
The New Leader vs The Dark Horse (1)

The words which came out from the region head's mouth made her startle a bit. It seemed as if by connecting her to the Vkarma clan, the region head was trying to put her in a perilous situation.

As soon as the new emperor took the reins of the galaxy in his hands, he declared the Vkarma clan as one of the traitorous clans of the galaxy, and the clan leader became the most wanted criminal of their world.

Just by claiming her to have ties with that clan, he was making her out to be an accomplice of the clan leader. It was a serious crime punishable only by public execution.

Seventeen years ago, right after attaining the throne, the new emperor started scouring through the whole galaxy, looking for the leader of the Vkarma clan. But with not getting any definite result after all this time, he was now starting to get exasperated. He ordered his subordinates to seek out anyone who could provide some information about him.

He even put out a few big rewards, but unfortunately, there hadn't been any solid results lately.

It appeared as if the leader of Vkarma clan had severed all his ties from this world and disappeared into the nothingness.

The emperor was getting desperate to get his hands on the clan leader for some unknown purposes, but the region head had his own reasons to seek him out. He was also searching tirelessly for him for all these years, and this time it seemed like he was very close to get a solid clue about his location. He had finally found someone who had some kind of connection with him.

If this could be proved affirmative, then him choosing to skip the meeting of the region heads and coming here will not be a waste of time anymore.

But this news shouldn't get out in the world just yet he should make sure of that; otherwise, this information will create chaos in this world. There were still some clans out there which despised the new emperor, and they would like it more than anything to prove to the people of this galaxy that Vkarma clan was still out there somewhere and cause unrest inside the heart of the new emperor.

Meanwhile, if the emperor managed to find her then he would surely imprison her and try every torture on her just to get the location of that old man, but he also knew that once the emperor gets his hands on her, only her corpse would leave out the prison and he won't get the chance to meet that old man again.

There was only one way for him to make sure that this information won't get out in the outside world. He has to kill everyone. Besides him and the girl, he has to make sure that no one else leaves this place alive.

At the same time, some distance away, Subahu was analyzing every possible situation in his mind as he blocked the attack from the old-man. He was appointed as the leader of the elite guards unit, so he felt obliged to show his allegiance towards the region head, and after hearing that blistering information, he decided that he could only help the region head by making sure that this old-man won't get in his way.

As soon as he got those purple pills from the region head, he instantly put them in his mouth, and the spiritual energy in his body started rising rapidly.

A few moments later, the rising came to a halt as his spiritual energy had already been increased by two folds. But even with his enhanced spiritual energy, fighting that old-man didn't seem easy at all.

Even after fighting a full-blown battle with the past leader, that man still seemed to have lots of reserve spiritual energy. He could easily counter his improved attacks.

It was getting frustrating for him to fight the old-man. Even with his power raised by two folds, he could only reach a stalemate. His powers were still not enough to take him out.

The old-man was trying to counter an attack when he heard those absurd words coming from the region head's mouth. Shock filled his face as he stood there in awe.

'How did he know?'

He had never even thought in his wildest imaginations that their well-kept secret would be out in the open like this, and to make the matter worse, it was the region head who accused them of having ties with a traitorous clan.

The only thing on his mind now was how to get the young mistress out of here safely. If the region head gets his hands on her, then it would all be in vain. His seventeen years of hard work would all become pointless in a moment.

Her parents sacrificed themselves so she could live her life in peace, safe from these kinds of dangers, and if these bastards still get their hands on her somehow, then their sacrifices would all go down in vain.

When he thought about their sacrifices, a spark of strong determination flashed and set ablaze a raging fire in his heart. He decided that he would save the young mistress, no matter what the cost.

But first, he had to take care of this guy who was blocking his way.

The old-man fetched a bottle of pills from his storage bracelet and chugged it down his throat. He was thinking of going all out and making short work of it against this enemy.

Because of that previous fight with the fire dragon, his body was already running dry on spiritual energy, and these small bouts of fights didn't help his cause either. The situation seemed severe enough to bring forth a bottle of energy recovery pills as he chugged it whole down his throat.


The energy recovery pills were the most common type of pills which could be easily found in the pills bazaar. It was the most well-known pill as they were used by almost every element-practitioner in this galaxy.

The pills had a unique ability to open all the closed pores of the human body, which could be used to draw the nature's spiritual energy inside so that the energy would fill the body in the least amount of time.

If anyone could hold the spiritual energy which was coming through all the opened pores of his body, then he would never suffer any side effects even after swallowing countless amounts of pills.

But if he couldn't hold all that raw energy inside his body, then it would automatically get out through his nasal openings or his mouth, and because of all the spiritual energy exited his body at once, the person would finally pass out.

It would be very disadvantageous for a person if he couldn't hold the energy inside during a life and death situation.

The amount which the old-man chugged down was not small. He knew the risks behind his actions, but he still dared to do it because of this precarious situation.

As soon as the pills went inside his body, they started doing their work instantly. A gush of raw spiritual energy started forcing inside his body through all his opened pores. He felt as if he was the ocean, and countless rivers were pouring their unlimited amount of water inside him. It was the most amazing feeling anyone could ever have.

Nature's raw spiritual energy was flowing in his body from every direction at an alarming rate. The old-man started to funnel all those raw energies into his Svadhisthana Chakra and started refining them simultaneously with his element of water. He was planning to end this fight with only one strike.

Subahu saw the old-man putting something in his mouth. 'Did this lowly merchant have some kind of medicinal pills with him?' 'Who was he and why hadn't they heard about someone like him before?' 'He was surely a master level element practitioner. They were rare in these parts of the north-east region. He must have been living an ordinary life while hiding his real self from everyone.'

'He said before that he was the girl's grandfather, and if the girl was the person who the region head said she was, then this old man should also be one of them. This was more than enough to apprehend him and send him to be interrogated by the Generals. If he would be able to do that, then he will get himself noticed by The Great Five Generals. No one had ever been able to provide any kind of information on that traitor so he could become the second man after the region head who managed to catch someone connected to that man.'

This was a golden opportunity for him to seen as someone valuable in the eyes of The Great Five Generals. Maybe they will name him as the successor to the title of The Region Head of this region as a reward. One day he could become the lord of this place.

It hadn't been much long when he came to this planet looking to seek refuge. He was originally from a mediocre clan on the Tejas planet, but because of a mistake he made unknowingly, he had been disowned from his clan and chased away from the planet.

Because of his powerlessness, he buried the thought of seeking revenge on those bastards for chasing him out, deep in his heart, but now if he somehow manages to arrest this old man and get noticed by the Generals then taking revenge against them would not be an impossible dream for him anymore. He collected every ounce of his spiritual energy and funneled it into his chakra point.

Subahu always fought by combining his physical strength with his spiritual energy. He was from the kind of clan which made its fortune using their exceptional physical strength. No one in his clan had opened their chakra points; instead, they were only interested in honing their bodies and increasing their physical strength beyond human limits.

If going by the standards of the physical strength, he was one of the weakest members in his clan, but he was the only person who awakened his Kundalini and opened a chakra point before turning twenty years old in his whole city.

Opening a chakra point and using it to fight was seen as an embarrassment in the eyes of his clansmen, so he hid it from the elders of his clan. He never showed its power to anyone, but in secret, he had opened his Svadhisthana Chakra and gained control over the element of water. His control was not at the level of an elemental master yet, but he was not very far from it either.

He never had a master to teach him, so he had been stuck at peak of the transition level for far too long, but after taking the purple pill, his spiritual energy had been increased enough to fight on par with an elemental master.

Subahu started refining his spiritual energy with the element of water. He wanted to take him out by surprise. He stood firmly on his spot as he looked into his eyes.

The tension grew as they looked into each other's eyes. It seemed as if both of them wouldn't stop until they've destroyed the other person thoroughly. They were making strategies to take each other down.

Without this being their actual intent, they had become the new infamous warriors of this north-east region. They both were pretty much unknown until this all happened, but look at them going at each other's throat. Whoever wins between them, they would surely become the talk of the town for many months.

One had been serving as the Elite Guard of the region head and got appointed as the new leader of the Elite Guards Unit not very long ago, while the other one was a dark horse who appeared out of nowhere and made the Elite Guards Unit pay with their blood for trying to humiliate his granddaughter. The Elite Guards Unit, which reigned over this region in the shadow of the region head, was lying in tatters because of him.

Suddenly the old-man flicked his hands forward, and the refined spiritual energy which came out of his hands started taking the shape of pointy arrows. They all looked solid as if they were all made up of dense water molecules and not some chakra energy.

All of them pointed towards Subahu as he jerked his hands slightly, and the arrows flew forward at a rapid speed.

Subahu had a surprised look in his eyes after looking at the sheer amount of the arrows which were heading towards his body. He was in awe of the power shown by this old-man. 'Who was this person, how could he muster this much power even in such a ragged state?'

'He must truly be a remarkable person.' But this was not the right time to marvel at the opponent's fighting prowess. He should do something; otherwise, next, there will be his corpse lying on the ground in just a moment.

Subahu dodged the first arrow, which arrived aiming towards his heart. He tapped on the ground and tried to get away from the course of the barrage of arrows, which was coming straight towards him. He used his physique transformation art and made his body light as he jumped high enough in time to barely get away from those rapid arrows.

He was levitating in the air as he saw the arrows fly past his previous position. It could've been fatal. If he would've been even a fraction of a moment late or couldn't manage to jump high enough, his body would've been pierced all over by those arrows.

A bead of sweat slid down from his forehead as he stared back towards the old-man and said with a grin on his face.

"This is not enough, old-man. Show me the kind of power you used before to defeat the leader."

"Stop making these pitiful attacks. It will only make you run dry of spiritual energy faster." He tried to provoke the pride of this elemental master. He thought that if he managed to get inside his mind and make him angry, then he could use that opportunity to launch a powerful counterattack and restrain this old-man.

But little did Subahu know that the late leader of the Elite Guards Unit had the same thought as him, but while trying to execute it, he lost his own cool and got brutally crushed by this old-man.

"Younglings nowadays aren't as wittier as we used to be back in our days. This is so much disappointing."

"My heart wails in deep sorrow after watching you all behave like this. Did no one ever tell you that you should never undermine an attack unleashed by an Elemental Master?" The old-man had a disappointing look plastered on his countenance as he looked towards the puzzled guard.