
The journey of the last Dragon

The Dragons vanished 600 years ago. And only now a new Dragon arises... but in the form of a cute little Girl? Follow her in her jouney to uncover the mysterious past and a dangerous future! Picture from https://anime-pictures.net/posts/618311?lang=en

Agnitio · Fantasie
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11 Chs

A day in Tervilla

Valeria PoV

After my little incursion into the adventures Guild I wanted to explore the city until Miss Irena came back. So, I went on and strolled through the with people packed streets.

There were many different merchants, food stalls, weapon and amor smiths, a few churches or temples here and there, potion shops and all kinds of other interesting places. There were many weird things to buy I had never seen before as I wandered around curiously looking at all kinds of items. It was a whole new experience for me and all the different people going on about their business made for such a lively atmosphere which I had never experienced, I wasn't sure whether I liked it or not. It was definitely not lonely, which I wanted to avoid if possible. But there were so many people that I felt I would suffocate.

And just as I was curious about the city and its inhabitants, it seemed they were in me as well. Not in a bad way but I drew many curious glance and stares, but it wasn't as bad as the constant stares form the Refugees, these guys were something else...

I also noticed that there were quite a few other people with wings on their back, not the same as mine though. Well master said I was the last Dragon and Miss Irena that there weren't many half-dragons, or Dragonkin, around either. One of the winged folks stood out to me. It was a beastmen who had the head of an Eagle and his whole body was covered in feathers and two majestic white and brown wings sprouted from his back. He wore light leather armor with red scales and had a crossbow hanging between his wings and two rapiers on either side of his waist. All of his equipment looked rather fancy and expensive. I thought I could try out my new skill. After a moment I cast with lowered voice [Identify]. Luckily through all the people around it was so noisy that nobody heard me, I think.

An image appeared in my mind. It felt similar to the ones I saw in the room of revelation.

Name: Edneus Utgar

Race: Eagle-men

Sex: male

Age: ???

Parton: ???

Class: ???

Level: ???

Equipment: Wyvern leather Armor; Sky jumping mantis Boots; Ring of the Eagle eye; Armlet of feather falling; Talisman of the Acrobat; Sky Steel Rapier's; Black treant crossbow

"Mhh seems to be working, but I can't really see that much. Probably have to level it up first" I pondered.

"I want to test out these new abilities, I'll probably get the chance to do so tomorrow when I take on a quest from the guild" there was also another thing I wanted to do. Stretch my wings. Not those meager imitations, but my real ones. I missed the sky and my body felt 'constricted' after such a long time of not being within my real body. I knew my master told me to be extremely careful when doing so and only when it is necessary... but I REALLY wanted to feel the air flowing underneath my wings again... maybe I could take a quest and camp outside and check the surroundings for people first... I decided to ponder about this later.

I walked a bit more around and came across a clothing store. A young human looking lady in a pink dress was just leaving through the open doors.

"Goodbye Yvrene! See you tomorrow!" She waved back inside the store and was just about to leave as her gaze fell upon me.

"Oh my! What do we have here!? But your clothes... unacceptable! Such a cute looking girl can't go walking around in these filthy Clothes! Come here little lady we'll change that right now!"

I was stunned by the suddenness of her exclamation and couldn't resist her pulling me inside the shop. I didn't really like being called 'cute'. I am a Dragon! The last member of the most powerful species ever to walk on this world! I may be a child, but I still had my dignity to consider! And yet, it wasn't like I could tell that to anyone...

Anyways the next hour or so Erne (the one who pulled me in) and her colleague Yvrene used me as their dress up doll. It was... a new experience all in all... not sure I liked it though. All the dresses they wanted me to wear were either white, pink or purple. All of them looked terribly cute and frilly, like something one of the rich girls I had seen on my way had on. And all of them were not really good to move in too, but at least they were not uncomfortable... in the end they gave me one of each color for free and I bought some more practical clothes to go along my daily life. But they were all much better than my self-made leather clothing and I didn't really regretted coming into this shop (or being pulled in). Together with some utensils for washing my cloths and myself I left the shop with one gold coin less in my pocket.

I also bought (under the pressure of the two women) some underwear. It was terribly frilly but at least they were comfortable.

I had all of the stuff I bought packed away in my leather bag. The shop ladies wanted me to buy something different for carrying my things, but I had made this bag together with my master and it was incredibly useful with the magic enhanced capacity, so I declined. The stuff I wore now was a white shirt with a long dark purple coat on top and skinny trousers, also in white, as well as a pair of new pink shoes. The shop ladies had protested when it came to the coat, but it looked cool and so I convinced them to let me have it anyway. Of course, it had took some minor adjustments in consideration for my wings and tail.

On the plus side I was looking much more presentable than before and not like a runaway poacher. The bad thing was that much more people starred at me...

HEY! I finished my exams yesterday and I have lots of free time coming up! In celebration I will be Uploading a chapter each day one week straight! Each one will be around a thousand words. Except the regular dates (Wednessdays and Saturdays) they will probably be twice as long. But because iam still a little exhauseted from the stress today only a 'smaller' chapter. See you tomorrow!

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