
The Journey To The End

HiddenDragon · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

As Alex slowly came to, he felt the familiar softness of carpet beneath him. He blinked, trying to clear the haze from his mind. Memories flooded back - the sidewalk, the strange pain, the feeling of his world tilting before everything went black. With a surge of panic, he sat up, his head spinning. He looked around, taking in the opulent bedroom. A massive four-poster bed dominated the room, fit for a mansion. The walls were painted a rich cream, and heavy curtains blocked out most of the sunlight. Alex's heart raced as he scrambled to his feet, using the wall to steady himself. A wave of dizziness washed over him, but he took a few deep breaths and focused on the room.

He looked around wildly, but saw no one. His backpack lay on the floor, next to where he'd been lying. Relief washed over him at the sight of his familiar bag, but it did little to calm his growing panic. How did he get here? He thought back to collapsing on the sidewalk. Had someone brought him here? Why not call an ambulance? The more he thought, the more his mind spun. He rubbed his temples, trying to think clearly.

He reached for his phone in his pocket, his fingers closing around the welcome familiarity of it. It was still on, but had no signal. He tried calling his friends, then 911, but nothing went through. He checked his location, but it still showed him on the sidewalk, minutes from home. If he'd been moved, wouldn't his location have updated until the signal was lost? And if he'd been kidnapped, wouldn't they have taken his phone? He put the phone back in his pocket, checking his other ones. Everything seemed to be there - his wallet and everything else, and his clothes seemed fine and theare the same ones he had on before and suggested that nothing disturbing had happened while he was passed out. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to process everything.

Alex approached the door, hesitating. If it was unlocked, maybe he could let his guard down a little. But if it was locked... He turned the knob, pushing the door open a crack. A long hallway stretched out in both directions, more doors leading to who-knew-what. But it was empty. He let out a breath, closing the door again. Okay, not locked. That was a good sign. Maybe he wasn't a prisoner after all.

He went back to his backpack, rummaging through it until his fingers closed around the cool metal of his scissors. Better safe than sorry. He searched the room more thoroughly, checking drawers and closets, but found nothing useful. No clues, no hints, no signs of who might have brought him here. His backpack secure on his shoulders, he approached the door again. He took a deep breath, then opened it a crack. The hallway was still empty. With a deep breath, he opened it all the way and stepped out, quietly pulling the door shut behind him. Time to explore.