sent by lady Akira, miss Mirei."

The moment he mentioned Akira's name, Mirei looked at us with interest.

"Fine! You two, come and sit"

"Well then, please excuse me"

As the attendant left, we sat on the couch across her, and I introduced ourselves,

"Hello, my name is Lucian and this here is my younger sister Eurasia, we're here because Akira sent us."

Mirei looked at us very closely before she started talking,

"So, why did sis Akira sent you to me? Although I can only think of 1 reason why she sent you to me, but I'll listen to you first."

(How did Akira befriend someone like her? She has this bossy vibes in her. And she called Akira 'Sis'?)

"Ahh yes, she wants me to give you this."

I handed her the letter,

"Ugh, its even torn apart! Talk about being careless!"

She exclaimed while putting the letter together.

"He~he, as expected, she just leaves someone in my care! But do you think you qualified as my student? I will decide wether to accept you or not depending on your answer."

She smiled at me wickedly as she asked me those question.

My sister looked at me with a concern look on her eyes as she held my hand.

(There is no point on turning back anymore, we've come this far so lets just do our best. And besides, I cant let Eurasia down.)

I stood up and said,

"How would you know if I qualify or not basing on words only?"

I replied as I smirked on her. Her face quicky changed from a wicked smile to an annoyed face.

"You know, too much confidence will kill you."

She instantly disappeared in front of us! I automatically put myself on gaurd because I knew she'd definetely attack after what I just said base on her short tempered attitude.

She appeared behind me and was already swinging her right leg to kick me on my rib cage,

(I cant dodge this!)

I managed to cover my side with my arm before her kick landed. Even tho I managed to block her attack, I was thrown at a nearby wall.

"Wow, nice reflex! Lets see if you could block this one."

"Mirei unique skill: Shintendouchi strike!"

(Crap a skill from this tier, I wont be able to survive!)

I stood up as fast as I can but she was already in front of me! Her fist was about to blow my head, I tried my best to gather all the remaining strength I have and focus it all in one point in order to somehow miraculously block her attack.


(This guy's reflex is good but he's lacking on strength and technique. I only kicked him and he's already ready to die. Lets push him a bit more."

"Mirei unique skill: Shintendouchi Strike!"

I aimed directly at his head, I know hitting a person like him with this skill who's not even an adventurer would surely die but they say that thats where your ability will show if you're already on death's door.

Besides, I would cancel my attack if I sense that he's not capable of defending himself with my attack.

He covered his face hoping to block my attack with just his bare arms

(Does he really think a defence like this would stop my attack? Pathetic!"

But as my fist was about to hit his arms, a condensed mana was gathered in his arm and even in front of his arm. Its like, the mana itself was protecting him.


The girl behind me casted an ice spike between me and the boy, but my fist still managed to hit his defence but I couldnt continue on finishing my skill due to her sister's spell.

If I were a little late on cancelling my skill, the ice spike would definitely cut my arm.

Eurasia was enraged by the sight of his brother getting beaten by someone they just met, she wasnt finished with her assault and launched another series of attack

"Lightning strikes!"

(Wow, first an ice, and now lightning?)

Mirei easily dodged Eurasia's attacks. The lightning pierce through the floor and turning the spot that was hit by the lightning into a glassy rock.

"A dual elemental mage huh, Im surprised, you guys have talent. But its not enough!"

As she tried to attack Eurasia, Lucian was already behind her ready to launch a punch packed with mana,

(Damn! This guy can still move? Not to mention his fist is coated with mana! What kind of skill is this!"

As Lucian launched his attack, Mirei dodged it flawlessly by moving her head to the left and countered Lucian with an elbow on his stomach.

Mirei turned to Lucian as he fell into the ground unconscious.

(This guy, how was he able to manipulate mana directly? Its bothering me"

When she turned to face Eurasia, a single ice spear was already flying towards her. But she easily grabbed the ice spear,

"I told you, this isnt enough to .."

Just before she could finish talking, a light pierced her shoulder.

When she looked at the ice spear, the light pierced through the ice making its way through her shoulder.

"A tri-elemental mage? This is interesting"

A light just pierced through Mirei's shoulder but it doesnt seem to bother her. Mirei crushed the ice spear she was holding, Eurasia was on her gaurd preparing to counter Mirei's next attack, but Mirei suddenly sat back on the couch.

"Ahh! You guys are bunch of abnormals!"

Eurasia were puzzled by Mirei's actions,

"What are you standing there for? Come and sit."

Eurasia slowly approach her brother, Lucian seems to pass out.

She was a bit exhausted for condensing light as small as she can and fired it off as strong as she can. Doing that on the element she's really bad at really did exhaust her.

So she sat on the floor because she cant carry her brother to let him lie down on the couch. She placed his head on her lap.

"Im sorry about beating your brother, its the only way to draw his ability out. You know. there are lots of people who wants to stay under my wing, I tested them all just like what I did to you guys, and only a few of them qualified"

Mirei suddenly apologized to Eurasia and explained to her why she did that. Eurasia then asked Mirei,

"By the way, when you said we were bunch of abnormals, what do you mean by that? I know, why you called me abnormal because I am able to control 3 types of element, but .."

Mirei's cut Eurasia's question and said,

"Your brother? You didnt know?"

Eurasia curiously waiting for Mirei to tell her,

"Your brother, is controlling the mana itself."

Eurasia was gave her a shocked look on her face. Controlling the mana was known to be an impossible task.

Surely you can create different kinds of elements by attracting mana to gather to your surroundings and imagining that a fire will be created, thats how mana works, but no one can control the mana itself.

Being able to use the mana directly and using it as an attack or defence was not known to anyone.

"Wait! Are you saying he doesnt use any kinds of elements but using mana directly to attack? How is it even possible?"

Eurasia asked, as she curiously wants to know how did it happened.

Mirei put his finger on her chin as she was recalling how Lucian coated his fist with pure mana,

"I dont really know how he did it but I was sure that I felt a condensed mana around his fist when he tried to punch me. And when I attacked him with my skill, when he covered his face to block my attack, I felt a concentrated mana gathering in front of his arms."

Eurasia looked at his brother, wondering what kind of ability he possessed.

"You know, its like a package deal, if you are blessed by magic, you will automatically have an affinity on elements, right? Just like you, the moment you were born you were blessed by magic, then you autimatically had an affinity of ice, lightning and light. All you need to do is awaken it because its already ibside of you. But your brother is different, he was blessed by magic but no affinity on any kinds of elements."

Mirei was thinking on what Lucian did, she was wondering if Lucian already knows that he can control mana but kept it to himself.

"Theres no point on thinking just like this! Lets wait for him to wake up. And by the way,"

Mirei stood up and bowed her head to Eurasia,

"Im very sorry for hurting you guys! This is how I test people if they qualify to become my student, I didnt mean to hurt you!"

Eurasia stared at Mirei then eventually smiled at her,

"Lift your head, its okay. Thanks to you we could get a grasp of what my brother's ability is. So are you going to accept him as your student?"

Eurasia gave her a very bright smile and a thumbs up,

"Of course! I cant let someone like him slip away, I'll work him out until he passes out again!"

Eurasia laugh on Mirei's words. She was happy that her brother is finally starting off a brand new life.
