
1. Chapter 1


"Open your eyes."

At the sound of her Abuela's voice Mirabel opened her eyes to stare in amazement at the candle in front of her, the ever burning flame that never went out. "This is where our magic comes from?" she looked at Alma's face with wonder feeling the familiar comforting hand on her she turned back to the candle. How could something so small create something so magical, so powerful, so wondrous?

"Mmhmm." Alma gave a small chuckle as she squeezed the shoulder of her youngest nieta "This candle holds the miracle given to our family."

"How did we get a miracle?"

Alma pulled Mirabel into a hug nothing but pure love in her eyes. Mirabel the family baby who had the family wrapped around her finger since the day she was born she was everyones pequeña mariposa. With a small smile she began to tell the story every Madrigal has learned. "Long ago..when my three babies had just been born. Your Abuelo Pedro and I were forced to flee our home, and though many joined us hoping to find a new home we could not escape the dangers...and your Abuelo was lost." Alma took a shaky breath the pain of that day never faded "But..in our darkest moment we were given a miracle-the candle became a magical flame that could never go out and it blessed us with a refuge in which to live-a place of wonder."

"An Encanto." Mirabel whispered

"An Encanto." Alma confirmed "The miracle grew and our house-our Casita it's self became alive shelter us." smiling down at Mirabel who was staring back at her eyes wide in amazement "When my children became of age, the miracle blessed them each with a magical gift to help us..and when their children became of age-"

"They got magic too!" Mirabel interrupted with excitement.

"Yes." Alma rubbed the little girls cheek "Tonight this candle will give you your gift, Mirabel. Strengthen our community, strengthen our home and make your family proud."

"Make my family proud." Mirabel said as the first firework was set off outside and Casita moved a clock forwarding showing the time.

Alma laughed "Yes,yes Casita we're going."

Mirabel jumped off her bed and Casita brought her shoes, with a giggle she grabbed Alma's hand and pulled her off the bed. As they walked Mirabel clung to her side eyes full of excitement "What do you think my gift will be?"

Alma paused and leaned down to her nieta with a smile "You are a wonder, Mirabel Madrigal. Whatever gift you get will just be as special as you are."

Before she knew it Mirabel was standing before the glowing door, Alma standing there holding the candle eyes still shining with the same love Mirabel known her whole life. She looked behind her to see her whole familia alongside everyone else in the Encanto waiting in excitement to see the newest blessing be received.


Mirabel turned and Abuela held out the candle, knowing just what to do from watching her primo Camilo a few months before. She recited her vows to help the community with her gift touched the candle a smile spreading across her face as it began to glow. Pulling her hand back she took a deep breath and wiped her hands on her dress before reaching for the doorknob, turning it she held her breath-this was it-the moment of truth. The smile instantly vanishing as the door faded leaving nothing but the bare wall. Tears forming she turned to Alma in confusion to see the warm love in her eyes had been replaced by confusion and...fear?

Stunned silence had filled the air...the miracle..failed.

Juileta made the first move rushing up the stairs to console her now sobbing daughter "Shh shh it's okay mi amor." scooping her daughter up her arms she headed towards the nursery ignoring the crowd behind as her mother asked everyone to leave explaining there will be no party tonight. Sitting down on Mirabel's bed she began rocking her just as if she was still an infant "Shhh..shh..don't cry mi mariposita."

"W-w-what did I do w-w-wrong?" Mirabel asked between sobs.

Juileta's heart broke seeing how distressed her baby girl was having been so excited less then a hour ago "You did nothing wrong preciosa."

"Then why did it go away? Why didn't I get a g-g-gift."

"I..don't know...but it doesn't mean I love you any less my hija."


Juileta turned to see her two other daughters had entered to room and climbed on the bed wrapping their arms around their hermana.

"Why didn't Mira get a gift like the rest of us?" the eldest Isabela asked "Is the magic broken?"

"I was wondering the same." Alma said as she walked into the room "I asked Bruno to have a vision..we must know..we must protect our miracle." turning to Mirabel "Since you not granted a room you will remain in the nursery." her voice now cold and distant, far from the warm voice filled with love from earlier." with a pause she turned around "Julieta we must discuss what happened tonight in the kitchen, bring Agustín with you." without another word she left closing the door behind her.

"Can I stay with Mira tonight? Please?" Luisa begged.

"Me too, por favor Mamá?" Isabela begged.

Julieta kissed each of her daughters on the head "Of course mi amores. Remember I love you all so much." she remained sitting there stroking Mirabel's hair until overwhelmed with exhaustion she drifted off to sleep. Carefully laying her youngest down as to not wake her she stood up "I must go speak with your Abuela now...do you know where your Papá is?"

"He went off to speak with Tio Félix." Isabela piped up

Ah yes..the two other Madrigals without gifts they would understand exactly what Mirabe will have to go through.

By now Luisa had drifted off to sleep next to Mirabel her arm still around her.

Isabela lay down on the other side of her littlest hermana "Goodnight, Mamá." she whispered through half closed eyes.

"Buenas noches mis preciosas hijas." Julieta whispered pulling a blanket over the three forms, tip toeing out of the room. Once out in the hall she leaned against the wall her own heart broken, her cooking could heal the wounds of all the villagers but it could not heal the broken heart of her own little girl. With a heavy sigh she made her way down to the kitchen ready to speak in defence of her daughter.


Alma Madrigal was worried, fear etched on her face as the adults of the family filed into the kitchen, her only son Bruno stood by her side. In his hands he held the green slab of of his latest vision. On the table the plates where still set up, ready for the now canceled celebration.

"Why have you called us here, Mamá?" Pepa demanded a cloud forming over head "Is it about Mirabel? Why did she not get a gift?"

"Thats exactly why I called you." taking her usual seat she nodded for everyone else to do the same, once everyone was settled she rose her voice "There is danger to our family, and Mirabel is the cause."

"WHAT?!." Juiletta jumped up from her seat "How could you say that? She's only five, she's just a niñita! What danger could she pose?"

"Bruno had a vision." Alma responded "Bruno, show them."

Without a word Bruno placed the slab on the table where everyone could see. Casita broken..Mirabel..an older Mirabel.. standing in front of the ruin a satisfied look on her face.

"NO!" Julieta yelled "I won't believe it, I refuse to. Mira would never hurt Casita or this family."

"Think about it, Julieta. She is the only one of all the children to have not been blessed. The miracle knows something we do not. She is a curse."

Agustín could not stay silent any longer "How dare you speak of my daughter in such a manner, how could you think so poorly of a child. The child you looked at with love and promise for just this morning."


Pepa's cloud had grown into a storm as she stared down at the slab, could Mirabel really be the cause of their downfall? Had Bruno ever been wrong before? "What do we do?"

"We must protect our miracle! Mirabel must go-"

'NO!" Julieta screamed "You will not take away my daughter based on something that might happen. Maybe if we make her feel love..make her feel welcomed and not treat her as a stain to be cleaned up we could prevent this..."

"We cannot throw out a child Mamá." Bruno spoke out for the first time "What would everyone think? The rumours that will spread..."

Alma knew this was true she closed her eyes murmuring a small prayer "I suppose you are correct, if the people knew there would be panic. It would bring shame to our family." she stood up "Mirabel may remain for now, but she shall remain in the nursery." glancing at the slab she frowned "Word of this mustn't get out. The magic is still strong. Mirabel is just.."

"Just what?"

With venom in her voice Alma spat out exactly what she was thinking.

