
The Kage of Kages (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Read on as a nameless soul reincarnates into the world of Naruto, growing from a single shinobi of the leaf to becoming the Kage of his own new village and finally the Kage of Kages, the leader of all the shinobi villages, the true Shadow behind the villages own Shadows. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Anime und Comics
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142 Chs

Legacy and Rebirth

"Cough, cough, well then since you asked so nicely it's like this, I said you could choose any legacy originating from the world of Naruto now think, does the Otsutsuki legacy fulfills this condition?"

Hearing this, the soul immediately caught on to the technicality.

"The Otsutsuki are a celestial clan, they are belong to the Narutoverse but come from a world different than the one the story takes place in . . ."

"Exactly!" Said god smilingly. "So you must choose some other legacy that fulfills the condition." He continued.

'Hmm, the Uchiha or Senju would be the obvious answer . . . they're a cliche for a reason, but I think I'm going to go for something else, they supposedly had abilities strong enough to make several shinobi villages gang up on them, so I'm kinda curious to about their complete legacy since the few jutsu of theirs shown in the series are quite awesome.' The soul thought.

"I'm going with the Uzumaki Legacy then."

"Okay that's that, now there is only one last thing left to decide!" God said.

"What?" The soul asked.

God merely smiled.

"Your new name!"

"Oh right, let's see . . . Yeah that's it, Shiki, "My name is Uzumaki Shiki." The newly named Uzumaki Shiki proclaimed.

"Good choice!" God commented. "Now then, you will be the same age as the protagonist and you will recover your past life memories at the age of 4 it will also be at this time you will be taken in by your guardian, as for the situation that will lead to such an event you'll see!"

Having said the last few words while hiding a smirk that threatened to surface god finished by wishing Shiki good luck and then sent him on is way.

. . .

Now in the world of Naruto, a young boy with short red hair could be seen laying down on a bed sleeping. This boy indeed is Shiki whose eyelids started fluttering and as his deep violet eyes opened, the first thing he said, after awakening to a new world was . . .

"F*ck!" Yes, a curse was all he could say as he painfully laid on the unfamiliar bed.

'I can see that shitty god's smirk right now, I can just see it . . . The circumstances that will lead to my new family are probably something along the lines of - was found injured and unconscious by Tsunade during her travels and was picked up - seriously, what a pleasant start'.

As he considered how feasible it would be to achieve godhood and beat the sh*t out of the god he that reincarnated him, Shiki heard a voice.

"Tsunade-sama, the boy is awake!"

Straight after that, he saw a woman with straight, shoulder length, black hair and onyx eyes who had just entered the room. She was wearing a long bluish-black kimono with white trimmings, held closed by a white obi, and open-toed sandals with low heels. At the same time he heard another voice further away.

"I'll be there in just a moment Shizune".

"How are you feeling?" Shizune asked the redhead.

"Like I've been run over by Truck-kun" Shiki answered by reflex.

"Truck-kun?" Shizune asked with a puzzled face.

'Oops!' Shiki thought before hurriedly explaining. "A mystical being, with strange powers that enjoys running people over."

"Oh, never heard of it." 'Is there actually such a being?" She thought.

Shiki wisely decided to divert the conversation to other matters.

"How did I end up here nee-chan and what's your name?" he asked.

"I'm Shizune." The woman answered. "As for how you got here, Tsunade-sama and I found you unconscious near the town we're at now and brought you here for you to recover, after performing first aid." She said smilingly.

"Oh! Thank you, I guess I got lucky for meeting such a kind and beautiful nee-chan! But who is Tsunade-sama?" Shiki said smoothly with an innocent expression.

"That would be me brat!" As he heard this, Shiki saw an extremely beautiful woman walk into the room.

She had blond hair with shoulder-length bangs framing her face and loose twin-tails falling across her back, warm brown eyes and a peculiar diamond shaped mark on her forehead. She was slightly flushed, probably because she had been drinking not long ago. She wa wearing a grass-green haori with the kanji for "gamble" on the back, inside a red circle while underneath she had a grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants. Her blouse is closed quite low, revealing her sizeable cleavage. She wears open-toed, strappy black sandals with high heels. She was also wearing the famous hokage necklace.

"Woah! Not only one but two blindly beautiful onee-sans! My luck must be on the rise!" Even as he was slightly stunned by Tsunade's beauty, that seemed enhanced after no longer belonging merely in fiction, Shiki's words still came out smoothly and without pause.

Tsunade and Shizune both smiled a bit in response after all, nobody dislikes compliments no matter what they say.

"Well aren't you good with your words." Tsunade commented and then asked. "How about you tell us how you ended up in your current state."

"Don't know!" Shiki answered with a bright smile.

"Okay, then where are you from?" Tsunade continued to ask.

"No idea!" Said Shiki with an even brighter smile.

With her face beginning to twitch, Tsunade continued. "What about your parents?"

"Don't remember anything about them in the slightest!" Said Shiki with a smile brighter than the sun.

"What about your name? Do you at least remember that? Unh?" Demanded Tsunade now a bit angry.

"Please calm down Tsunade-sama, it's not like the lack of memory is his fault." Shizune attempted to defuse the situation with a wry smile.

"Well, I remember my name at least, its Uzumaki Shiki!" Declared the redhead.

Immediately both Shizune and Tsunade turned to face him having expressions filled with surprise gracing their faces and thinking.



As they both stared at him Shiki blushingly commented.

"Even if you stare at me so intensely I'm to young for that kind of thing . . . but if you onee-sans are into young boys I g-guess I-I can repay you l-like t-that . . ." As he said this, a crafty light was hidden in Shiki's eyes as he thought.

'Messing with people is way to much fun!'

And to this, the reaction of the two women was utter speechlessness as the mouths moved but no words came out until Tsunade finally shouted.

"Who is into young boys you brat!?"

"Then why were you staring so intensely? Unh?" Countered Shiki with fake indignation.

'Uhh, why am I arguing with an injured little brat?" Thought Tsunade before continuing.

"That was because of your name!" She answered, now somewhat calmer.

"The Uzumaki clan holds a special place in our village's history." Shizune added.

"I see, I know we were once a great clan in charge of a powerful village but there shouldn't be that many of us now . . . So what village are you from?"

'It seems his knowledge is intact and he merely possesses no memories associated with that knowledge, a bit to convenient but he possesses the telltale characteristics of the Uzumaki clan and I don't really see the point of all this, if he is lying . . .' With these thoughts quickly passing through her head, Tsunade answered the boy's question.

"We're both from Konohagakure in fact, my grandmother was an Uzumaki too."

"Whoa that makes us like distant relatives, our encounter almost feels like fate!"

'Fate engineered by a shitty god that is!' Shiki added in his thoughts.

'Fate unh? It really seems like it, maybe this is the world's way of telling me to shape up and stop moping because there are still good things for me out there. . . Yeah right . . . Then again we've already asked around and nobody seems to know this kid and if he really is an Uzumaki child without anyone left, the least I could do his bring him to the village, I'll decide what to do with myself after that."

As Tsunade fell into thought silence permeated the group of three and Shiki started to get nervous.

'Crap! I really hope they choose to take me with them. But what should I do if they don't?'

Noticing the boy seemed distracted Shizune took the chance to whisper to Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama it seems the boy has no one, shouldn't we, at least make sure he's okay and maybe bring him to the village." Shizune pleaded.

"Fine, fine!" Tsunade answered Shizune in a low voice and then addressed Shiki.

"Hey brat!" Having been brought of his thoughts, Shiki listened intently. "Do you want to come with us to our village?"

"Can I?" Shiki questioned with shining eyes full of hope while thinking 'Yes! I'm saved!'

"That's what I am offering now come on, we'll get you some new clothes, we've long way to get to Konoha."

Only now having noticed his clothes were in tatters, Shiki answered while smiling.

"Thank you! Tsuna-nee, Shizu-nee!"

'Tsuna-nee unh? I don't dislike the sound of that.'

'Shizu-nee unh? I like the sound of that!'