
16. Chapter 16


It was official, tomorrow night would be the proposal dinner. Isabela forced the smile onto her face, she had to look excited. The family was happy so she should be happy right? She was making the family proud, she was pleasing her Abuela. Everything was going to be perfect. Just perfect. It'll be fine. She would be fine. She has to do it for the family.

Tuning herself out as Alma discussed what would be served with Julieta Isabela turned her attention to Dolores who seemed be purposely ignoring everything going on. Once again she returned home today with no explanation of where she had been. Antonio had been bought home by Luisa hours earlier. Isabela knew exactly where she was, she wasn't fooled she saw Dolores pull a stray piece of straw out of her hair.

Dolores feeling the eyes on her looked up to see Isabela staring at her "Can I help you with something? It's rude to stare you know."

"Where were you today, Dolores?" Isabela asked "I'm just curious what you get up to these days, I hardly see you outside of meals."

"Yes, where were you today Dolores?" Alma paused her rambling about the proposal dinner.

These two are like each other's parrot Dolores thought turning back to her food "None of your business, Isabela." she scoffed dismissing Alma completely. Both she and Mirabel made sure to constantly remind Antonio that their meetings were secret. Antonio didn't quite understand why his Abuela didn't like Mirabel but he happily listened to his favourite ..okay only sister and favourite prima.

Isabela scowled I'm onto you Dolores looking over to Alma who was glaring at Dolores "Is there something wrong Abuela?" she hid a smirk.

Breaking her glare Alma smiled at Isabela "Oh no everything is fine, mi vida. Now where were we...oh yes. Agustín, Félix you two will provide the music." turning to Antonio "Antonio, please leave your animals in your room for the night." she grimaced as Pico flew over her head "We have too much going on to worry about animals running about."

"O-o-okay, Abuela." Antonio seemed to shrink into his seat.

"Pepa." Alma now changing targets "No clouds. For once just control yourself. Please."

Pepa didn't respond with words just huffed as it was her brother's turn to be called out.

"Bruno, do something with that hair. Look presentable."

"Yes Mamá.." Bruno mumbled half heartedly the dinner hadn't even started yet and everyone was already sick of it.

Camilo was slumped over playing with his food he wasn't sure if he had even heard half of what was going on. He didn't realise Alma was calling to him until Félix elbowed him "Huh?"

Alma cleared her throat "Camilo, fix your posture. And stop playing with your food. Honestly what is wrong with you?"

"Sorry Abuela." Camilo straightened up ignoring the looks of concern the rest of the family was giving him.

"Are you okay, hermano? You have barely touched your food and normally you'll be taking seconds by now." Dolores seated next to him touched his shoulder "Are you ill?"

"No..." Camilo sighed "I'm fine, just had a long day." glancing at Dolores he leaned over and whispered in her ear "I'll come to your room later and explain, I promise."

Isabela watched them from across the table "Hey, Camilo. Cheer up would you, I'll be expecting you to join in the dancing."

"Whatever you say, Isabela."

Dolores finished her meal and without a word stood up stacking her plate into the sink "Gracias for the lovely meal, Tía." smiling at Julieta she walked out of the dining room.

"Dolores! The rest of us haven't finished" Alma called after her only response was the closing of a bedroom door.

"Just leave her, Mamá." Pepa spat as Alma stood up to go after her "You'll just make things worse." ignoring the glare she got in return. Pepa knew what was wrong with Dolores, but of course she couldn't tell. But it worried her in looking after Mirabel she has been isolating herself more and more from everyone else. Looking over to her oldest son she knew something was off with Camilo too and of course they all heard about Luisa not moving the church today. Had Mirabel gotten to them too?

"Just what we need, another Mirabel." Isabela said louder than intended.

"Isabela!" Julieta scolded "Don't start please. You are a grown woman, act like it."

"Dolores sure ain't acting like one."

"Isabela, enough."

Oh how Pepa wanted to just reach over and slap her sobrina across the face, and her own mother while she was at it. If not for Félix rubbing her arm reassuringly Pepa wouldn't of thought twice about unleashing a storm.

"Calm down, vi vida." Félix spoke calmly "Dolores will be fine just give her some time. Hey, that rhymed." he laughed earning a smile from Pepa.

Luisa had remained silent throughout the whole meal with Alma making a show of ignoring her. The promise she made to Mirabel and Dolores weighing on her mind. She didn't know exactly what they were planning or what they would ask of her but she made a promise, and Luisa was not going to let Mirabel down..not again. She stared at the family tree on the wall lump forming in her throat seeing the empty space where Mirabel's image should be.

Julieta looked over and followed her line of sight her heart dropping when she realised just what Luisa was looking at. Her Mirabel, her baby, her pequeña mariposa. Gone. There but still out of reach. She still had Luisa, her strong but gentle second daughter. Strong enough to crush a boulder without thinking but still one of the most gentle and pure souls Julieta has ever seen..unless she is defending a family member that's when she releases the beast.

Then there was her first born, her flor pequeña. Julieta worried greatly about the influence her mother had over Isabela. Turning her against her youngest hermana. And if she was being honest she wasn't happy about this arranged marriage. She wanted Isabela to find love on her own just like she got too. But any objection she made was shot down..but as long as Isabela was happy about it she would support her. If this is what Isabela wanted so be it.

By now dinner had finished and Pepa had joined her to wash the dishes. Side eying her sister Julieta spoke quietly "Dolores has been..well I know her behaviour is because of Mirabel's influence. Lately Dolores has gotten to be more of a mother to Mirabel than me...Mamá would go loca if she found out. But truth be, I don't care what Mamá has to say..she took my daughter off me. If not for Isabela and Luisa I would of followed Mirabel. But I won't do that to Dolores, she's doing me a huge favour."

"You know..Mirabel told me to stop bottling up my feelings just to please Mamá. Stop letting the towns people manipulate my emotions..." Pepa sighed "But you know the expectations Mamá puts on us. And than our children in turn. No doubt if Mirabel did get a gift she would be worked into the ground too." placing a disk in the drying rack "And I noticed you refuse to heal that cut Señora Pezmuerto had on her hand yesterday."

"Minor cut, I'm not slaving around in the kitchen to heal a wound that can be treated by putting on a bandaid." Julieta took her frustration out by scrubbing the plate in in her hands "From now on I'll only heal major injuries, I have too much to worry about to worry about heal every cut and bruise in town."

Pepa narrowed her eyes "Why the sudden change around? Let me guess, Mirabel told you to take it easy and to live your life?"

"Yes...how did you know?"

"She told me the same thing."

"She does have a point." Julieta sighed passing Pepa the plate "And what's wrong with Camilo? I never seen him so down."

Pepa shook her head sadly "I don't know, I tried speaking with him but he just said he wasn't ready to talk about it. I'm worried about him.'

"Well if you try to push the issue with him, you'll just push him further away that's the problem. Best you can do is let him know you're there for him and you're ready to talk whenever he is."

"I suppose." Pepa murmured "Do you still want my help tomorrow night?"

"Pepa..of course. I won't manage it without you."


Camilo sat on the end of Dolores's bed fiddling with his ruana "Dolores?"


Camilo looked his sister dead in the eyes "Who am I Dolores?"

"What are you talking about? You know who you are."

"No I don't. I know how to be everyone..but myself." Camilo flopped back "You told me to talk to Mirabel. And you want to know what she said? She said 'you spend so much time being someone else you don't even know who you are.' and she is right. Who is Camilo Madrigal? The one people call when they actually need someone else? Why does no one ever just want Camilo? That's another thing she pointed out 'the only way you are of use is if you pretend to be someone else.' and again she is right."

"Oh, Camilo..I love you for being my hermano. So does Antonio. Mamá and Papá love you for being their hijo. Tía Julieta, Tío Bruno and Tío Agustín love you for being their sobrino. Isabela and Luisa love you for being their primo." she took his hand into hers "Mirabel loves you for being her primo. We love you for you."

"I notice you didn't include Abuela in there. I guess she doesn't love me just for being her nieto." Camilo rubbed his face "She just loves me..how do you and Mirabel put it..as a tool. So does the rest of this town."

Dolores laid down beside her brother "Don't worry about what Abuela or the townsfolk say. It's your life not theirs. You're not an on call baby sitter. They want to take a break? They can find someone else, you started watching young children from the age of five. And everyone found that acceptable...how I don't know." giving a small smile "Antonio wanted you to come on his picnic with Mirabel today..but you locked yourself away. Is this why? You knew if you went out there they'll make you use your gift?"

"Pretty much..they don't realise how tiring shapeshifting actually is. And the longer I hold a form the more strained I get..I could be forced to hold a form for hours while I watch some baby."

"Don't do it anymore, Camilo. Abuela can offer babysitting services herself if she wants."

Camilo frowned "Then...what will I do with my life?"

"Whatever you want, go pursue your own happiness. You like acting and that kind of thing right?"


Dolores grinned "Well there you go, you can try out for a part in something at the theatre. You'll be the most popular actor in the Encanto."

A small smile starting spreading across Camilo's face "That sounds incredible." he jumped off the bed and turned so he was facing Dolores "Presenting..The Incredible Camilo." he took an exaggerated bow blowing kisses to the imaginary crowd.

Dolores giggled "That's more like the Camilo I remember. You and Mirabel...when I wasn't worried about Mira fighting her latest bout of illness I was worried about falling right for the latest prank you two pulled."

Camilo's face fell "I...miss...her."

"You can have her back, Camilo. It's not to late to repair that friendship, she still cares about you. She is waiting for you."

"I'll..see..I guess I got a lot to think about." turning to walk towards the door "We both better get some sleep, big night tomorrow it'll be a late one. Buenas noches, Dolores."

"Buenas noches, Camilo."


"So...let me get this straight..." Luisa rubbed her temple "You want to kidnap Isabela so she misses the proposal dinner and Mariano will take notice of Dolores instead?"

Mirabel nodded "Yeah that about sums it up."

"Oh geez.." Luisa looked from Mirabel to Dolores "Is this the 'side project' you two been working on?"

Dolores blushed "Yes..I was going to tell you last night but..Camilo came to talk."

"Isabela doesn't even want to marry Mariano she's just doing it to make Abuela happy. Think of it Luisa. We save Isabela from a loveless marriage, Dolores gets the man of her dreams and I get to ruin Abuela's plan. Win win and win." Mirabel smiled

"Can't believe I'm saying this...but I promised I would help you Mirabel...but fine...I'll cover for Dolores...as long as no one gets hurt."

"Of course no one will get hurt..much but we are going to have to whack Señora Perfecta in the head to knock her out. I'll just give her some of Mamá's cooking afterward."

Dolores nodded slightly "Of course...but you'll be here alone with her when she wakes up. How will you handle that?"

Mirabel chuckled "What she going to do? Grow me a flower? It'll be fine."

Luisa lowered herself to the barn floor "So what is the plan exactly?"

"Well we just have to catch her alone...I distract her. Dolores sneaks up behind her and knocks her out, we bring her back here..tie her up just so she doesn't run away on me. Once it's too late for the proposal I'll let her go."

The smile on Mirabel's face disturbed Luisa that smile and those wide eyes..Dolores warned her of Mirabel's mental health declining and frankly Luisa couldn't blame her but to see it in person, to see her previous baby sister slowly lose her mind and delve further into the pits of insanity was unnerving. And it broke her heart and she knew exactly who to blame. Abuela..do you see what you have done..it's not just physical. Don't worry Mira, I'm with you now. It's going to be okay I won't leave you again. Realising both Mirabel and Dolores were staring at her Mirabel having snapped out of whatever was going on in her head she gave a sheepish smile "Yeah..sounds. Just don't hit her too hard."

Dolores just shrugged "I can't make promises, but I'll do my best not to seriously hurt her. Just enough for to knock her out long enough to get her tied up here."

"And if we can't get her by this evening, you lure her into a little...trap Luisa." Mirabel chuckled.

"Hey, Dolores can I speak to you alone for a moment?" Luisa asked nervously "It can't wait."

"Oh of course, you right here Mirabel?"

"I won't run away, not like I have anywhere to go." Mirabel walked over and plopped herself on her blankets. Mirabel was curious about it really curious, but she wasn't going to intrude on them. She watched as the pair left the barn and shrugged.

Luisa waited until they were out of Mirabel's hearing range before turning to Dolores "Did..you see her face? She looked insane."

Dolores nodded "It's been happening for as long as I been with her...but more frequently lately but she seems to snap out of it and continue like nothing happened. It worries me. None of us know what is going on through her head but we both know she has suffered ten years worth of trauma. No doubt all of that would of messed with her head."

"It's Abuela's doing I know...she's screwed Mirabel over big time and Mirabel is left paying the price. She's suffering because of Abuela...and I did nothing to stop it."

"Hey..hey..." Dolores put her hand on Luisa as her cousin started crying "It's going to be okay...we are going to fix it. We will save Mirabel from herself, we won't let her fall deeper into the depth of her own mind. We can help her through this, and we will."

"I won't abandon her, not again. If I could take her pain for myself and end her misery so she could just be a normal teenaged girl I would in a heartbeat."

Dolores smiled softly "As would I, that's what familia does and Mirabel is our familia. Always was and always will be."

Luisa returned the smile "By the way..those earmuffs?"

"Mirabel made them, to help muffle all the sound." Dolores patted the ear muffs "She even matched the colour of them to go with my ribbon."

"I never knew she could make things like that."

"Neither did I..I guess there's a lot we don't know."

"It's impressive..considering..how is her vision anyway? I thought she was full blind for ages."

"She is full blind." Dolores paused "How do I say this without sounding stupid..it's..the glasses."

Luisa frowned in confusion "The glasses?"

"From what I gather, when the candle blinded her it also gave her magic we got our rooms and gifts...she has those glasses as long as she wears them she will have vision ..but it's poor. From what she told me everything is very blurry, she can recognise faces and objects but I noticed she struggles with anything outside a certain range. How she manages that embroidery thing is a mystery but I'm glad she has something that makes her happy."

"Wait.." Luisa paused "If she sees because of the magic...when the magic is destroyed...won't it take her vision away alongside our gifts?"

Dolores sighed sadly "Yes, she is aware of this fact. She's willing to make that sacrifice for the family. She said she doesn't need her sight, she just needs to know she has her family around her."

"She's blind and losing her mind. How could things turn out this way? Well I know how it's just..ugh."

"Give it time, and it'll all be over. Now come we best be getting back."

"Yes..cover up a plot where my younger sister kidnaps my older sister so my older cousin can get to date said older sisters boyfriend instead." Luisa laughed despite herself "There's something I never thought I would say."

Dolores laughed "And that's something I never thought I'll hear, now lets go give Mirabel a nice warm hug. She likes it more than she is prepared to admit."

The two returned to the barn in silence, immediately upon entering Luisa swooped Mirabel up into a hug as Dolores hugged her dangling legs both laughing at the confused expression on Mirabel's face.

"What is going on?" Mirabel asked.

"Nothing, we just love you Mirabel." Luisa smiled.

"I see."

"The plan is all set, Mira." Dolores let her legs go so Luisa could put her down "You distract her and I sneak up and whack her." she chuckled.

Luisa folded her arms "Why do I have a feeling you're going to enjoy this?"

"Oh come on, Luisa you know sometimes you want to smack that smug look of her face too."

"What if she recognises you? There's always that chance."

"I could wear a hood or something like Mirabel does if it matters. She shouldn't even have a chance to see my face if it all goes to plan."

Mirabel clapped her hands together "Excellent. By the time I let her go it would be too late. She'll thank me later, I'm sure. I'm helping her here even if some would call the method...questionable."

"Right...I'll head out so people don't start getting suspicious. I should at least do some work otherwise people will start to talk."

"Of course, Luisa. See you later."

Dolores watched Luisa leave before turning back to Mirabel "Let's go for a walk, shall we? Get some food from Tía Julieta?"



Isabela followed from a distance as Dolores joined Mirabel on a large flat rock by the river handing the younger girl a plate of food she got from Julieta. Isabela thanking Dolores was wearing those ridiculous earmuffs muffling out her approach. Hiding behind a tree she looked around raised her camera and snapped a shot panicking when the flash went off. Looking over to Mirabel and Dolores she sighed with relief when she saw neither noticed too focused on whispering something back and forth.

Breath trembling she took more photos "Dolores...you traitor..." she whispered under her breath taking some more photos freezing when the loud whirling came from the camera as it began to rewind. She saw Mirabel's head instantly shoot up and look in her direction. Dolores ripping off her earmuffs and following Mirabel's line of sight.

One thing many people didn't know about Mirabel was she had incredible hearing having her vision destroyed force her to rely on her other senses more. Getting off the rock she walked towards where Isabela was hiding behind a tree "I know you're there. Come out and save yourself the trouble."

Isabela didn't know what she was supposed to do, if she ran they would see her and she didn't want to know what Mirabel would do to her if they caught her. She closed her eyes for a moment and when she reopened them to find herself looking directly into Mirabel's blinded gaze.

"Why Isabela...this little chance encounter couldn't of happened on a more perfect day." Mirabel chuckled "Why my dear hermana I have a little plan for you this evening..."

"Get away from me. MONSTER!"

Mirabel just shook her head "No, I don't think I will."

Desperate now Isabela shoved Mirabel to the ground and pinned her "You're nothing but a monster." she growled as she pressed Mirabel's head into the ground.

"Get off of her!" Dolores came from behind shoving Isabela off "What do you think you're doing?"

"Dolores! TRAITOR!" Isabela screamed, she knew she should run but she felt like she was frozen in place "YOU DIRTY ROTTEN TRAITOR!" she held up the camera "You are so done. The evidence is right here."

Mirabel chuckled as she stood up unharmed and snatched the camera off her "A little advice...if you have evidence to expose someone...don't tell them you have it and even more stupid...hold it up for them to see." with another chuckle she threw the camera into the river smiling as it sank into the bottom "Now where is your proof?" she began to circle Isabela chuckling the whole time "Oh, Señorita Perfecta Isabela what are you doing out here and so...alone?" she stopped circling "Well Dolores...this was easier than we could ever plan...grab her."

Before Isabela could react Dolores had a hold of both her arms "Let me go! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!"

"No one will hear you out here hermana." Mirabel bent down picking up a large stick "This is not exactly how we planned this but...you hand delivered yourself to us. Just know I do love you my dear sister and this is nothing personal...it's all business if you want to say."

Isabela tried to break out of Dolores's grasp but couldn't "Let me go Dolores! How could you? Traitor! I HATE YOU!"

"It's nothing personal." was all Dolores would say "You really should of stayed at home."

Mirabel advanced closer a smile on her face "Oh Isabela...you really should of ran."

Isabela never got to respond to that before she felt a rush of pain in her head and then...nothing.

Dolores dropped the unconscious Isabela with a squeak "Well...I'm so done...I knew she was onto me...should of known she would do something like this..."

"I got rid of the evidence." Mirabel bent down poking Isabela to make sure she was out "It'll be your word against hers...oh wait...I know who Abuela is going to pick."

"You know what? I'll tell Abuela myself I'm sided with you. I am done hiding and living this double life. I am not ashamed of being with you, if she kicks me out well...she kicks me out it'll just prove our point. I can come stay with you right?"

"Of course."

Dolores grunted as she picked Isabela up slinging her over her shoulder "This is the part we didn't think through to well...she's heavier than she looks." she began to lead the way back to the barn forced to take the long way around to avoid being seen.

"Like I said...not how we planned but it will do." Mirabel pushed the barn door open "Just hope Señor Pérez doesn't come back in here today...he shouldn't..." she watched as Dolores deposited Isabela into Mirabel's bed of straw "I'll tie her up with this." she grabbed a rope hanging on the wall and made quick work of binding Isabela's legs and hangs together.

"How did you learn to tie knots like that?"

"When you live in a donkey barn with nothing to do for five years you have to entertain yourself somehow."

"Ah. I see." Dolores stared down at Isabela for a moment "How you going to know when to let her go?"

"Ah...I...don't know...I could just keep her with me until tomorrow morning...but I really don't want to have to listen to her whine all night long. Mirabel thought about it "Tell Luisa to come get her. You said you're going to tell everyone you're working with me anyway."

"Luisa? Alright." Dolores looked over her shoulder towards the door "Are you sure you'll be alright? I can stay for longer I'm not expected back to help with preparations for another hour."

Mirabel shrugged "If you want to stay you can. Wait for princesa here to wake up." she settled down next to Isabela.

Dolores sat next to sighing "You know...even if I don't get thrown out...I think I'll leave anyway."

"What? Why?"

"So you won't be alone...you shouldn't be out here all by yourself. You shouldn't be out here at all but if you must be...I can at least be sure you're not going through it all alone."

"You would give up living in Casita...for me?"

"Of course. I should of defended you all those years ago...but I never did. It was never your fault. I missed...us. We were so close once more like sisters than cousins but...I was a fool and listened to Abuela. I heard you in that nursery every night crying yourself to sleep and then out here doing the same. And when you were eleven...you have any idea how much it broke me listening to purposely starve yourself wishing yourself to die? You were eleven and were so miserable you were wishing for death. At ELEVEN! Every day I feared I would have to listen as your heart stopped and you took your final breath. I wanted to come to you...I really did."

Mirabel pulled her knees to her chest wrapping her arms around them "That's the past...sorry you had to hear all that though. I ensure I no longer think such thoughts. Don't get me wrong I'm still miserable but slowly I'm getting my family back. If getting my family back means becoming Alma's monster so be it..." she sighed.

"I've been wondering...how did you adjust to losing your vision?"

Mirabel shrugged "I really had no choice it was hard at first..I crashed and bumped into everything."

"I saw you...I wanted to help but..."

"Abuela wouldn't let you I know. It took time but now I can navigate around and still do my embroidery though it takes a lot longer than it used to and I can't do it for long." Mirabel took her glasses off her face "But I am going to have to get used to having no vision at all. A great disadvantage to relying on magic to be able to see is no magic means no vision." she placed her glasses back on restoring vision to her world "But like I told you before, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the sake of the family."

Dolores opened her mouth to respond but a groan from Isabela halted her "Looks like she is coming round..."

Isabela groaned again as she opened her eyes "My head...where am I?" she blinked registering the faces of Mirabel and Dolores and the fact she was in a donkey barn "MIRABEL! ABEULA WAS RIGHT ABOUT YOU!" she tried to move quickly realising she was tied "UNTIE ME!"

Mirabel just blinked "Umm...no."


Dolores covered her ears wishing she put her earmuffs back on "Will you stop screaming. You're killing my ears here."

Isabela locked eyes with her "Why? Why with her? You know what Abuela says about her."

"Abuela is wrong. Mirabel is right about everything and I will stand at her side. What Abuela did to her isn't fair."

"What has Mirabel done to you? She doesn't care about you! She's just using you!"

Dolores's face darkened for a second "No. Abuela is the one using us. Mirabel loves this family!"

"Yeah right! If you're falling for her little act you're more stupid than I could of ever thought. She wants something and she is using you to get it."

Mirabel cleared her throat "You should go Dolores, I'll keep Isabela here company."

Dolores nodded and stood up "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow Mirabel." without glancing back at Isabela she left the barn.

Isabela's eyes rose as Mirabel turned back to her smiling "What do you want with me?"

"Oh nothing from you personally it's just I can't let Mariano propose to you tonight so you'll be spending time with me. It has been so long hasn't it my dear hermana? Don't worry I'll be letting you go completely unharmed." Mirabel stood up and got an an arepa from her food basket returning to Isabela she shoved it into her mouth "See? I'm even giving you something for your little...headache."

Isabela growled as she felt the pain in her head fade "What do you even have to gain here?"

"Personally? Nothing really other than the satisfaction of knowing I ruined something Alma Madrigal worked so hard to arrange." Mirabel chuckled to herself "But really I'm doing this for Dolores. She wants to be with that Mariano fella and you're in her way so...I'm simply...intervening."

"Why you-"

"What's the issue Isabela? You don't want to marry him anyway so what's the big deal? I'm saving you and you don't even thank me." Mirabel tutted "Such a pity...such a pity..."

"I was doing it for the family! Everyone was going to be so happy! Not that you would know what making them happy is like, all you ever done is cause everyone misery! You're no Madrigal!"

Mirabel's expression darkened "I would watch what you say let us not forget who has who tied up here, hmm?"

Isabela gulped "You can't do anything to me."

"Can't I?" Mirabel stared her sister down "Do you want to test that theory? I don't want to hurt you Isabela but you should be warned I can't control my temper. So I strongly advise you not to push it."

"You're insane!"

"Well yes...five years of being kept as a prisoner and being given daily reminders of just how much your once loving Abuela despises the fact you're alive..going blind...then being forced to live in a barn isolated away from your family for another five years would drive anyone to insanity...wouldn't you agree?"

Isabela didn't answer just closed her eyes she was terrified of Mirabel. Terrified of her own baby sister. And Dolores was helping her...Isabela felt so betrayed. Dolores left her for Mirabel to do whatever she wanted to her. Mirabel could kill her if she wanted to. Long gone was the Mirabel she once knew opening her eyes again she saw Mirabel still staring at her in some sort of twisted enjoyment a small cruel smile on her lips. Help...someone...she's crazy..help.

"Doesn't feel so good to be helpless does it?" Mirabel broke the silence that had fallen on them "Did you ever pause to think about how I felt?"

Isabela didn't answer again closing her eyes refusing even look at her.


Isabela's eyes shot open to meet Mirabel's face anger starting to fill her eyes "I...no..."

"Of course you didn't you selfish brat!"

Isabela prepared herself to be hit but instead Mirabel just turned away leaving the stall "What are you doing?"

"Oh don't worry your pretty little head about what I'm doing...you just relax. I promise I'll be letting you go." Mirabel sat down in her chair humming "Just do me a favour and keep quiet or I will take that broom over there and knock you out again."

I have to get out of here. Isabela started wiggling but Mirabel had her bound up tight. Growling softly under her breath she whispered 'Mirabel...Dolores...you're both going to pay for this."


"Where is she?" Alma paced around the courtyard. Everyone was waiting on Isabela she should of been back ages ago dinner was on the table getting cold and there was no sign of Isabela. Alma stopped pacing turning to face Dolores who was talking with Mariano "Dolores? Can you hear her?"

Dolores pretended to listen out for her for a moment "She's not coming, she said she doesn't want to marry Mariano." she let out a squeak as she shrugged "Guess she is standing him up."

"What?! That's ridiculous. Where is she?"

"By the river." Dolores lied "She's waiting out dinner and is going to sneak back in here later." another squeak.

"Well I guess theres no reason for us to stay then." Señora Guzmán replied coldly "Come, Mariano."

Alma rose a hand pleading "No no, don't go I'm sure it's a misunderstanding...do stay and eat with us."

"Your granddaughter has humiliated my son. I think it's best we go. I do apologise Julieta and Pepa for your wasted efforts in what I'm sure is a wonderful feast but I think we'll be taking our leave." she began to walk towards the door "Enjoy the rest of your evening Madrigals."

Mariano glanced at Dolores with a smile that said 'sorry' and followed his mother but not without sneaking one more glance back at Dolores on his way out.

Dolores let a victorious smile spread across her face while everyone's backs were turned. Everything went exactly to plan now all she had to do was get Luisa to go get Isabela...and then it'll be time to reveal where her loyalties lie. Either she will be thrown out or she'll leave. Either way she'll make sure Alma knows exactly what she thinks of her.

"Ah...I hate to be that one guy but..." Camilo began talking "Can we just eat now? I'm starving."


Isabela was nearly there...she was nearly free. Yes! Isabela cheered to herself finally managing to get her hands free reaching down she began to work at freeing her legs a process that was much quicker and easier. Standing up she crept forward hoping she could just sneak past Mirabel but that luck was not on her side.

"I don't remember saying you could go." Mirabel let out a dark chuckle "And you were going to just go without saying goodbye? I'm offended." she stood in front of the door blocking Isabela from leaving "You leave when I say you can leave."

Not knowing what else to do Isabela used her vines to bring Mirabel crashing to the ground intending to wind her long enough for her to escape but Mirabel hit her head in in the fall knocking her unconscious. Panting Isabela quickly checked to make sure she didn't cause her some serious injury a small trickle of blood ran down her head but it was no worse than the injury Mirabel gave Isabela "Karma Mirabel...consider it karma." she dragged her unconscious sister out of the way knowing once she said what she had to say Dolores would be out here with her anyway..she'll be fine till then."

With one last look back Isabela ran back to Casita knowing she was too late, she missed the proposal. She was glad she had gotten out of it tonight but her anger and hatred towards Mirabel and Dolores overruled that. Those two ruined everything! She entered Casita and turned towards the dinning room where the rest of the family were finishing up dinner but without the Guzmáns. She saw Dolores look at her in surprise.

Did Mirabel let her go? Did she escape? Dolores wondered she had not been paying attention to the ongoings at the barn reaching hearing out she was met by silence from Mirabel besides the sounds of shallow breathing and steady heartbeat Mirabel was quiet. Dolores knew there was something wrong. Had Isabela hurt her?

"Isabela! What were you thinking-" Alma began.

"Mirabel had me tied up in that smelly barn! She kidnapped me...her and her little helper." Isabela's gaze drifted to Dolores the rest of the family following her gaze "Dolores has betrayed us. She is in allegiance with Mirabel she helped Mirabel kidnap me."

Alma's face darkened "Dolores...is this true?"

Dolores stood up from her chair "Yes it's true." she paused "I'm helping Mirabel."

Alma ignored the thunder and lightning that was starting to fill the room "HOW COULD YOU?!"

"Mirabel is right about EVERYTHING! It makes so much sense now she has pointed it out. She cares about me..for ME."

"Oh, Mirabel doesn't care about this family."

"Mirabel LOVES this family! You're the one who doesn't care! You care more about the stupid magic than your own family. Mirabel may be the one who is blind but YOU'RE the one that doesn't see! YOU made Mirabel's life a living hell and yet you call her the monster. THE ONLY MONSTER HERE IS YOU!"

Cracks started spreading along the walls before abruptly stopping. Alma watched it unfold the colour draining from her face. Clearing her throat she stood up in her chair facing Dolores "You have made a grave mistake." she looked at each family member all too stunned to utter a word "Since you have admitted to your betrayal from this day forth you are no longer apart of la familia Madrigal. You are now considered an outcast, you will have no more association with us. As head of the family my judgement is final." she narrowed her eyes as Dolores stared back defiintly "And my judgement is this...EXILE."

"NO!" Pepa screamed "You can't! Where is she supposed to go?!"

"She can go live with her precious Mirabel."

"I will." Dolores replied "I was thinking of leaving anyway, you just made my choice for me."

"Casita...get rid of it." Alma turned to the family tree behind her and after what seemed like a pause of hesitation the sentient house obeyed and Dolores's image disappeared wiping her from the family tree completely "Just remember Dolores...you made your choice. NOW GET OUT! NEVER COME BACK!"

Dolores felt the ground moving underneath "No, Casita. I can see myself out." she paused beside Antonio "It'll be ok Antonio it's just for now...I'm just going to live with Mirabel for a little bit okay? You have to be brave for me."

Antonio nodded but there were tears in his eyes "Ok, Lolo."

"GET OUT!" Alma screamed "NOW!

"I'm going." as Dolores made her way out the dining room she paused to glare back at Alma "You have just made the biggest mistake of your life, mark my words. You have no idea what's coming for you." with a huff she started running.

"DOLORES!" Pepa tried to stop her daughter from leaving but Casita was keeping her back "DOLORES!"

"DOLORES! NO!" Félix tried to get to her but Casita wouldn't let him "DOLORES!"

The slam off the front door hit the family like a bolt of Pepa's lightning, just like that their family had lost another one of their own. Dolores was gone.

Pepa finally managed to run into the courtyard "No! NO!"

The rest of the family snapping out of their state of shock made their way out and followed Pepa's line of sight. Gasps coming from the gathered family now getting soaked as a storm starting picking up.

Dolores's glowing door flickered before going out completely.


Dolores ran through the pouring rain anger giving her speed. Alma was a fool she has no idea what she had just done, revealing her true nature to the rest of the family. Oh it made Mirabel and Dolores's job so much easier. Reaching the barn Dolores used her special knock to let Mirabel know who was there and pushed her way inside gasping at what she saw.

"MIRABEL!" she dropped next to the unconscious girl the small trickle of blood still dripping down her face "Isabela..." Dolores growled under her breath as she jumped to her feet grabbing the last arepa from Mirabel's basket and kneeling back down "Mira...Mirabel wake up." she gently shook her "Come on...wake up time."

Mirabel groaned as she creaked open her eyes "Dolores? Is that you?" her glasses having been knocked off her face.

"It's me." Dolores whispered finding the glasses and putting them on Mirabel "Eat this...for your head."

"Gracias." Mirabel ate the arepa sighing with relief when her head healed "So...you're here." she glanced outside "At night. I guess that means you're moving in with me."

Dolores nodded "Abuela threw me out before I even had a chance to say I was leaving. Not just out of the house I've been kicked from the family all together..just like you. Exiled she said."

"Just like me."

"Exactly like you." Dolores pulled Mirabel up "It's you and me now, Mira. I mean sure now I have to live in a barn but I got what I wanted. I proved my point, it's all going exactly the way I planned." she grinned "I made her see me but I'm not done...now the desire for revenge is personal."

A grin spread across Mirabel's face "Alma Madrigal wanted to create one monster..." she let out a dark chuckle "She has created two."


Yes..I went there.Alma went there.Before you all get at me Isabela will get a redemption arc I promise.

Review responses:

World'snumber1scaredycat: I know right. Dolores was joking and Mirabel was just "actually..yes..what you just said."

FlowerChild23: She'll realise the truth don't you worry.

WarthofAjax: Yep this Mira ain't no saint.

Z-King: It was a nod to Scar actually. And this chapter has a nod to Zira.