
27. Chapter 27

"Mirabel? Talk to me please." Dolores reached out to the younger girl "I know it's a lot to take in but please just say something."

Mirabel had fallen into a silence ever since Bruno left retreating to a corner of the stall hiding her face with her hood not even looking up at Dolores it was if she had drifted off into her own little world inside her head.

Dolores wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. Just leave her? Snap her out of it? It's not so much that Mirabel was thinking that was her concern it was what she was thinking what worried her. Has Mirabel been driven to the point of insanity that she would blame Bruno for everything? Was she plotting revenge against him now? She didn't know what thoughts ran through that girls head or why she made the choices she did sometimes. If she did it would make her life a lot easier. "Mirabel? Please just say something. I'm worried about you. Tío Bruno left over a hour ago and you haven't moved or made a sound since. Are you alight?" she grabbed Mirabel's chin forcing her to look her in the eye "You know Bruno didn't do it on purpose."

"I don't blame Bruno." the words were quiet but it was the first sound to come out of the younger girls mouth and they made Dolores feel a flood of relief.

"What are you thinking?"

"About how different my life could have been."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Mirabel nodded whispering "If you want to listen."

Dolores smiled "I'll always want to listen hermanita." she offered her hand again "Now come here you know what is said between us stays between us."

Mirabel took the offered hand allow Dolores to pull her out of the corner she had tucked herself into instantly her hood being pulled back to reveal her face and feeling arms wrapping around her "Why me Dolores? Why me?"

"I wish I could answer that Mira. I wish you could of gotten the life you deserved. You would of made a fine leader for the Encanto."

"They would of respected me in that life. But I know it would of only been because I was the candle holder. The fact I don't hold that title in this life made all the difference. They treat me like I'm nothing. Like I don't feel. Abuela would of loved me only because I served a purpose to her. I would of been her precious heir."

"You would be in Isabela's place as the golden child. You would be Señorita Perfecta probably wearing pink and purple.." Dolores eyes widened "Wait your ruana I can't believe I never put two and two together. Purple just like Abuela and Isabela though you wear a darker shade. The purple it shows what should of been as Abuela's successor but with the darker shade shows the dark path you been forced upon. You didn't get a gift because you were born with the magic you need."

"I think you're reading into this way to much so what if I picked a purple ruana it's just a piece of clothing. And why would the candle blind me if I was supposed to be this amazing successor?"

"You went for the candle with bad intentions did you not?"

"But it's supposed to be one of my paths to destroy it!"

"But not like that you're not, if you destroyed it then and there the family would still be shattered. We would of all split off our eyes still blinded to what really matters. Bruno's theory makes so much sense the more I think about it. You would either unite the family and bring us the change we didn't know we needed. Or unite us to realise how the magic is just harming us and destroy it. Whatever path you took the family was your key you were a test to see if we deserve the magic or not and it was a test we failed."

Mirabel growled "My life has been hell because of this 'test'. I don't care about leading the Encanto I just want to be HAPPY! But...as long as I'm here I never will be happy. The townspeople hate me as it is and once I go through with my plan they'll hate me even more. Lets face it this is not my home and it never will be. Everything...everyone is a constant reminder of all I been forced to suffer through. This stupid miracle ruined my life!"

"I know I know...I wish I could tell you why it chose you..." she cut herself off when she felt something wet on her shoulder and the sound of muffled sobbing "Hey hey..it's okay."

"I'm sorry...it's just..."

"I know..it's okay. Remember what you told me when I got thrown out of Casita? It's okay to cry. You don't need to hide it all behind angst and anger, you're allowed to feel vulnerable. It's just you and me here." Dolores tightened her hold on her sister with one hand rubbing her back with the other "Let it all out trust me you'll feel so much better when you're not holding all this back."

"W-what am I supposed to do Dolores? Once I destroy the miracle..get my revenge on the town. What do I do? They'll kill me for what I've done. You know they will."

"We'll leave."

"There is no path out."

"We'll make one. Once you have secured the candle we'll use it to make create an escape route. Once we have taken care of business we'll gather the family and run we won't look back. By the time the shock wears off of everyone we will all be long gone and so will the miracle and their precious Encanto. We'll go somewhere new and start a new life all of us. But if the others choose to stay than just you and I will run. I'll get you out of here I know damn well you wouldn't be able to stay neither of us will they'll be after my head to and no one is going to risk going out into the unknown just to track us down. They'll just say we are as good as dead out there anyway. But we will leave them remembering us and what they have done. You'll get your revenge Mira. I know you'll never be able to move on until you do. You'll just carry that pain and anger for the rest of your life."

"You..you understand. I have to do this Dolores...I have to...burning that building was just the start. It's the only way I'll ever be free."

After recent events...I'm after some vengeance myself. You freed me and now it's turn to return the favour. Dolores's eyes narrowed in anger here she was holding onto her distressed littlest prima who had her life torn apart because of what this town did to her. What their own grandmother did to her. Having been shown what could of been had broken her.

Part of Dolores just wanted to scream at Bruno for what he has done but she was reasonable she knew Bruno had the best intentions at heart he didn't come here to upset her on purpose. He didn't mean for any of this to happen the man must feel guilty enough as it is.

She was stopped from falling deeper into her thoughts as Mirabel's sobs grew louder and she began to shake. Dolores had seen Mirabel cry before but never a full on breakdown like this it was like a river that had been overflowing for years and seeing Bruno's vision and the life that could of been hers was the drop that finally caused that river to burst it's banks. "It's okay Mira just let it out..let it all out stop holding it back just to seem strong because the truth is you are strong just for surviving all of this."

"Are you just saying that to make me feel better?" Mirabel asked between sobs "You don't have to."

"No I'm saying it because it's true. Many people would of just given up but not you. You're always so angry at the world which I suppose you have the right but you don't have to hold your other feelings back. You told my Mamá to not keep things bottled up. Take your own advice."

Mirabel buried her face in Dolores's shoulder as she mourned the life that could of been hers comforted by the rubbing on her back and whisperings into her ear. Her sobs grew quieter and quieter until she felt drained yet relieved as if a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

"Feel better?" Dolores murmured once Mirabel went quiet and still.


"Told you. Now look at me."

Mirabel pulled back to meet Dolores in the eyes removing her glasses for a second to wipe at her eyes before placing them back on her face.

"Next time don't let your emotions get so bottled up, okay? It really isn't healthy."

Mirabel nodded and looked down "If you say so Dolores."

"You're not alone anymore just remember that. You have the whole family on your side now...well nearly the whole family." Dolores reached out a hand to wipe the dried tears "Are you okay?" she asked gently giving her a gentle hug smiling softly when she got a nod in return. A soft meow drew her attention turning her head she scooped up Salomé placing the kitten into Mirabel's lap.

Mirabel's hands instantly reached down to stroke the soft fur a small smile forming "You were right I just had to let that all out I been holding it back so long."

"You really need to start taking the advice you put out. You tell my mother she needs to let it out but you keep it in yourself."

"I know I know..." there was a knock at the door making Mirabel groan and pull her hood back over her head.

"Mirabel? Dolores? You two in? I have something for you two."

Dolores glanced at Mirabel wondering if she would get up for her mother sighing when Mirabel just retreated back to her corner focusing on stroking the kitten in her lap.

"Can you? I need time alone.." Mirabel whispered so quietly Dolores only just heard her.

"Of course." Dolores stood up walking over to the door and poked her head out "Tia Julieta." she greeted trying to act like everything was normal but failing.

Julieta's smile faded "Is something wrong?"

Dolores looked over her shoulder quickly before leaving the barn closing the door behind her "It's..Mirabel."

"Is she okay?! Is she sick?! Hurt?!"

Dolores bit her lip "Bruno dropped by and showed us the old vision he had of her. It seemed there was two possible paths. The one where she destroys Casita and another where she becomes Abuela's successor and next guardian of the candle. If she was treated with love and kindness she would of been the Encanto's next leader..but if she was treated like she has been she would destroy it. And well you know how it went. Mira..didn't take it well. She could of had a happy life but all that was all robbed from her over a misunderstanding."

"So all of this...didn't have to be?"

"Exactly. Mirabel is just like Abuela. She didn't get a gift because she is the miracle personified, she would be the guardian for the next generation. Our treatment of her would determined wherever or not we deserved the miracle or not. And we failed. Because of our own actions we will be losing it. The house is cracking and breaking because Mirabel's mind is cracking and breaking. It all makes sense now, it's all connected."

"But why would the candle blind her if thats the case?"

"Wish I knew. Seems like she is being punished for our wrong doings. But if she did destroy it that night the family still would of been split and we would of never learnt our lesson and we would of drifted apart forever. Think of what she is doing. One by one she has opened our eyes, one by one we are coming back together. We are realising what really matters-each other. We lost sight of that and therefore why should we keep the magic? Even if Mirabel wasn't going to be some successor she didn't have to get treated like she did. The candle destroyed Mirabel's vision but it also allowed her to see what we failed to. Funny how that works huh?"

"Oh mi mariposa..." Julieta whispered closing her eyes "Can I see her?"

"She wants to be alone right now as you can imagine it was a lot to take in for her. Bruno is supposed to be coming back tomorrow if you want to.." a loud choking sob from the barn made her realise Mirabel had heard every word "Just one moment." she disappeared back into the barn "Mira? Your madre is outside as you heard. Do you just want to be left alone for the rest of the day to sort yourself out? Start fresh tomorrow?"

Mirabel nodded silently.

"Alright." Dolores turned back around returning to Julieta "Come back tomorrow, don't worry she will be fine. I'll make sure she is."

Julieta sighed in defeat "Why would Bruno show her that vision?"

"He had good intentions he wouldn't of known she would reacted like she has, how would he? He barely knows her anymore."

"Sometimes I wonder if I even do.." Julieta handed over the covered plate she was holding "I brought you both some torta te tres leches. I know it is your favourite and Mira never says no to it either."

"Gracias." Dolores smiled "It is indeed my favourite."

"I'll be off." Julieta gave her sobrina a quick hug "Both of you stay safe..and please keep looking after her."

"Of course I've grown too attached to Mira to let anything happen to her now."

Julieta gave one last longing glance towards the barn door before turning around and headed back towards Casita.

Dolores sighed returning to the barn uncovering the plate to reveal the two slices of cake transferring one of to one of their own (rarely used) plates she made her way back over to Mirabel "Here, Julieta brought us a treat." she offered one of the plates to Mirabel who accepted it "She is worried about you. I told her you'll be okay you just need some time. I can't blame you I suppose no one can."

"Today I'm sad..tomorrow I'll probably be angry. But not at Bruno but just at life. I just don't understand why the townspeople treat me like they do..."

"Because Abuela told them you tried to destroy their home and the only reason you were still there was because there was literally nowhere else for you to go, if she could of sent you out of the Encanto she would of. You were named as an enemy to the people and they reacted out of fear at first but after a while it just became second nature. Hurt you before you hurt them kind of thing."

"So it's Abuela's fault I have to live in fear of my life?"

"I don't think she thought about how far it would go she underestimated the resentment the people would have against you. You know how much they look up to her and cling to the miracle our family holds. You're the biggest threat they have faced since the Encanto was formed. They are trying to stop you even if means killing you. And they don't like me for siding with you. They view me as a traitor."

Mirabel scoffed "Well their plan has backfired on them hasn't it?"

"If they let you be you wouldn't of troubled yourself with them. But after what they have done you've become their biggest fear. You are going to destroy them and they only got themselves to blame. Like I said you were either going to be a saviour or a destroyer. And destruction it is."

"The candle..the candle is the key. If I can have possession of that magic...I can use it against them. We can use it against them."

"What exactly are you planning?"

"You know. For years the magic has helped them but now instead it will hinder..."

"Could the candle even be used in such a manner? It did blind you for just trying to touch it after all."

Mirabel paused for a moment "We will see won't we? You said it blinded me last time because the family isn't united. Once I have the family on my side..I'll simply get one of them to fetch me the candle."

"Who will you pick?"



"Yes Isabela...it's perfect. Alma will never see Isabela's betrayal coming. And Isabela will either have to oblige or have the whole rest of the family against her. And I would like to think Isabela is not that stupid."

Dolores nodded understanding now "You'll let Isabela's guilt go on so long she'll do anything to prove she is sorry. And if she really is she'll get you the candle so the whole family can be happier. If she says she will do anything...you'll take her up on that."


"And once she does bring you the candle..."

Mirabel smiled with a small chuckle "We get revenge."



Bruno just about jumped out of his skin when Julieta burst through his bedroom door "Oh..hey Juli."

"I want to see that vision."

"What vision?"

"The one of Mirabel. I went to see them and you showed them that vision. Something apart two different paths..Mirabel is really upset about it she woudn't even come out to talk to me. I want to see it."

Dammit Julieta is going to kill me for this. "I didn't mean to upset her but they were bugging me and-"

"I don't care why or how they saw it. I just want to see it. Please. Not leaving until I do."

Bruno groaned but obeyed picking up the green slab he had placed down and handing it to Julieta "Shift it and you'll see.."

Julieta obeyed gasping when the image changed to Mirabel and Alma holding each other in an embrace Casita intact behind them "So Dolores was right...Mirabel was supposed to be the next candle holder."

"Well it's all just theory but it does make sense..Mamá isn't going to be around forever and someone would have to take her place. Mamá doesn't have a gift because she is keeper of the magic..Mirabel didn't get a gift because she was born with her gift already. Maybe she didn't get her door to see how we would all react it was all a test."

"That's what Dolores said...it was a test to see if we deserved the magic or not. To see if we would see the error of our ways...we failed."

"This is all my fault...I just saw her in front of the cracking house and panicked..I thought if I told everyone we could stop it but I just helped seal all our fates."

"You think if Mamá knew Mirabel was just like her she would of treated her..differently?"

"If Mamá knew that the miracle chose Mirabel as her successor most definitely they would of been closer then ever."

Julieta passed the slab back and ran her hand over her face "My poor mariposa..it's too late now. She is to far gone theres no turning back. Her fate was sealed when that cursed candle blinded her. I wanted to smash it into pieces right there and then. It blinded my baby girl Bruno...it took her away from me."

"I'm sorry...I ruined Mirabel's life. If I had waited and looked into it more none of this would of happened. I should of shattered that vision I never should of shown Mamá. I treated her like a monster to. I agreed to throw her out...I'm so sorry Julieta I'm so sorry."

Julieta just shook her head "I'm not the one you should be apologising to. And besides Mamá made her own choice to treat Mirabel like she did. She put a candle over her own nieta. Sent her to live with donkeys because of a candle. The candle our Papá died to create. I wish he never made that sacrifice and just kept running with Mamá and us. I would of much rather grown up with him in our lives than have magical gifts. You feel the same don't you?"

"Well considering I don't even like my 'gift' that an an easy yes. No doubt Pepa feels the same. Papá would be looking down at us in disappointment for how we thanked him for his sacrifice..treating one of our own in such a way. The house his death built is crumbling and breaking."

"Crumbling and breaking...just like Mirabel's mind. Just like our family bond."

Bruno turned away "Listen..I had another vision I don't want to go into to much detail or show it until I learn more..I have learned my lesson. But Mirabel and Dolores will win..they'll get the candle and Casita will fall."

"They win..." Julieta murmured feeling satisfaction fill her "You have any idea as to how they get there?"

Bruno shook his head "No..all I know is they sucueed and there is going to be no stopping them."

Julieta nodded and began to turn away but stopped facing her brother again "Bruno...whose side are you on?"

"Isn't it obvious? They are going to win no matter what so why bother fighting against them? I will stand on their side..it's either that or be a target of their wrath. It'll be a losing battle. Another thing...the rift between Mirabel, Dolores and Mamá is only going to worsen. You think things are bad now? Well we have barely started."

"Dolores said you were going back tomorrow, is that so?"

"Yes. I'll just tag alone with you and Pepa if thats okay. Mirabel will be less likely to kill me if you're there. She said she doesn't blame me earlier but after the Isabela incident I'm a little wary you know...that I might say the wrong thing and provoke her."

"Understand." Julieta began to walk out.

"Oh one more thing.." Bruno waited until Julieta turned back around "Just out of curiosity if we could find a way out of the Encanto..would you run?"

"In a heartbeat. Pepa and I have already discussed it. We would take all our children, our husbands and just run and not look back leave Mamá to think about the reason she has lost it all. If there was a way out I would of ran with my family as soon as you had that vision. And we would like you to come with us, just so you know."

Bruno watched Julieta leave sighing with a relief when he was alone, he pulled out a second vision slab he had hidden the one showing Mirabel's and Dolores's victory. Those smiles...they didn't look right at all. They were enjoying whatever was unfolding. They looked demonic.

Sure they were going to win. But what was going to be the price for their victory?


"She isn't going to kill you."

"How do you know?"

Pepa was pulling Bruno along to the barn she now knew about the other half of vision and was well aware of the fact Mirabel didn't take the news well at all. "If she was going to kill you she would of done it yesterday. You told them you'll be back today so you're damm well going to face them."

"Julieta help."

"You can face your sobrinas, Bruno. If you go back on your word now they'll just track you down later. Then they really will be mad." Julieta shook her head as Bruno squirmed "Mirabel is temperamental but Dolores perfectly level headed and Mira listens to her you're safe."

"Fine but if I die I'm coming back to haunt the both of you."

Pepa rolled her eyes "You're always so overdramatic Bruno. Grow up." she stopped outside the barn door and knocked.

"Come in." Dolores's voice came from inside.

The triplets entered to be greeted by the sight of Mirabel pacing back and forth muttering to herself, just as she predicted Mirabel was in a foul mood today ranting on and off about Alma and the miracle. The fact she hardly slept the night before didn't help much.

"Ah..she looks mad..I'll just go..." Bruno tried to leave but was held in pace by his sisters.

"Oh don't worry you're not the target of her anger. Abuela is." Dolores said causally as she watched her prima pace back and forth "She don't blame you at all she blames Abuela."

Mirabel came to a halt "Because it is all her fault. She saw that vision and immediately thought the worst of me. She never truly loved me. Hug her? Pfft now the closest she'll get to a hug from me is me wrapping my hands around her throat again."

Bruno's face paled at that "Hey hey isn't that going a bit overboard?"

"No. Not when it comes to her." Mirabel replied flatly "The only reason I won't is because I want her to have to watch as I take everything away. Listen to her cry when she realises she has nothing left. And it will all be her own fault."

"And once this is down we are leaving the Encanto." Dolores continued "We'll make an escape path. You can stay here or come with us. Either way Mirabel and I will run and not look back. It wouldn't be safe for us to stay anyway, the people in town will kill us for it. You know they will. If we have to climb over the mountains and back down the other side so be it."

"We will come." Pepa spoke up for all of them "All of us will follow you, we'll find somewhere new and start again. Leave this life behind us."

"If we can leave." Mirabel mumbled "I'm sorry Dolores but you're out of your mind if you think I can climb up and down a mountain."

"We'll figure something out..I know I know you'll never make it. Neither would Antonio...but there has to be a way we can get out. And where do we go when we get out? We don't know what is out there! We could be headed towards our deaths."

"And if we stay here we'll die for sure. Well you and I will anyway. You said it yourself."

Bruno glanced at his sisters "Ah did you know you planned to run?" he whispered getting two heads shaking 'no' in response.

"We figured it though." Julieta replied "They won't be safe here after all of this. The town isn't going to take them destroying the magic that makes their lives so easy lightly."

"Stupid selfish lazy entitled..." the rest of Mirabel's words were inaudible as she plopped down onto a haybale placing her head in her hands.

"Ahh...is she ok?" Bruno pointed in Mirabel's direction.

"No." Dolores replied flatly "But she will be once we're out of this whole mess."

Julieta moved around going to sit next to her daughter "Anything I can help with you mija?" she asked softly pulling her close "You look exhausted." she glanced over to Dolores "You both do. Have you been getting enough sleep? I don't think you have."

Dolores nodded "Oh last night was just...rough neither of us got much sleep." she smiled when Pepa and Julieta frowned in concern "It's nothing really."

Bruno cleared his throat "You two said yesterday you wanted to talk to me. Do you still need something or can I go?"

"You know what we want, we won't beat around." Mirabel locked her gaze on him "You know we are destroying the miracle after all you're the one who has all the visions of the future. What we want to know is...are you with us or against us?"


"It's a yes or no question." Mirabel didn't break her glare "You're either on our side or you're not."

Bruno wasn't going to lie the look in Mirabel's eyes freaked him out he really didn't want to risk making her even angrier or making himself a target of said anger "I..." his gaze turned to Dolores her expression as if she was judging him "I'm on your side of course." he laughed nervously "Hey if you destroy the magic I won't have to do visions anymore. Great."

"Good you made the right choice." Mirabel's tone told Bruno she was not going to give him a choice on this matter.

Bruno caught Dolores's small nod his way and he didn't miss the glint in her eye. Yeah these two freak me out..and now I'm trapped I have to help them no matter what..if only I knew what they were planning. Should I go back and redo that vision to see what leads up to it? Do I want to know? They will get their way in the end so why bother? If I interfere will they just do something worse? I wish I never had that vision now everytime I see them I'll just see what that will become...monsters.


Bruno hadn't realised Pepa had been trying to get this attention until she got fed up and smacked him across the head "Huh? W-w-w-what?"

"You have just been staring at Mirabel and Dolores for the past five minutes. You look like you've seen a ghost. What is your problem?"

Pepa was glaring at him with mild anger, Julieta just looked flat out confused while Mirabel and Dolores were just glaring at him in suspicion. "Umm...I got to go..." before anyone could stop him he spun around and was out the door.

"What the.." Pepa began shaking her head "Something is up with him...he is hiding something."

"He has seen something about Mira and me that much is obvious he looked terrified of us." Dolores narrowed her eyes "Same thing yesterday and same at that picnic."

"And I'm going to find out what he has seen one way or another..." Mirabel muttered "I'll get it out of him."

"Ahh..Mira..what are you going to do to do to Tío Bruno?"

"I'm not going to hurt him if that's what you're thinking." Mirabel yawned "Just..talk..that's all..he'll cave sooner or later."

"You sure?"

"Dolores...sooner or later I ALWAYS get what I want. Just look at how things are going now, each day I watch my vengeance unfold. Each day I get closer to putting that candle out for good. I just need to gain Bruno's trust and get him to open up to me." she stood up from the hay bale "I've come so far after all I can't fail now...no no can't fail now..can't fail...can't fail..." she muttered something under her breath the others couldn't pick up before raising her voice again "And I won't have to live in this dirty..smelly..damp...DONKEY BARN." she kicked a bucket over in frustration before swinging back around "I'm sorry I'm sorry..I'm just.."

"We know." Dolores said gently "Just remember to keep your head."

"I thought that's why you were here."

Dolores chuckled "Well I supposed that's true."

Pepa exchanged concerned looks with Julieta. Everyday her niece fell further and further into madness and as much as she didn't want to admit it she could see it was starting to get to Dolores as well. She had to get Bruno to tell her and Julieta what he knows. What fate awaited the duo that Bruno wanted to hide? If it was simply that they win and destroy the miracle why would he hide it?

Julieta was wondering the same, she knew her brother was hiding something. He even admitted he had another vision of them but refused to give any further details other then 'Mirabel and Dolores win'. Something had to have caused such the fearful reaction he had around the two.

"Whoa steady on your feet there Mira."

Both mothers turned their attention to their daughters, Dolores had a hold of Mirabel. "What happened?" Julieta asked in concerned.

"I'm just tired." Mirabel muttered "Like Dolores said...we had a rough night..not much sleep."

"Then sleep both of you. And that is not a request. Sleep." Pepa gave Dolores a look "Please..sleep."

Dolores nodded half dragging Mirabel to the stall "That's the best idea I heard all d-" she cut herself off with a yawn "..ay"

Mirabel was already half asleep by the time Dolores put her down "But I have stuff I need to..." she never finished that sentence before she was out Dolores not far behind her.

Julieta shook her head at the two "I do worry about them Pepi..I worry about them a lot."

"As do I.." Pepa sighed "Come hermana let them get their rest. We will get to the bottom of what's going on with them and Bruno."

Julieta nodded allowing Pepa to hook her arm through hers and drag her away. She couldn't wait for the day for this to all be over. The day she could bring her daughter home again. Wherever home will end up being.


Dolores was awoken by gentle knocking on the door "Wha...what time is it?" she glanced around the barn the way the light was coming through the windows told her it was afternoon. "Ah...feels like I missed a day of my life." she sat up when she heard the knocking again "Mirabel do we let them in?" she looked to the younger girl who was still fast asleep Salomé nestled in her arms. The knocking came again but Mirabel still did not stir.

"Anyone in?"

Dolores froze at that voice...it couldn't be. She must be imagining things but still she stood up and walked towards the door as the knocks came again "I'm coming." she called out "Just a minute." reaching the door she opened it her heart stopping when she saw who was standing there.

"Dolores..." the man smiled "I've been looking all over for you for days with no luck...so I figured I'll just bite the bullet and come directly here...may I come in?"

"Of course...come in...Mariano."

Remember how I said I had writers block and was going to take a few weeks break?

Yeah me to but I got inspired out of nowhere and bam I had a whole chapter.

So...surprise? I don't know what happened either.

Mirabel needed to get that out of her system.

A lot of you say the family will need therapy after this yes...yes they will.

Especially Mirabel she is probably going to have some PTSD after this if she don't already.

And poor Bruno just...poor Bruno.

And Salomé is totally Mirabel's emotional support animal cause why not pets can be very therapeutic.

Review responses

ZE40: Mirabel will probably be hostile instinctively and be on the defensive. She probably wouldn't go straight for violence and Isabela knows saying the wrong thing will provoke her which is why Isa will probably start with Dolores who is definitely more mentally sound and more likely to listen to reason and think things over whilst Mirabel reacts on emotion . The hard part would be catching them alone as they are rarely apart from each other or convince one of them to leave so she can speak to the other alone. Mirabel does have plans for Isabela though she's going to draw it out to get what she wants.

Z-King: Bruno tried but Mirabel is to far gone to turn back now. And theres no way she'll wanna protect the town after what they did to her.