
7. Chapter 7


This was a mistake a huge mistake. He would be in so much trouble but he had to know. Camilo paced outside the donkey barn debating. Five years it had been five years since he last saw her more than a quick glance on the streets her blinded eyes seeming to stare into his soul. He wondered if he should go undercover as Antonio, Dolores or even Julieta. No that wouldn't work, she'll see right through him the moment he spoke. Out of everything Mirabel was stupid wasn't one them. Pausing when he heard footsteps walking the barn floor he pressed himself against the wall breathing heavily. I'm afraid of her why am I afraid of her? he remembered looking out in horror from his bedroom door as his Abuela dragged his prima away. Julieta's screaming pleads echoing in his mind. Taking a shaky breath he slowly entered the open bar door. And then he saw her.

Mirabel was sitting down in the stall that had become hers muttering something Camilo couldn't pick up, hood pulled down over her head all he could make out was her back facing him. Taking a tentative step forward he wasn't sure if he should call out to her or not. Did she even know he was here? What was she doing? Taking a deep breath he called out "Mirabel?"

Mirabel's head shot up, turning her head making Camilo almost jumped back in fright. No matter how many times he saw them those scarred eyes always disturbed him. There was just something about them that gave him shivers. As she turned her body around more he saw a familiar jaguar plush in her hands.

"Camilo." Mirabel stood up eyes locked with his "It's been a long time primo."

"It has..." Camilo took a step back "What...were you doing?"

"Oh nothing for you to concern yourself with." she tilted her head to the side "What do you want? Surely not here just for the pleasantries."

"I know about you talking to Dolores. What are you saying to her? What kind of mind game are you playing?"

Mirabel chuckled "I'm playing no games here primo. She came to me I listened to her like a caring prima does." she began walking forward hand extended "Don't you trust me?"

Camilo pulled further away from her "No, I don't. Why would you after all this time suddenly care so much?"

"We are still familia, Camilo." reaching out again she grabbed his shoulder "And remember what you told me? The night of your gift ceremony?."

Camilo couldn't help but flinch at her touch "What are you talking about?"

"Siempre seras mi mejor amiga." Mirabel whispered as she gripped him harder "You promised me that. You promised you would always be my best friend but you left me. You lied."

Breaking free from her grasp he rubbed his shoulder "That was before."

"Before what?"

"Before you tried to destroy our candle-the Mirabel I knew died that night. I always knew you were jealous ever since I got my gift and you didn't but even I didn't expect you to stoop so low. It's not our fault you didn't get a gift so why take it out on the rest of us?" Camilo watched as Mirabel stood in silence for a moment before bursting into laughter startling him "What's so funny?"

"You really think it was all because I didn't get a gift?" Mirabel asked between laughter "No no no, it was because of the way you all treated me. Don't pretend with me Camilo, you know the day all this started was the night I didn't get my gift. Suddenly no one had time for me. I was left out of family pictures, when Abuela talked about us grandchildren I was never apart of that. My best friend-" with a point at Camilo "Wanted nothing to do with me. All on the word of Alma Madrigal. Yet everyday I smiled, I laughed and I cared but you all failed to see the pain behind the mask not until it was too late. Even then I got punished for that." circling Camilo she continued "For years I been punished for something I couldn't control, taken from my mother and my home. Who can blame one for going mad for that? And if you ask me theres a little madness in us all." she stopped her circling getting right in Camilo's face "Wouldn't you agree?"

Not knowing what else to do he shoved Mirabel hard enough to send her toppling over into a stack of hay instantly feeling regret as she lay there stunned instinctively he grabbed her hand to pull her to her feet "I'm sorry..I didn't mean-"

"I suffered worse least you pushed me into the hay some in town can't even give me a soft landing that's an improvement at least."

There they were, those blinded eyes staring into his soul he had to get out of here. Slowly inch by inch he backed away "Just stay away from Dolores...and Antonio..just stay away from all of us. I know you have been planting ideas in Dolores's head. But she's fine-I'M FINE."

"Are you really fine though?" Mirabel asked still rooted to the spot "It must be sad..the only way you are of use is when you pretend to be someone else. No one ever wanting you for you." Mirabel smiled slightly seeing him cringe she knew she found the weak spot "I'm just saying as your prima you spend so much time being someone else you don't even know who you are. Just seems sad to me." shrugging her shoulders she turned away "Now if you don't mind I have other things to attend to this barn doesn't clean it's self you know."

"Uh yeah..I'll just..go." he slowly made his way out of the barn before breaking into a sprint once a good enough distance away he bent over hands on knees panting. That was not what I was expecting he thought to himself as he regained his breath. Wait what was I expecting? Some crazed psychopath? standing back up fulling he began the walk back to the Casita Mirabel's voice in his head.

It must be sad..the only way you are of use is when you pretend to be someone else.

"Don't let her get to you...don't let her in.."

You spend so much time being someone else you don't even know who you are.

"No, I'm not playing your mind games Mirabel. I'm fine, I'm totally fine." he stopped at the front door "...and now I'm talking to myself...great."


It was going to be perfect. Just perfect. The perfect bride, the perfect groom, the perfect proposal, the perfect wedding,

Alma happily walked away from her meeting with Señora Guzmán, everything was falling into place. A smile plastered on her face she returned the greetings of the townspeople the miracle was thriving and with Isbaela and Mariano's union there will be a new generation of magical blessings and they could all move on and forget about..that one. The cursed one. The tainted one.

Walking on she couldn't help but glance up the path that lead to the donkey barn only to be greeted by the sight of a familiar hooded figure walking down it with a familiar bag over the shoulder. Alma never knew what exactly Mirabel got up to ever since her banishment and if she was honest she didn't really care. But today she was going to find out...just follow her just out of curiosity.

Keeping her distance she followed Mirabel who was seeming unaware of her presence "Where are you going.." she talked to herself. Alma hung back when they reached the river and Mirabel sat herself under a tree. Edging closer she watched her pull out a piece of fabric and some thread and began working. She looked..peaceful. But Alma wasn't fooled by this act.

"I know you're there Abuela." Mirabel spoke suddenly without even looking up "You have been following me."

Alma was started "But how did you-"

"I'm not as stupid as you look, Abuela." Mirabel putting emphasis on the you and briefly looked up up see a brief flash of anger cross Alma's face "I may not have Dolores's super hearing but even I could hear your footsteps and you besides you spoke. Word of advice next time you're trying to silently stalk someone try being more...silent." with a chuckle she got some scissors and cut the end of her thread.

"I'm on to you Mirabel. You will not fulfil that prophecy."

Mirabel's only response was to chuckle and continue her stitching dismissing her grandmother.

Alma stood still as a statue as the vision flashed into her mind "No..no..no.." she placed her face in her hands and shook her head. Taking deep breaths she glanced back to Mirabel who was looking at her the smile on her face was unnerving to Alma. Without another word she spun around and walked as fast as her legs could carry her.

Watching her leave Mirabel shrugged her shoulders chuckling again. She's scared of me, oh the fun I could have with this.


"Julieta, are you okay?"

Pepa placed a cup of coffee down in front of Julieta and took the chair next to her "I know something is wrong. Tell me, mi querida hermana."

"Things between me and Agustín.." Julieta sighed giving Pepa a small smile taking a sip of her coffee "..they are strained to say the least."

"I noticed, lately you seem to been avoiding him. How long has it been happening Juli?"

"Really..since Mirabel, I can't forgive him Pepa."

Pepa looked down into her cup off coffee knowing she was just as guilty flat out calling her sobrina a monster. A cloud formed over her head, a light drizzle beginning to fall.

"Do you feel guilty, Pepa?"

"I...some nights I see it in my dreams. Her face...her scream of pain. I would see Mirabel laying there crying out for you. Then it changes and it's Dolores laying there..then Camilo..then my little Antonio...and I can't stand it." taking a sip of coffee muttering "Clear skies..clear skies." putting one hand over Julieta's "As a mother what you're going through is my worst nightmare. But I do believe it's safer for her to stay away if anything to keep her away from Mamá. And let's face it none of us know what is capable of. We can't take the risk the vision showed us her future but not the steps she took to get there. She could be dangerous."

Julieta just sighed and looked over to a family tree on the wall when she was thrown out her picture vanished as if she didn't exist. "I just feel..if I got to spend more time with her..if she made to feel valued..things might be different."

Pepa shook her head sadly rubbing her sisters arm "You can't change Mirabel's fate, you know her fate was sealed the moment she went for that candle."

"I know..." Juileta stood up "...I should get dinner started.."

Pepa pulled her back down "No. I'll do it tonight, you rest."

"But Mamá.."

"If Mamá has a problem with me cooking the dinner she can cook it herself. Go freshen yourself up;mI'll call for you when it's ready." Pepa placed a pot down with a thud.

The faint traces of a smile appeared on Julieta's face "Gracias, Pepa."

"No es problema, hermana."


Notes:So Mirabel strikes a nerve in Camilo and has found a new hobby-psyching out her Abuela.And there was no sister time with Julieta and Pepa and the movie so I'm going to make them have sister time.

Review Responses:FlowerChild23: Thank you, and oh yes I have plans for Camilo.

Avian: Mirabel deep down still cares about her family and just wants to be loved by them, the only ones she actually hates is Alma/Abuela for the way she treated her and treats the family and Bruno for sharing the vision in the first place. She doesn't know Bruno was forced into it. She doesn't even really hate Isabela since she knows she's under the influence of Abuela.

KaliAnn: I won't spoil it, but Mirabel's trauma and what happened during the time skip will get explored more in the future. Juileta won't abandon the rest of the family she cares about them too much. But if Alma ever forced her to choose between her or her daughter she would be camping out with Mirabel.