
The Journey Of Chasing After The Transmigrated Straight Shou

"Bidziil! How can you be so brazen? You dared to propose to young master Inti in front of the whole crowd? Have you gone crazy?" Warrick, Bidziil's elder brother, yelled at Bidziil exasperatedly. Bidziil furrowed his brows in bewilderment; no matter how he contemplated, he couldn't understand what was happening. "What?" Warrick sneered at the boy's actions. "Did you regret it? Or you're still relishing the feeling..." "Excuse me, please. Who are you?" Synopsis later. let's just use this. Not a historical setting novel COVER NOT MINE. CREDIT TO THE OWNER

Rosel_Ly · LGBT+
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19 Chs

Something Seems Fishy

Inti nodded and took a deep breath. He had expected Bidziil to cause trouble, but what he never expected was the boy's way of creating trouble. "You could be reprimanded by the principal if I tell." Oswald calmly replied. His arms folded, causing an attractive bulge.

Upon hearing Inti's reply, Bidziil's face reddened in infuriation, and he pointed at that person angrily. This shameless person—does he have any other job than bullying him, ah? Does he think CEO BZ fears him? 

Let the both of them play without tricks, and Inti will clearly see how CEO BZ crushes him easily. When it comes to this big brother, Inti is simply a small boy!

Bidziil glared at Inti angrily and wrote down in his notebook, face reddened in grievances, 'Teach for the last time. It's not my fault that young sister is too cute.'

Without reading Bidziil's words, Inti's cold eyes glared at Bidziil menacingly, understanding what Bidziil's writing meant. 

Who's he kidding? Why will he teach this troublemaker the things he already knows?

Inti crossed his arms and leaned back. "Solve nonsense, and the headmaster will hear of the good student." Inti threatened, and that made Bidziil huff.

'Bastard. Only knows how to play tricks and bully Bidziil.' A furious Bidziil angrily wrote on the jotter after his plan failed, and that made Inti chuckle wickedly.

Bidziil huffed and picked up his pen while thinking that he'd be a sacrificial goat today and that tomorrow he'd rid this nonsensical person off his back, or he'd simply be dead.

Bidziil harrumphed upon thinking about something. Since that Inti person is so proud of himself, Bidziil will give this nonsensical person a chance to see how awesome Bidziil is. Thinking like this, Bidziil patiently began to solve the question in another way—an extremely simple method. Hmph!

Within a few minutes, Bidziil had solved all the questions correctly. Hmph. Still the immortal Bidziil.

After solving the questions, Bidziil angrily threw the book at Inti and stood up. 'I need to visit the restroom.' A dissatisfied Bidziil wrote in his notebook, and without receiving a reply, he left.

Inti chortled silently and leaned back in his chair. He stared at the paper Bidziil had just submitted to him with amazement flickering past his eyes, but in the next second, it disappeared. A complex flickered past Inti's eyes as he stared at Bidziil's swaggering figure.

 Unusually! How is he so different now? Something seems fishy.

CEO Bidziil huffed as he walked out of the library.

Immediately after he walked out of the library, he raised his head and stared at the shiny afternoon with a sigh. How come this afternoon is so shiny?

Why is this world so radiant today, while he's the opposite? It seems the world is profiting from his sadness. CEO BZ wanted to give a low review.

Bidziil unceremoniously walked toward the stairs that led to the library. So what if Inti saw him? He's not his f****** teacher, and he can snitch on him if he likes. Perhaps that'll give him enough reason to change schools.

The truth is, Bidziil wasn't going to the restroom; rather, he wanted to let out a breather. He angrily sat on the staircase. He's being bullied by a young boy. Just let him die now!

He stared at the sky and sighed again. The same sky looks but a different world. 

Somehow, he misses his world so much, and he yearns to return home. When he got to his hostel, he needed to talk to that system about how to return to his world. Even though there are some things in this world, he still wants to leave.

"Young Master Bidziil. Young Master Bidziil." A sudden noise from behind grabbed Bidziil's attention.

William strode toward Bidziil, who was currently sitting on the stairs. Now, looking at Bidziil, William realized how much the boy had changed.

William was always amused by that chest of different colored hair on Bidziil's head, but now seeing the person looking clean and cute produced a strange feeling.

William ungentlemanly sat beside Bidziil. 


Bidziil pursed his brows and eyed William. He searched through the previous host's memories, and just like the previous host's memories, he couldn't recognize the person.

The only way he can get information about that person is if the person mentions his name. "Who are you?" Bidziil blinked and asked straightforwardly.

William touched his chest and eyed Bidziil in amusement. "You really don't know me?"

Bidziil eyed William as if he were eyeing a retard. He had already told William that he didn't recognize him, yet he was still asking again. By repeating the question, what will he gain? Bidziil simply looked away, not bothering to reply to William.

Suddenly, William threw his hand on Bidziil's shoulder. "You're so unfair. If you forget everything, how can you forget my precious breakfast? I've been so good to you, even giving you pointers to chase Inti; how can you forget me of all people?" William accused while clutching his chest tight, feigning heartbreak.

"…" That previous host even delivered breakfast? What won't that person do to chase that scum?

 Trying to piece everything together, Bidziil only came to one conclusion: "You're that scummy Inti friend?" He brazenly asked, which made William suck in a deep breath.

Bidziil dared to call Inti names in front of William, without fear that William would snitch on him. But it only made William excited.

William rubbed his hands together and stared at Bidziil intently, and upon seeing that Bidziil wasn't faking, he beamed: This brother-in-law is getting interesting… Wait. Officially, Bidziil isn't after Inti anymore, so he's not his brother-in-law.

He casually threw his hand on Bidziil's shoulder. "I like this new method of chasing Inti…"

A frown surfaced on Bidziil's face after hearing William's words. Even after clarifying that he dislikes that Inti person, he can't believe that this person thinks he's scheming to get Inti's attention.

Bidziil's mood changed; he scowled and threw William's hand away from his shoulder angrily. "What eyes of yours see that I'm chasing that scum? Well, since you're the friend of that person, why don't you tell that asshole to let me be?"

"Is this your restroom? Bidziil, you won't fail to surprise me." Inti casually leaned back on the wall and stared down at Bidziil condescendingly.

Bidziil snorted at Inti in reply. He stared at his clock, and seeing that the time the lesson began with Inti was past 30 minutes, he angrily stood up. "I'm tired. I'm leaving for my hostel." Without waiting for Inti's reply, he strutted into the library intending to take his bag.