
Chapter 7

Homra 10 am

Myranda comes out of her room all dressed and ready for the day.

She has on a gray tank top with a skull on it and black pants and boots with her hair in a high ponytail.

Myranda: Hey guys, what ya doing.

Mikoto: Hmm, oh we're going over the plans to strike back if the blues come and try to strike us.

Myranda: Hm, ok. Well I'll be back. I have to run some errands.

Yata: Hey Myranda, can I come with you.

Myranda: No, sorry.

Yata: I think I should go with you. Let's go.

Yata takes Myranda's hand and leads her out of Homra.

Myranda: Hey let go of me you idiot.

Yata: You could have asked in a nicer way, ya know. So where to first.

Myranda: A gift shop. I have to get something for a few friends of mine. Then come back here get changed and head to the gym.

Yata: Ok, sounds like a plan.

Myranda: I never said you were coming along with me. Trust me if something happens I always have my pen that goes into a sword, so I'll be alright.

Yata: Yea, ok. I'll see you later.

Yata walks back through the door with his shoulders slumped.

Mikoto: What are you doing, you're supposed to be out there, going with her.

Yata: I know that but she just had a look that said she wanted be alone and I respect her decisions, even if you don't. Look just trust her ok, Mr. Mikoto.

Mikoto: Ok, I'll try me best, Yata.