
15. Chapter 15


"Antonio can you please tell your bird to get out of my lunch." Mirabel grumbled glaring down at the toucan "Hey don't you-" Mirabel growled as the bird swiped a piece of fruit from her plate.

"Pico!" Antonio scolded "Don't eat Mirabel's food." he listened intently as the bird squawked "He said he is sorry, Mirabel he was just trying to make you laugh because you're always so grumpy."

"I see.." Mirabel glared at Pico "So you're enjoying your gift are you?"

Antonio nodded happily "Uh-huh, Abuela says I need to find a way to use it to serve the community."

Mirabel glanced over at Dolores who rolled her eyes "Oh of course she did" popping a piece of fruit into her mouth "But don't worry about what Abuela says, ok?" reaching over to ruffle Antonios hair "If Abuela tells you to do anything you just go ask Dolores and she will take care of it. Isn't that right Dolores?"

"Sí, you don't have to do anything you don't want to hermanito." Dolores smoothed down the hair Mirabel messed up.

"So does that mean I don't have to to school?!" Antonio's eyes lit up with hope "I want to just play with my animals instead."

Mirabel and Dolores shared amused smiles, chuckling Mirabel crushed that hope "Sorry, buddy but you actually do have to go to school."

"But Dolores doesn't go to school."

"That's because I am a grown up." Dolores laughed "I went to school when I was your age."

Antonio pointed at Mirabel "Mirabel doesn't go to school."

"I wasn't allowed too...not after my failure of a gift ceremony after I didn't get a gift Abuela decided just having me attend school and being seen in public was damaging the family image. No one in town dared to question her choice." Mirabel growled "I was forbidden to leave the Casita at all after that and no one at home ever had time to tutor me so not exactly sure where she was expecting me to get an education. That heartless old-"

Dolores put one hand on Mirabel's mouth and another on her shoulder "Not in front of Antonio, not now." she whispered so only Mirabel could hear. All Madrigal children were taught the basics of reading,writing and counting as soon as they learnt to talk and Dolores knew that was as far as Mirabel's education went besides her self taught embroidery. "See Antonio? You have to go to school so you can teach Mirabel everything you learn."

Antonio's eyes lit up again at that "Okay! I can do that."

"I'm glad we have that settled." Dolores put the last piece of her fruit in her mouth chewing and swallowing before laying her back letting the sun hit her face using Mirabel's lap as a foot rest adjusting the ear muffs Mirabel made for her to help muffle sound and closed her eyes her arms serving as a pillow "This is nice."

Mirabel chuckled under her breath "Glad you're comfortable Dolores, do just want me to sit here while you take a siesta?"

"Yes, that would be lovely. Thank you."

Antonio crawled over a smile on his face and with a giggle laid his head down on space Mirabel had on her lap closing his eyes "I'm going to have a siesta too."

"So do I get to lay down and have a siesta?" Mirabel asked groaning when Pico nestled on her head.

"Nope!" both her cousins replied laughing.

Mirabel groaned and leaned back hands on the ground behind her holding her up. Antonio had begged for Dolores and Mirabel to take him on a picnic, they wanted to bring Camilo with them but according to Dolores he had returned to his room straight after breakfast and had refused to come out. Dolores promising she will speak with him tonight. Closing her eyes she lifted her face to the sun taking in the sound of the gentle running of the river behind them as the quiet snores came from her cousins, of course they would fall asleep. She remained in a blissful state until the sound of sobbing came closer. Scanning around she tried to locate the source of the sound, shaking Dolores's foot she hisses "Dolores wake up."

Dolores cracked an eye open "Huh-" both eyes snapping wide open when she registered the sobbing "That sounds like Luisa. Something's wrong." pulling her feet off Mirabel she stood up "Luisa? Where are you?" concern etching her face as Luisa approached then.

Luisa came to a stood a few feet away from them face red from crying and tears still spilling down her face "Mirabel! I been looking everywhere for you."

"Luisa? What's wrong?" Mirabel gently move Antonio's head from her lap placing it on the soft picnic blanket, shooing Pico off her own head who with a squawk nestled onto Antonio and drifted off to sleep before she stood up walking over to her sister "What happened?"

"It's Abuela..I was asked to move the church to where the sun will hit it more but I remember what you said and said no because I'm sore and..Abuela overheard and starting yelling at me in front of everyone. Saying it's a Madrigal's duty to serve the community and I'm being selfish by not using my gift to help others." wrapping her arms around her sister "Then she lowered her voice so only I could hear that it was all your fault and she always knew you were a curse to this family and she knew she should of gotten rid of you that first night she saw the vision."

Dolores joined the two sisters a frown on her face "Abuela knows what Mirabal is capable of. She doesn't want to lose her control over you and Mirabel can take that away from her."

"You didn't move the church did you?" Mirabel asked "Please tell me you didn't."

Luisa shook her head "No I just ran and started looking for you. You were right, Abuela just uses me as a tool. The town just takes advantage of me. Make it stop, the magic just makes me work day in and day out until I just collapse with exhaustion. The magic makes Abuela act more like our dictator than our Abuela but the worse of all." Luisa pilled Mirabel off her feet pressing her cheek against hers "The magic took my baby sister away"

"Well Mirabel will be destroying the magic." Dolores blurred out before her eyes widened and she slapped her hand to her mouth with a squeak.

"Destroy...the..magic?" Luisa slowly put Mirabel down "What are you talking about?"

Dolores glanced at Mirabel realising what she has done, Mirabel just nodded and guested at Luisa.

"Tell her, Dolores. She deserves to know. And you overheard everything so probably know more than even I do."

Luisa looked between the two in confusion "What is going on?"

Taking a deep breath Dolores began "The night of Mirabel's gift ceremony and the door vanished. Abuela asked Tío Bruno to have a vision to make sure the magic wasn't dying. What he saw was Casita falling, the candle going out and us losing our magic. The cause of it all was...well." she looked over to her youngest prima "Mirabel. Abuela wanted to throw her out that night but her age made everyone protest against her but Abuela starting hating Mirabel from that moment on."

Mirabel's jaw dropped, Abuela wanted to kick her out at only five years old? "Are you telling me..I was only five years old and Abuela wanted to kick me to the streets? I knew she hated me since that night but I never thought...I was FIVE."

Dolores nodded sadly "And as you both know at breakfast the next day Abuela announced that Mirabel will no longer be allowed to leave the Casita, that was the only condition Abuela would allow her to stay on otherwise she was planning on getting rid of her behind everyones back."

"Get rid of me how?" Mirabel asked.

"I can't answer that, I just overheard her telling your mother that she either accepts the fact you must never leave the doors of Casita or she'll come home one day to you gone no matter what she or anyone else says."

Luisa muffled a gasp "I..never knew...I...I'm sorry Mirabel..I.."

"It's not your fault..." Mirabel was fuming with anger, it amazed her how her hatred for her own Abuela was growing even further was there even a limit to that woman's cruelty?

Dolores continued "You know she got Casita to remove Mirabel from the family tree, when any guests came Mirabel would be locked up in the nursery. Any photos with her in them were taken to somewhere only Abuela knows and she wasn't included in any more, she lived with us and shared the Madrigal name but she was not one of us. Banned from all social events our family hosted, made prisoner in our home, everyday feeling the cruelty our family inflicted onto her all to please Abuela." Dolores felt tears run down her cheeks, how long she has been crying she didn't know "On the night of Antonio's birth Abuela decided she could not take the risk Antonio HAD to get a gift and if there was any chance Mirabel could ruin that...she couldn't let it happen. So she arranged for Mirabel to live in the barn. That's when Mirabel went for the candle...and you know what happened after that."

Luisa had pulled her sister tighter as the story unfolded, had she really been so blind? Had she really not seen Mirabel's suffering? She was always smiling...fake smiling she now knew. A mask to hide the pain. Mirabel tried everything to get her family's love and acceptance only for them to push her further away. Luisa would offer Mirabel a brief hug if they passed each other in the hallway and no one was looking, a smile at the table but that was it. She was an awful sister.

Dolores looked Luisa in the eyes "Abuela calls Mirabel a monster but it's one she created. She didn't give Mirabel a chance. Mirabel is now ready, the prophecy will be fulfilled. The miracle will die at her hands. I am helping her. It'll be better this way. Abuela will never see us as long as that candle burns, our gifts are curses. I'm miserable..and I know you're miserable. We are all miserable."

"You're working with her?" Luisa asked "You two are going to take the gifts away?"

"Sí, then we will be free to live the way we want. You will be allowed to be whoever you want to be, Luisa. I know how it sounds but truly this is for the best."

Luisa nodded "Dolores if you're helping Mirabel...I am too."

"You want to help me?' Mirabel asked in shock "Why?"

"Because, I'm tired of dedicating my life to a town that doesn't appreciate it. Tired of being treated as nothing but a tool. Tired of having to see my hermana suffer. If there's a way to stop it than I'm all for it. I'll rather have my baby sister over super strength anyway." Luisa pulled Mirabel and Dolores into a group hug "I'll do what I can to help, I promise. Besides if Mirabel is the devil like they say than I'm a demon too our blood is the same."

Mirabel smiled "When the miracle is gone, you two better come visit me."

Dolores shook her head "When the miracle is gone, we are bringing you home. We'll build a house to live in...all of us. We'll build you your own room and everything. Abuela can go where she likes but she is not coming with us she will never hurt you again Mira we promise your suffering will be over."

"Gracias..." Mirabel whispered before another voice startled them out of their huddle.

"Dolores? Mirabel?" Antonio yawned "I fell asleep-oh hi Luisa!" he grinned. raising his head but not getting up.

Dolores bit her lip nervously "Antonio, did you hear us talking?"

Antonio shook his head "No, what were you talking about?"

"We're planning a surprise for you, Antonio." Mirabel plastered what she hope was a sincere looking smile on her face. Not now they can't tell him now, they'll explain it to him later. "And we were worried it got spoiled for you."

"A surprise?! What is it?"

"If we tell you it won't be a surprise." Mirabel laughed "You have to wait and see."

"Can I have a hint?"

"Nope." Dolores smiled softly part of her felt bad for what they were going to do to him but in the end it was going to be better for all them.

Mirabel looked over towards the town "Dolores? I hate to ask you to you use your gift but..."

Dolores took off her earmuffs letting them lay around her neck the instant increase of volume startling her despite expecting it "Oh, it's no trouble for you. What do you need?"

"Can you hear what, Abuela is doing?"

"Oh, of course give me a moment." tilting her head to the side she focused on Alma listening for a few minutes "She's getting ready to go out, she's going to meet with Señora Guzmán to decide when the proposal dinner will be."

"¡Excelente! ¡Excelente!" Mirabel threw her hands up with glee "Luisa, can you take Antonio? Dolores and I have to do something..a little side project if you'd call it."

Luisa looked confused glancing from Dolores to Mirabel and back again. Dolores mouthing to her 'I'll explain later.'. Nodding she turned to Antonio "Hey, Antonio want to go for a ride?"

Antonio jumped up startling the bird on his head "Oh, sorry Pico. I forgot you were there." the toucan squawked something that made Antonio laugh.

"Alright, come on Antonio." Luisa lifted the child onto his shoulders "You'll see Dolores back at home say bye to Mirabel."

"Goodbye, Mirabel. See you later." Antonio waved from his prima's shoulder "Thanks for coming on my picnic."

"Adiós, Antonio. You are a delight." Mirabel waved until the two disappeared from sight and hearing range "Gracias a Dios he didn't hear about destroying the magic, let him keep his innocence for longer."

"I never been happier for the fact he is such a heavy sleeper." Dolores began packing up their picnic area "So what did you have planned?"

"We are going to listen to this meeting between Abuela and Señora Guzmán we need to find out the date but no matter what date the proposal dinner won't be happening..thanks to some..outside interference."

Dolores rose an eyebrow but didn't ask, she knew she would find out soon anyway holding the basket in one hand and grasping Mirabel's arm with the other she began walking "Come along, Abuela is headed to the meeting spot now. But we can get there in time."

"Lead the way."


Mirabel. That name was becoming a thorn in her side lodging deeper and deeper into her skin. She known all along Mirabel was plotting something, and yet it still got under her nose. Turning Dolores against her, convincing Luisa she didn't have to do work if she didn't feel like it. Even Julieta had starting being more picky on what injures she would heal and what ones she wouldn't. Alma kicked a small stone grumbling under her breath "Mirabel." she spat the name like it was poison "Nothing but evil in that girl's heart.". Alma remembered Mirabel being born sickly and premature, so small so weak it was feared she would not survive the night. Bruno was too afraid to have a vision to see if she would make it, afraid of what he will see and everyone else was too afraid to ask.

But Mirabel survived despite suffering from a reoccurring illness for the first few years of her life. When she turned four seemed to do a complete turn around and the whole household could sigh in relief, their pequeña mariposa survived. And she had never been stronger or healthier.

Now Alma was wondering if it was an omen all along looked up to the sky she whispered "Was it a sign Pedro? The premature birth...how weak she was..all the the times she was ill...was it a sign? Was Mirabel never meant to survive? Did you know all along?". Alma spent many nights nursing a sick Mirabel everything from holding a damp cloth of her forehead to cool her fever to holding a bucket under chin as the girl would empty her stomach into it. Would she of done all that if she knew of Mirabel's future? Alma had to admit herself if she knew she was nursing the evil that would destroy everything her beloved of Pedro died for she wouldn't of done it. She couldn't of done it.

"Pedro..I'm sorry...forgive me. Mirabel survived because of me. I need your help, save me again...just one more time." she continued walking unaware of the two figures following behind her, one hearing every word she said and whispering back to the other.

"Never meant to survive?" Mirabel whispered in a growl "Evil in MY heart? I been promising myself I won't kill her for what she has done but she's really pushing it..."

"Shhh." Dolores pressed her fingers to Mirabel's lips "I know I know but please, you don't have it in you to murder."

"Yeah I suppose..but she does make it very tempting. Just saying."

Dolores had hold back a chuckle "Keep quiet, we are nearly at the meeting site."

Alma sat herself down on a bench on the outskirts of down. This had to go right, this had to go perfect. A union between the Madrigals and the Guzmáns is just what they needed. Start of a new generation, new gifts to serve the community with. Provided Mirabel doesn't...no don't think about Mirabel. Dolores, Luisa and Julieta..they'll all come around. They'll see Mirabel for what she really is.

Dolores pulled Mirabel down behind a stone wall where they could be able to hear every word that got said. "Señora Guzmán is approaching."

Alma smiled as the other woman sat down next to her "Buena tarde, Señora Guzmán."

"Buena tarde. I am very exciting for this proposal and to unite our families. My Mariano and your Isabela were made to be together."

"I wholeheartedly agree, Julieta has been preparing to a cook a fabulous feast. I been thinking tomorrow night would be perfect, it'll be the full moon..very romantic."

Señora Guzmán clapped her hands in delight "What a splendid idea, I am looking forward to tasting whatever Julieta prepares. You have such a wonderful family Alma."

From behind the wall Mirabel rolled her eyes "What a suck up-" she was cut off by Dolores elbowing her in the head.

"Shhh." Dolores covered Mirabel's mouth with her hand trying not to smile turning her focus back to the two older women.

Alma smiled "Gracias, I am indeed blessed. Three wonderful children, five wonderful grandchildren."

"And one tainted grandchild." Mirabel added to herself scowling.

The pair of cousins listened as the plan was made, tomorrow would be the night. The two families would feast before they would make their way into the courtyard where Marano would propose to Isabela under the light of the full moon. A celebratory party will be held for the whole town in a few weeks before planning for the wedding began.

Mirabel glanced over at Dolores who was looking more upset by the second "Hey..don't worry about it. Like I said this proposal will not happen I got it all planned out."

"Are you going to tell me what it is?"

"Of course, but not here. Lets head back to the barn I'll tell you everything there." Mirabel stood up offering Dolores her hand "Ready?"

Dolores accepted the hand "Curiosity is eating at me, let's go."


Isabela was perfect. She was the golden child, pride of the Madrigals. And she hated it. She was tired of growing roses over and over, tired of always needing to be perfect, tired of the colour pink. And she didn't want to marry Mariano.

She laid on her bed making flowers just to tear the petals off them tears dried on her cheeks. Alma told her earlier she was meeting today to settle on a date, hopefully tomorrow. Tomorrow Isabela thought as she tore the petals off the flower clenched in her hand. After tomorrow it would be too late she will end up trapped in a loveless marriage. It's not that she didn't like the guy..he was sweet but she didn't love him. He was a good friend that is all, she didn't want to marry him.

But she had to for her Abuela and for the family. She had to make them happy. It wasn't always this way, she wasn't always under this much pressure not before Mirabel didn't get her gift. Before that Isabela was allowed to express herself more, experimenting with all sorts of different plants. Her clothing consisted of crazy colours.

But that was when Mirabel was the apple of their Abuela's eye, the precious little miracle survivor. Mirabel would just need to sneeze to cause Alma alarm. She would spend hours cradling Mirabel in her arms singing and murmuring sweet nothings while Isabela was left on the side.

Isabela would be lying if she said she didn't get jealous, and be lying if she said it didn't make her feel guilty. What kind of sister was she getting jealous her ill sister got more attention? It's not like she chose to be ill all the time. When she wasn't ill Mirabel and Camilo were an unstoppable duo to the point Isabela jokingly dubbed them 'The Terror Twins' and when Mirabel's health took a turn in the wrong direction Camilo remained by her side even then.

"I would make you flowers...any flower to see your smile. Anything to take your mind off your illness. You didn't care if they were perfect or not you loved them all the same." Isabela threw the flower stem now deprived of petals across the room "But you had to go and ruin everything. You had to not get a gift, you had to be a curse. So now I have to be punished for your screwup. I have to save the family image you ruined...I hate you Mirabel! I hate you!" fresh tears starting falling.

Isabela could count on one hand the amount of times she had actually spoken to Mirabel since she was exiled. Usually snide remarks Mirabel would direct her way until Isabela was provoked enough to snap back leaving Mirabel with an amused smirk each time. 'Señorita Perfecta Isabela' that is what Mirabel would call out if she saw Isabela around the town which was always followed by mocking laughter.

Now Dolores had started with the Señorita Perfecta nonsense. Wait Isabela shot up eyes growing wide calling me Señorita Perfecta Isabela...saying Abuela uses us as tools...the way she jumps to Mirabel's defence..the fact she disappears all day everyday..the sudden attitude change..it suddenly all makes sense. Dolores is in an allegiance with Mirabel. Isabela growled under her breath "Dolores...you...you..TRAITOR!"

Alma drilled into Isabela's head that Mirabel was nothing short of pure evil and would destroy her. And Dolores was helping her..helping that tainted little curse.

How could she? How could she turn her back on us like that? Isabela knew from the way Dolores had been acting it was too late Mirabel has sunk her claws in too deep. "Dolores took Antonio this morning...no...no...Dolores what are you doing." Dolores was basically handing the Madrigal's youngest to Mirabel on a silver plater.

Isabela was the only one of the Madrigal grandchildren to be told the truth about Mirabel...well Alma's version of it anyway. One thing Alma had made clear was that Mirabel was the enemy.

She should tell Alma about Dolores's betrayal...but first she needed to confirm it for herself. She just needed to catch them together. Lowering her bed to the ground she jumped off and dug through a drawer pulling out a small handheld camera. Perfect. Catch Dolores and Mirabel together, take the photo and show their Abuela. Get praise and approval from her. Let Dolores face the consequences. "Sure hope that barn is comfy Dolores, because that's where you'll be ending up alongside your new mejor amiga."

Why was she going to do this? Snitch out her own prima who was her closest friend as young children? No I have to Dolores..I'm sorry I have to..you betrayed us..betrayed me...I have to remain loyal to the family.

Isabela's loyalty would please Alma.

And what did Isabela live for if not pleasing Alma?


"So...you going to explain?"

Mirabel smirked as Dolores stood in front of her hands on hips "Oh of course Dolores well it goes a little like this...Mariano can't propose to Isabela if Isabela isn't there, right?"

"Obviously. Can you get to the point already?"

Mirabel gave a dark chuckle "Patience, prima. It's quite simply really..we simply see it to that Isabela is..absent from dinner tomorrow."

Dolores looked confused "And how are we doing to do that? What are you going to do? Kidnap Isabela and hold her just long enough for her the miss the dinner completely?" Dolores said jokingly starting to laugh only to stop when that almost deranged smile spread across Mirabel's face.



I like this chapter better than last one personally.

In this story's universe Mirabel was born premature and was a sickly child. As a result she is smaller than she appears in the movie despite the age being the same and has less physical strength. It'll be important later I swear.Alma has a lot of influence on Isabela, convincing her Mirabel is nothing just evil. She will be the hardest one for Mirabel to crack.Now Mirabel has Luisa working with her. With someone who can hear anything from anywhere, a mother who could heal any injury instantly and a bodyguard who can crush anything Mirabel is pretty much unstoppable.

Yes Mirabel will be seeking out Bruno eventually, she been avoiding him so far a reason.

Oh yes I updated the summary, I wrote that last one after staring at my screen for 30 minutes trying to think of one so I could upload the first chapter. But looking back on it made it sound like Mirabel was getting revenge on the whole family not just Alma..which is misleading. Sorry bout that.And guess who deleted her one shot on accident and instead of recovering it emptied her recycle bin and the backup copy is missing half of it? *raises hand*

Review responses:

World'snumber1scaredycat: Mirabel loves the family, her relationship with Isabela well..they don't hide their hatred but deep down Mira still sees her as her beloved big sister just brainwashed by Alma. Alma has no redemption for Mirabel, she's the only one she hates with a burning passion.

ZE40: Well theres three ways it could go. Dolores helps Mirabel from snapping completely. Mirabel snaps completely. They both lose it by the end.

Z-King: Dang right she is.

God of the Challenge: I have something in mind for Antonio's animals, different from how it worked it canon. But that's spoils.

Anonymous Reader: Mirabel be forming an unstoppable army. And she just gets to sit back and watch.