
The Journey of Elrath's Chosen(Warcraft/M&M/Runeterra)

In his twenties, Lucas Aldaric met an untimely demise, only to find himself reincarnated in a unique amalgamation of worlds, with a few unexpected twists.

QuincyEcht · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

The Seventh Help

I weaved through the bustling crowds making their way towards the Plaza for the grand opening ceremony of the Day of Progress. Last night's discussions had left us with a myriad of plans, and once my business in Piltover was concluded, I would journey to Ionia and then to Noxus to deliver news of their impending fate.

Convincing Noxus would likely be easier than persuading Demacia, given the intelligence of their council, particularly Swain's astuteness. I sighed, my gaze shifting to the Barons of Zaun walking behind me, escorted by Pharos's family guard, as we headed towards the Plaza where Heimerdinger and Jayce would deliver their speeches about Piltover's future.

Caitlyn was engrossed in conversation with her mother, likely discussing our plans from the previous night. I silently hoped she would succeed in garnering her mother's support during the upcoming council meeting. The Medardas could be swayed, their desire for status and recognition making them susceptible to persuasion.

However, the other attendees posed a challenge. As merchants, their primary concern was profit. How could we promise them prosperity in another world? Would offering them a place to trade or assurances of immense wealth upon their arrival suffice? These questions weighed heavily on my mind as we journeyed on.

Yesterday evening, Vagran returned to Piltover, his form cloaked in bloodstains. With a grunt, he acknowledged me before retreating to his chamber. I spent hours in conversation with Morgana until the dawn broke, then set out to gather the Barons from Zaun. Zed's influence compelled their attendance in Piltover for today's proceedings. His efficiency was truly unnerving.

Renata Glasc, a woman I deeply admired for her resilience and decisiveness, had risen to prominence as one of the wealthiest barons in Zaun following Silco's demise. She reclaimed a significant portion of his territory, with Jinx's assistance. It was a feat that impressed me, as Renata managed to rein in the wild spirit of the girl.

"So, are we, the barons, to be invited to a council meeting with Piltover's councilors?" Renata inquired, casting a glance around at the Piltover Enforcers who regarded her with furrowed brows.

"Piltover doesn't have a fondness for us, especially after Jinx's antics," remarked another baron who bore a resemblance to a yordle, albeit with an inhaler.

"I hope you'll lend your support to my endeavors in Piltover. I promise rewards beyond your wildest dreams," I assured them, addressing the group of Ionian ninjas trailing behind me. Shen and Zed remained composed, while Akali maintained a vigilant watch, surveying their surroundings with caution. "Overly cautious, but a commendable trait," I noted silently about the Ionians.

As we reached the Plaza, the thunderous cheers indicated that the opening ceremony had just concluded. Thousands of people congregated in the Plaza, witnessing Jayce Talis wield his Hextech hammer, causing the ground to rise towards the sky, showcasing a dozen new Hextech inventions.

Amidst the crowd, I spotted a sickly young man beside Jayce—Viktor, the brilliant scientist plagued by illness. Standing next to him was the familiar yordle, Heimerdinger.

"Today, we present to you the Hexcar!" Jayce announced, unveiling the prototype of a one-wheeled vehicle on stage.

As I scanned the bustling crowd, it became apparent that Jayce's inventions would be the center of attention for the foreseeable future. Sighing, I noticed familiar faces among the sea of people—some welcome, others not so much. Lux and Garen were present, and while I knew Lux had an interest in the exposition, I hadn't anticipated seeing them here. 

Among the crowd, I also spotted some Noxian nobles, one of whom emanated a disturbing aura, akin to that of a spider. Could it be Elise? I questioned inwardly as I observed the captivating yet unsettling woman.

In the midst of the crowd, my attention was drawn to a young man whose cerulean hair swirled in the breeze. His smile, directed at me, seemed to hold a certain knowingness as he bore the emblem of the Seven Cities on his robes. A sense of recognition and awe washed over me as I felt the unmistakable presence of magic emanating from him.

"Sar-Elam?!" I murmured in disbelief, trembling as I gazed upon the divine figure of the dragon god.

He then gestured for silence, his finger pressed gently against his lips. In an instant, he vanished from my sight, only to reappear behind me. I turned to face Sar-Elam, who was now observing the Ionians with a serene smile. Zed had his blade at the ready, while Shen maintained his composed demeanor, though I could sense a hint of reverence in his stance.

Before I could utter a word, Sar-Elam silenced me with a gentle touch to my lips. "Call me Sar-Elam, no need for unnecessary honorifics," he said softly, his gaze fixed upon Jayce on the stage as he extolled the virtues of his invention.

"He is brimming with passion," Sar-Elam remarked with a smile. "This stage provides the perfect opportunity for us to convey our message, my child."

In an instant, I felt a sensation of weightlessness, and the next moment, I found myself standing on the stage beside Jayce, flanked by Vagran and Sar-Elam. Vagran appeared somewhat battered, with bruises marring his features.

I turned to Sar-Elam who approached Jayce with a smile.

"Incredible mind, young man!" he exclaimed, prompting murmurs of surprise from the spectators. Enforcers attempted to rush toward us, but were halted by Caitlyn and Vi.

"Uh, thanks, I guess?" Jayce replied, glancing around. Viktor attempted to join him, but his coughs and labored breathing hinted at his fragile health.

I approached Viktor and placed my hand on his chest. A radiant light emanated from my palm, enveloping him in a cocoon of energy. With each passing moment, his body underwent a transformation. His frame grew more robust, and the hollow look in his eyes diminished. His complexion took on a healthier hue, infused with vitality.

I smiled at him as he fell to the ground, panting heavily. Everyone looked on with widened eyes, stunned by the miraculous transformation they had just witnessed.

"Viktor?" Jayce asked, his eyes wide with disbelief as he gazed at his friend. Despite their fallout in the past year, their bond remained strong. It was Jayce's desire to go to war with Zaun in the aftermath of Silco's uprising that had driven a wedge between them.

Viktor had fought tirelessly to stay alive, relying on Shimmer, an alchemical concoction, for survival. But while potent, Shimmer had its limitations, unlike magic, which offered a far more sustainable solution.

Viktor looked at me with visible tears in his eyes. "Thank you, thank you so much," he continued to mutter for a while, overwhelmed by gratitude.

Before long, Sar-Elam clapped his hands, creating a gust of wind that captured the attention of everyone in the assembly. "Everyone, we have a declaration to make that is of the utmost importance for all of Runeterra," the God declared, his voice carrying authority and weight.

Taking Jayce's hammer effortlessly into his palm, Sar-Elam swung it with dangerous dexterity, his movements so swift that the incredible hammer became a blur. "It can be improved," he declared, a pulsating azure light emanating from his hands and enveloping the hammer like veins of blood. Suddenly, the hammer transformed into a blade, then morphed back into a hammer, and finally into a shield.

"This is far better," Sar-Elam said with a wide smile as he looked at me.

"Returning to the topic that I announced," he began, his tone grave and direct, "this world is dying." Sar-Elam dropped the bombshell without any sugarcoating. "In less than thirty years, all of your precious homes, families, and wealth will be destroyed by the torrent of destruction that will engulf this world."

"But fear not," he continued, his voice ringing with assurance as he gestured towards me, bringing me once again to the forefront of the stage. "My friend here will save you all. We come from another world, where his kingdom and mine are ready to extend their grace to all those who wish to start anew and evade the destruction of this world. We care not for ethnicities, religions, or gender; we care only about preserving life."

As murmurs erupted throughout the assembly, more figures joined us on stage, including the council members of Piltover and Zaun's alchemical barons.

Before anyone could object, the scenery around the square transformed, revealing an enormous behemoth engulfing Piltover in a torrent of purple light. I watched in horror as familiar faces, like Caitlyn and Seraphine, were consumed by the beam and dissolved instantly, without even a cry.

The devastation didn't stop there. Demacia, Noxus, Bilgewater, and Ionia fell next, their renowned cities and armies crumbling like sandcastles before a relentless tide.

"This is your fate if you refuse our invitation," Sar-Elam's voice reverberated around us. The scene shifted once more, revealing Falcon's Reach basking in sunlight. But there was something new—an enormous statue of an angel, carved from the mountains behind the castle, its arms outstretched toward the sun.

Then came the breathtaking sights of the other kingdoms on the continent: the incredible Seven Cities floating in the sky, the Infernal Pits of the Demons, the grottos of the Dungeons, the underground kingdom of the Dwarves, and the underwater kingdom of Lyza.

"We offer you not to be part of our already existing empires and kingdoms, but to rebuild what you created here in Runeterra back in New Ashan," Sar-Elam announced, capturing my attention with the mention of the new continent.

"Of course, if you wish to be part of any kingdom, you can make your request to the authorities in charge," he continued as the scenes continued to change around us.

"I could even assist in relocating the Ionian spirit to the new world," he concluded. Everyone exchanged looks, indicating that Sar-Elam's words had made an impact. It appeared that some were considering the opportunity to accompany us directly to the new world.

Shen and Zed exchanged glances, clearly taken aback by Sar-Elam's proposition.

"And of course, if you wish for the institutions already established in your cities to remain, we will assist in their reconstruction," I assured the council members of Piltover.

"All we require is access to one of your Hex gates," I stated, noting the surprise on their faces.

"What evidence do you have, beyond some sort of magical spectacle demonstrated by your companion?" one of the council members inquired skeptically.

"I extend the invitation to those who wish to accept it; there is no coercion. However, it is true that one of your Hex gates is necessary to establish a link to our world. As a king, I am willing to offer considerable resources in exchange for the use of one," I explained, scanning the crowd. I noticed Caitlyn's mother and the current leader of the Pharos family moving towards me.

"The Pharos Family pledges its full support," Caitlyn's mother declared.

"And the Kiraman Family stands with you," added the leader of the Pharos family.

"The Medarda family offers its support as well," the councilman on the right chimed in.

"And the Banking Clan is on board too," added another council member. With the majority of support secured, I couldn't help but smile.

"Excellent. Let's proceed," I declared, earning a chuckle from Sar-Elam.

That'll be all for today as the next chapter will be explaining by the Seventh is here and how much people would want to go to the new world 

See you soon :)