
10. Chapter 10


Mirabel hid behind a tree watching Dolores wait outside the schoolhouse. She's really not sure why she followed her, she guessed she still wanted to feel like part of the family even if it was hidden at a distance. She turned her head to look at the schoolhouse as the bell began to ring and the children streamed out. If she closed her eyes she could also see herself running out of that same building into the waiting arms of her family.

Watching Dolores and Antonio embrace each other in a hug she felt tears prick her eyes, why did everyone else get to experience that but she didn't? Why couldn't she be loved to? Removing her glasses to wipe the tears that were starting to escape she choked back a sob "It's not fair...it's just not fair...all I ever did was love my family and yet...that wasn't good enough." whispering to herself she put her glasses back on and pulled her hood back over her head with one last glance backwards at her cousins she slunk off before anyone even knew she was there.

As she walked along her mind wandered to what Dolores told her earlier about the arranged marriage between Isabela and Mariano and how much work their Abuela had put into arranging it and how excited about it. Mirabel stopped as it hit her like a runaway horse, it was the perfect chance. She would be helping Dolores and at the same time getting some revenge on Alma. "Oh, Abuela it does sound like such a perfect night..but I say it could use a little..sabotage don't you think?" The question was how she was going to do that. Through Dolores perhaps? If Dolores loved this man as much as she says surely she'll be thrilled at chance to to win him for own.

Mirabel started walking again trying to form a plan in her mind when someone reached out grabbing her arm and mocking laughter filled her ears. She turned her head to see the two men she knew who they were. Rafael and Alejandro López. Brothers and two of Mirabel's greatest tormenters. While the others would just call her names and talk about her behind her back these two took a delight in causing her physical pain. She tried to pull away only for the grip to get harder.

"Where do you think, you're going?" the oldest of the pair Rafael asked gripping so hard Mirabel cried out in pain.

"Let me go, Rafael." Mirabel growled "Or else-"

"Or else what?" Alejandro taunted "No one cares what happens to you. You're nothing but a curse. Everyone would be better off with you dead. Your own family didn't even want you so they sent you to live with the donkeys."

"You don't even have a gift." Rafael didn't loosen his grip.

Mirabel's face darkened "You don't have gifts either par de bastardas, but hey at least I know who my father is-."

Before she could anything else a fist was making connection with her face and she was being thrown to the ground, head smacking a bucket sending it tumbling over with a crash. She scrambled to stand up only to be forced back down her glasses getting knocked off. Crap crap crap Mirabel swung around blindly never meeting her target. Her head hurt, her arm hurt, her wrist hurt..well everything hurt.

"Say goodbye..."

They're going to kill me...I can't...I love you Mamá... Mirabel closed her eyes preparing herself for the fatal blow but it never came instead she heard a voice screaming out in her defence.


Dolores? Mirabel wasn't sure if she was hearing things or not. Was she just delirious or was Dolores really there?


It was Dolores Mirabel could almost cry in relief as she heard her attackers back off. Though she half wanted to scream at Dolores for making her association with Mirabel public she was glad. She cared about her, she actually cared. She felt someones hand brush hers in comfort "Dolores?"

"It's me. What did they do to you?" Dolores was shocked as she looked at the fallen form of her cousin cut and bloodied barely staying conscious "Just..just stay down you have a head injury...just stay down."

"Why the concern, Dolores?" Rafael jeered Mirabel's blood on his knuckles "This in the same girl who tried to destroy the miracle..wait..." he looked between Dolores and Mirabel "Are you working with her? TRAITOR!"

Dolores shielded Mirabel with her own body as the two advanced towards them until a larger frame got between them.

"Lay one more hand on either of them and see what happens to you." Luisa crossed her arms glaring. She hated using her size to intimidate but if anyone and she means anyone threatened those she cared about..well they didn't want to know what would happen. "Leave. Now."

Mirabel rose her head "Luisa?" she whispered in surprise "Dolores? Is that..."

"Shhh." Dolores tried to tune out the yelling behind them as she settled Mirabel's head back down "Yes, it's Luisa. Don't move please..we'll get you fixed up but please just stay still." she was startled when Antonio appeared at her side.

"Dolores?" Antonio asked frightened "Mirabel is hurt..we need to get her some of Tía Julieta's food."

"I know.." Dolores looked around she didn't want to send Antonio off alone but she didn't want to leave Mirabel and Dolores wasn't sure if they should move her "Antonio go to Tía Julieta. Tell her Mirabel is badly hurt if she can't come herself get something from her."

Antonio nodded "Okay!" he stood up and ran off in the direction he knew Julieta would finishing up with her stand for the day.

Dolores watched him go before turning her attention back to Luisa just as she grabbed both men pinning them against a tree.

Luisa was filled with rage she didn't even know was in her "Now listen to me you pair of cobardes. If you EVER touch my baby sister again not even my Mamá's cooking will help you. Am I making myself clear?".

"Y-y-yes..loud and clear." Alejandro stammered.

"And you?" Luisa pressed her face against Rafael "I don't care what they say about Mirabel being tainted she is still a Madrigal and you will not harm her, do you understand?"

Rafael stared at a moment before nodding "Understood."

"Now get out of here." Luisa released them and they immediately ran off. Luisa stood there panting watching them all rage leaving her. She never liked using her gift for these sorts of things she wanted to help people not hurt them but she didn't stop to think she just saw her sister and cousin in trouble and switched into defence mode. No one hurt her family. No one. Turning around slowly walked over kneeling down next to Dolores "Mirabel?"

"Luisa...you..defended me. Why?" Mirabel tried to raise her head again only for Dolores to push it back.

"Because you're my hermana. No matter what you have done and no matter what you'll do. You can't change blood." Luisa's eyes scanned Mirabel's injured body looking so fragile and vulnerable. Nothing like the monster she was supposed be.

"MIRABEL!" Julieta cried appearing around the corner and sprinting to her daughter Antonio at her heels "Oh, mi mariposa. It's okay I got you." she caressed her daughters face "Dolores? Do you know if she can sit up?"

Dolores bit her lip "She has a head injury. But if you feel it's okay..."

"Mamá?" Mirabel reached out to try and feel her mother feeling her hand be taken by another.

"I'm here mi querida hija. Just one more minute and I'll have you all fixed up. Dolores help her up please, just support her head."

Dolores helped Mirabel sit up and watched as Julieta fed Mirabel sighing with relief when the wounds disappeared leaving only the splattered blood as the only evidence of the attack "It was the López boys-they attacked her. They are still the same bullies they were back when I went to school with them."

Anger spread across Julieta's face but she took a deep breath to try and keep her cool. Just focus on Mirabel..focus on her. What's that line Pepa uses? Oh yes, clear skies..clear skies..

"We should...get her back to the...barn." for just a moment Dolores wanted to forget they couldn't take Mirabel back home with them. Glancing around she found the glasses thankfully still in tact and placing them on Mirabel's face "I don't think you should walk..your injuries are healed but you're still weak."

Before Mirabel could protest she was lifted in the air and nestled in Luisa's arms like an infant.

"I got you hermanita, just relax."

This feels so wrong...yet..nice. Mirabel laughed in her mind at how ridiculous this must look. The cursed Mirabel, the she devil herself being carried down the road like a new born baby. But she felt warm..she felt safe. She sure felt tired though. Her eyes flickered half shut as she let herself relax. She was in her sisters arms, she had her cousins and mother beside her. She was alive. She was safe.

"Go to sleep, mi amor." Julieta whispered "We'll take care of you."

"Mamá.." Mirabel tried to fight it but she couldn't as her eyes closed as she surrendered to sleep.

Luisa took the backroads to the barn to avoid the crowds Dolores's and Antonio on one side and Julieta on the other so she could hold Mirabel's hand. Luisa glanced down at Mirabel now in a peaceful slumber and couldn't help but smile she looked so small and innocent. Oh mi hermanita preciosa I'm sorry. Reaching the barn Luisa carried Mirabel over to her bed..well what she used as one anyway and gently laid her down Juileta hovering right beside her.

Dolores appeared carrying a bucket filled with water from the pump outside and placed it down gently "Anyone know where to get some cloth? To clean the blood off." she thought for a moment all she could see was Mirabel's blankets and she didn't want to use those. "Wait I got it." before anyone could ask what she meant she reached up to her hair to untie her ribbon "I got another one exactly like this at home."

Julieta gratefully accepted the ribbon "Gracias, Dolores." wetting the ribbon she gently wiped off the blood as if Mirabel would shatter if she pressed to hard. Once done she threw the now ruined ribbon into the bucket and leaned over to kiss Mirabel's forehead "Te amo, mi pequeña mariposa." she whispered.

Mirabel stirred but didn't wake as Luisa covered her with her blanket.

"We should just let her rest." Luisa's voice was soft as she left the stall meeting with Antonio who hung back with wide eyes as he watched Mirabel be tended to.

"Tía." Dolores grabbed Julieta's hand "Leave her, she needs the rest."

Hesitantly Julieta stood up and let Dolores lead her out with the others Luisa closing the barn door softly behind them. She looked over at Dolores and back at the barn before looking at Luisa "Luisa, can you take Antonio home? I need to talk with Dolores alone. If anyone asks I'm dealing with an emergency and Dolores is helping me but we'll be home for dinner."

Luisa looked between her mother and a surprised Dolores "Of course, Mamá. Come on Antonio."

Antonio glanced back then up at Luisa "Can I have a ride?".

"Of course."

Juileta watched them both retreat Antonio clinging to Luisa's back giggling.

"You wanted to speak Tía Julieta?" Dolores inquired.

"Yes..follow me to somewhere more private."

Dolores had no idea what was going on but there was only one way to find out, with one last glance back at the barn she let out a small squeak and followed.


Dolores was lead to the same rock Pepa took her to joining Juileta and smiled "You know this is the exact same spot Mamá brought me to the other night. See said when you, her and Tío Bruno were children you would wait until Abuela fell asleep to sneak out here and stargaze."

Julieta chuckled "That we did I'm not sure how we never got caught. I have a lot of fond memories of us growing up your mother and Bruno would squabble all the time."

"I can imagine.' Dolores smiled "Tía Julieta? Do you mind me asking what you bought me out here for?"

Sighing Juileta turned taking both of Dolores's hands in her own "I just want to know how long you been meeting with Mirabel?"

"How..how did you know..."

"I saw you today entering the barn."

"You did?"

"I did. I just want to know how long this has being going on."

Dolores hesitated really not knowing if she should tell but this was Mirabel's mother she was talking to the one person who loved Mirabel more than life it's self "..since Antonio's gift ceremony." she admitted "I still think she was really stupid to take the risk she did by doing that but..I'm glad she did. I know I'm not supposed to go near her but.."

"You don't think she is a monster do you?"

Dolores shook her head "No, all Mirabel ever wanted was to be loved...sometimes at night I can hear her crying out for you. The town sees el diablo but I see a broken girl who was failed by the world."

Julieta closed her eyes "Thank you Dolores. If I can't be there for her I'm glad you can...I miss her so much, she's right there but still out of reach." opening her eyes she brushed her sobrina's cheek "Mira needs you more than you realise."

"She has Antonio too, he really adores her you know."

"I'm glad. Just be careful when seeing Mirabel, please."

"But Mirabel wouldn't-"

Julieta shook her head "I know that, Mirabel is not the one I'm worried about."

Dolores realised "No..the one you're worried about is Abuela and if she found out."

"Exactly." Juileta stood up "Come along, people will be worried just hope no one asks for details on the 'emergency'"


Mirabel awoke confused when she realised she was back in the barn. When did she come back here? She sat up and confusion spread further when she saw the sun was beginning to set. She rubbed her head and it call came back to her. Being attacked, Dolores defending her, her mother coming to heal her, Luisa carrying her...or was that a dream?

Seeing the bucket out of the corner of her eye she dragged herself over to it pulling out Dolores's ribbon now stained with blood. It was real Mirabel dropped the ribbon in shock "Dolores saved my life." she whispered she knew if Dolores didn't step in when she did those López brothers would of killed her and would of gotten away with it. It wasn't the first time she was attacked by those pair of bozos but never before had it been so brutal.

"I'll repay you Dolores, I promise. You want to marry Mariano? I'll see to it that you get too. Abuela will see you, she'll see both of us." she picked the ribbon back up and ran it through her hands and chuckled "Abuela, Abuela oh Abuela you have no idea. You think sending me away would keep you safe but I can destroy you from the inside. They are miserable under you, don't you see? That's why I'm going to set them free." she opened her hand letting the ribbon drop. She had Dolores, she had Antonio and of course her mother who always stuck up for her. But she was not finished not by a long shot.

"Luisa...Camilo...I'm coming for you."


Review responses

World'snumber1scaredycat: Dolores does love Mirabel and Mirabel does still love her family even after everything she knows it's all Alma's doing

KaliAnn: I do see Luisa as a gentle giant, unless you mess with her family..in that case..run. As with the fathers, I do want to write about their feelings on living in a magical family but I probably won't add it into here but make it a seperate one shot at some point. I got a lot of one shot ideas, really wanting to write some when Julieta,Pepa and Bruno were children.

Z-King: They did indeed

FlowerChild23: Don't mess with Luisa's family. Very bad idea